25. Machiavelli Niccolo. The Prince. Chap. VI.

26. The Goebbels Diaries (Garden City: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1948). ?. 460.

27. Ibid. P. 298.

28. Guglieimo Ferrero. Principles of Power (New York, G. P.

Putnam?s Sons, 1942). ?. 100.

29. Renan Ernest. The Poetry of the Celtic Races (London: W.

Scott, Ltd., 1896), Essay on Islamism. ?. 97.

30. Latourette Kenneth Scott. A History of the Expansion of Christianity (New York: Harper &. Brothers, 1937). Vol. 1.



?. 164.

31. Latourette Kenneth Scott. The Unquenchable Light (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1941). ?. 33.

32. Haines Charles Reginald. Islam 08 a Missionary Religion (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1889).

?. 206.

33. Oeoaoa ec eieae: Frantz Funck-Brentano. Op. cit. ?. 260.

34. Guglieimo Ferrero, The Gamble (Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1939). ?. 297.

35. Brinton Crane. A Decade of Revolution (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1934). ?. 168.

36. ?Dominic?// Encyclopedia Britannica.

37. Hitler Adolph. Op. cit. ?. 171.

38. Ibid. P. 171.

39. Ni. ?acaae 45.

40. Burckhardt Jacob. Force and Freedom. ?. 129.

41. Bacon Francis. Of Vicissitude of Things// Bacon?s Essays, Everyman?s Library edition (New York: E. P. Button & Company, 1932). ?. 171.

42. Morley John. Notes on Politics and History (New York: Macrnillan Company, 1914). ?. 69?70.

43. Balabanoff Angelica. My Life as a Rebel (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1938). ?. 156.

44. Price Frank Wilson. Sun Yat-sen// Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.

45. Iaia Eaa XIII. Yioeeeeea. Sapientiae Christianae. Niaeanii E?oa?o, ?iaiineooaiea yaeyaony aieuoei a?aoii, ?ai oaee-

noai, i?ae?aiaayiea, ai?ianoai e ia?anoiinou ...? (Oeoaoa ec eieae: Jerome Frank, Fate and Freedom. New York: Simon

& Schuster, Inc., 1945. ?. 28).

46. Ni. ?acaaeu 78 e 80.

47. Eieaa Auoey 11:4.

48. Raushning Hermann. The Revolution of Nihilism (Chicago: Alliance Book Corporation, 1939). ?. 48.

49. Ibid. P. 40.

50. Renan Ernest. Antichrist (Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1897).

?. 381.

51. Montaigne. Essays// Modern Library edition (New York: Random House, 1946). ?. 374.

52. Iieiaie iaoeno ia?auaaony e E. A. P. Oaeee iacaaieai ai 196


aoi?ie ie?iaie aieiu. ( A. R. Wylie The Quest of Our Lives/

/Reader?s Digest, May, 1948. ?. 2.).

?anou ?aoaa?oay


1. Ni. i?eia?u a ?acaaea 106.

2. Catlin G. E. G. The Story of the Political Philosophers (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1939). ?. 633.

3. Oeoaoa ec eieae: Alexis de Tocqueville. Recollections (New York: Macrnillan Company, 1896). ?. 331.

4. Multatuli. Max Havelaar (New York: Alfred Knopf, Inc., 1927), Introduction by D. H. Lawrence.

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