whole man in all of the Forbidden City.

But what if the summons were real? What if Bo Tao needed her? It didn't seem likely, but the fear in her heart burned like truth.

'No,' she rasped, though the word hurt like a knife. 'No, I cannot be beaten again.' She rolled back onto her side and clutched her knees tight to her chest. It was the only way she could keep herself from changing her mind.

'He will be very angry!'

'Then he will beat me again tomorrow. Not tonight.'

She waited in tense silence, wondering if the eunuch would bodily drag her from her bed. She half prayed that he would. But after a hundred heartbeats, she heard him sigh and shuffle away. That left Ji Yue to spend the rest of the night in anxious fear. Who had sent the eunuch? Could it truly have been Bo Tao? What would he think? And if it wasn't Bo Tao, then who was testing her?

The questions didn't ease until dawn began to lighten the sky. By then her mind was so exhausted that it sputtered into silent fantasies. As she watched the dawn lightening the sky, she pretended Bo Tao lay beside her, tucking her safely in his arms. She imagined the heat of his body, the brush of his breath in her hair and his organ thick and hard inside her. What would she have to give up to have that for real? she wondered. What could she do to make her fantasies come true?

Nothing, she decided. Nothing could make them come true no matter how much she prayed.

Chapter 15

BO TAO WAS IN TROUBLE. Everybody knew he had spent the afternoon with Ji Yue. And everybody was speculating on whether he'd beaten her or had sex with her. He'd tried to hide away from their speculation. He wasn't at all sure he could fake the angry contempt that would lead a man to beat a woman. Better to hide in his office and work on the things he should have been doing that afternoon.

He succeeded for a time. But when his best friend the emperor sauntered into the room around midnight, Bo Tao knew he was in trouble. If anyone could catch him in a lie, it would be Yi Zhen.

'I am not pleased with you,' said the emperor.

This was bad. Yi Zhen was clearly in a mood to toy with him. Bo Tao's best bet was to play for time. So he took a very long moment to finish his last calculation, make his notation, then set aside his abacus with a sigh. The final touch? He rubbed his eyes. Only then did he look at his emperor. 'What? And by the way, your eunuchs are robbing you blind.'


Bo Tao cringed internally. The eunuchs were usually the best way to distract Yi Zhen. He and Bo Tao had spent many long hours debating tradition versus cruelty. At the moment, the centuries-old castration practice remained, but Yi Zhen was thinking about making some very bold changes. Unfortunately, that was not on his mind today.

'I am very displeased with you,' the emperor repeated.

Bo Tao kept his face as blank as possible. 'Why?'

Yi Zhen stepped fully into the room, but he didn't sit. 'Did you sleep with her?'

Bo Tao's eyes never wavered. 'No.' He'd never confess how close he came to taking her, though. Or how many times.

'You didn't beat her. You don't even beat eunuchs.'

Bo Tao considered lying, but he knew he'd never get away with it. Instead, he let his gaze slide to the slivers of broken ivory in the corner. He'd smashed the ugly statue within seconds of her departure this afternoon.

'I humiliated her,' he said with absolute truth.

'You can kill a Dutch envoy without blinking, but one virgin makes you smash a carving of an Immortal.'

Bo Tao frowned. 'I thought it was a badly done penis.'

'Hmm.' The silence stretched on until Bo Tao was nearly screaming. Then Yi Zhen abruptly folded his arms across his chest and thrust out his chin. 'I could have you killed for playing with one of my virgins.'

'You could have me killed for pissing in a pot. You're the Son of Heaven.'

'She's my virgin.'

'I know that.'

'You're supposed to be figuring out which one would be best as an empress.'

'She qualifies.'

Yi Zhen was quiet again as he stared across the desk at his friend. The man still hadn't sat down, but towered above like the near-god he was supposed to be. 'She spurned you, didn't she?'

Bo Tao clenched his jaw, the truth hovering on his tongue. No, he could say. No, she wants me as much as I want her. Then maybe his best friend would relent. Maybe Yi Zhen would give up one of his precious virgins to his childhood companion. Or maybe he would kill them both. With Yi Zhen, he never knew.

'I wanted to force her.'

'You've never raped before.'

Bo Tao shrugged. He was doing a lot of things he'd never done before.

'I could give her to you,' Yi Zhen said.

Bo Tao's head snapped up, and his eyes narrowed almost to slits. What game was his friend playing?

'Would you like that?' Yi Zhen pressed.


Yi Zhen smiled, and for a brief moment, Bo Tao allowed himself to hope. For one wonderful, amazing moment. And then his hope was crushed.

'I could, but then we would never know.'

Bo Tao's hands tightened into fists on the desk. He didn't bother to hide them. 'Know what, Emperor Xian Feng?' He pushed to his feet, fury radiating out of him. 'What do you want to know? How else may I serve the Dragon Throne? Do you want my blood? My spirit? What more do you want from me?'

Yi Zhen's smile grew cold. He liked that he had pushed Bo Tao to a show of temper. 'I want to know if she would rather have me or you.'

Fury boiled through Bo Tao. He slammed his fists onto the desk and leaned forward. 'She is not a toy in a child's game! Marry her, fuck her, sire a whole damned nation out of her!' he screamed. 'But do not play games like this with her. She deserves better!'

Yi Zhen raised his eyebrows, obviously enjoying Bo Tao's fit of temper. It was the same damn game they'd played as boys. No matter what Bo Tao did, whether he was faster, smarter or even crueler than his friend, Yi Zhen always had the upper hand. Yi Zhen was the emperor's son, and Bo Tao was not. In the end, all was given to Yi Zhen. Always.

And now the emperor relaxed. His smile remained as cold as ever, but now he dropped onto the couch. It was the very couch that Ji Yue had laid her clothing upon, the very couch where she had sprawled naked. And now it was the emperor there, sitting with a triumphant look in his eyes.

Bo Tao groaned, his spirit squirming in torment. 'Yi Zhen, what do you want from me?'

'If she is a virgin on our wedding night, then you will get whatever appointment you desire. Name your position. Name your salary.'

Bo Tao nearly sobbed. 'How many times have you promised me that?'

The emperor shrugged. 'This time it is true. I have written it down.' He tossed a sealed scroll onto Bo Tao's desk. 'Whatever you want, you shall have it at whatever salary you require. But only if she is a virgin on our wedding night.'

Bo Tao's mouth went dry. His hands shook as he opened the scroll and saw his friend did not lie. 'You intend to make her your empress?'

'Is she the best?'

He had to nod. It was the truth.

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