11. Eieaa Iiaa. 2:4.
12. Luther// Table Talk. Number 1687.? Oeoaoa ec eieae: Frantz Funck-Brentano. Luther. ?. 246.
13. Bergson Henri L. The Two Sources of Morality and Rcliginn (New York: Henry Holt & Company, 1935).
14. Pascal. Penseen.
15. Kempis Thomas a. 0/ the Imitation of Christ (New York: Macrnillan Company, 1937). Chap. III.
16. Pascal. Op. cit.
17. Heiden Konrad. Der Fuehrer (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1944). ?. 758.
18. Pascal. Op. cit.
19. History of the Communist Party (Moscow, 1945). ?. 355. Oe-
oaoa ec eieae: John Fischer. Why They Behave Like Russians (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1947). ?. 236.
20. Oeoaoa ec eieae: Emile Cailliet. The Clue to Pascal (Toronto: Macrnillan Company, 1944).
21. Oeoaoa ec eieae: Michael Demiashkevich. The National Mind (New York, American Book Company, 1938). ?. 353.
22. CM. i?eia?u a ?acaaea 14.
23. Dostoyevsky Fedor . The Idiot. Part IV. Chap. 7.
24. Renan Ernest . Op. cit. Vol. V. ?. 159.
25. Ettlinger Harold. The Axis on the Air (Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merill Company, 1943). ?. 39.
26. Homer. Iliad.
27. Tocqueville Alexis de. Recollections (New York: Man-millan Company, 1896). ?. 62.
1. Heine Heinrich. Religion and Philosophy in. Germany (London: Trubner & Company, 1882). ?. 89.
2. Rauschning Hermann. Hitler Speaks (New York: G. P. Putnam?s Sons, 1940). ?. 234.
3. Voigt Fritz August. Unto Caesar (New York: G. P. Putnam?s Sons, 1938). ?. 301.
4. Hitler Adolph. Mein Kampf. ?. 118.
5. Oeoaoa ec eieae: Hermann Rauschning. ?. 234.
6. Ibid. P. 235.
7. Ni. ?acaae 100.
8. Brinton Grane. The Anatomy of Revolution (New York: W. W.
Norton & Company, Inc., 1938). ?. 62.
9. Ibid. P. 10.
11. ?i Aon, oaeaaa noa?o? ?aiueio, oaueaoo? ioaieo oai?in-
oa, ?oiau a?ineou aa a einoa?, ia eioi?ii aai n?eaaee, nea-
cae: ?I sancta simplicitas!? ? I, nayoay i?inoioa! (Oeoaoa ec eieae: Ernest Renan. The Apostles. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1898. ?. 43).
12. Pascal. Pensees.
13. Rauschning Herman. Hitler Speaks. ?. 235.
14. Hitler Adolph. Op. cit. ?. 351.
15. Pascal. Op. cit.
16. Luther// Table Talk. Number 2387 a-b. Oeoaoa ec eieae: Frantz Funck-Brentano. Luther. ?. 319.
17. Ni. ?acaae 60.
18. Aaaiaaeea io Iaooay 5.
19. Dostoyevsky Fedor . The Possessed. Part II. Chap. 6.
20. Hitler Adolph. Op. cit. ?. 171.
21. Renan Ernest. History of the People of Israel. Vol. I. ?. 130.
22. Ci. ?acaaeu 96 e 98.
23. Eoaeuyineee ieieno? i?inaauaiey a 1926 a. (Oeoaoa ec eie-
ae: Julien Benda, The Treason of the Intellectuals (New York: William Morrow Company, 1928). ?. 39).
24. Ni. ?acaae 33 aey eiie o?aeoiaee yoie oaiu.