There were too ___ people.

6. Most of the town is modern. There are ___ old buildings.

7. The weather has been very dry recently. We have had ___ rain.

8. Do you mind if I ask you ___ questions?

9. ‘Would you like milk in your coffee?’ ‘Yes, please. ___.’

10. This is a very boring place to live. There’s ___ to do.

11. Things are not going so well for her. She has ___ problems.

12. This town is not a very interesting place to visit, so ___ tourists come here.

13. Would you like ___ cake?

14. Would you like ___ apples?

15. There are lots of boys in our class, but very ___ girls.

16. Don’t eat too ___ sweets before lunch!

17. Eating too ___ fat is bad for your health.

18. I can’t do much I’m afraid. I have so ___ time.

19. Don’t buy any more cheese. We have ___ left.

20. How ___ cups of coffee do you drink a day?

11.2. SUCH or SO

Test 3. Fill in so, such or such a(an) .

1. Helena has ___ good sense of humour.

2. She has ___ busy life that she always forgets my birthday.

3. You shouldn’t let ___ small child watch TV ___ much.

4. The weather is ___ nice today. Shall we go for a walk?

5. ‘Has he passed the exam?’ ‘Yes, I think ___.’

6. John is ___ interesting to talk to.

7. They said ___ nasty things about you.

8. Science is changing ___ rapidly.

9. I want to do ___ many different things.

10. He dressed ___ quickly that he put his boots on the wrong feet.

11. She got ___ shock that she dropped the bag.

12. I was ___ excited that I didn’t know it was him.

13. It all sounded ___ crazy that I laughed out loud.

14. They worked ___ quickly that there was no time for talking.

15. ‘Will you be home at 6?’ ‘I hope ___.’

16. The house was ___ untidy. I’ve never seen ___ mess.

17. I haven’t seen her for ___ long.

18. I haven’t seen her for ___ long time.

19. Why did you buy ___ much food?

20. Why did you buy ___ book?

Test 4. Fill in so, such or such a(an).

1. He’s difficult to understand because he speaks ___ quickly.

2. I like Tom and Ann. They’re ___ nice people.

3. It was a great holiday. We had ___ good time.

4. I was surprised that he looked ___ well after his recent illness.

5. Everything is ___ expensive these days, isn’t it?

6. I have to go. I didn’t realise it was ___ late.

7. He always looks good. He wears ___ nice clothes.

8. It was ___ boring film that I fell asleep while I was watching it.

9. I couldn’t believe the news. It was ___ shock.

10. They’ve got ___ much money, they don’t know what to do with it.

11. I didn’t realise you lived ___ long way from the city centre.

12. The food at the hotel was ___ awful. I’ve never eaten ___ awful food.

13. The weather is lovely, isn’t it? I didn’t expect it to be ___ nice day.

14. I think she works too hard. She looks ___ tired all the time.

15. I can’t decide what to do. It’s ___ problem.

16. It’s ___ hot here! Can’t we open a window?

17. She’s got ___ lovely hair!

18. We ate ___ delicious food.

19. There were ___ few people there.

20. We had to pay ___ high price for coffee in London.

11.3. DO or MAKE

Test 5. Complete the following sentences with an appropriate form of do or make .

1. Her job has something to ___ with marketing.

2. Girls ___ up half of the students in the school.

3. You’ll have to ___ without your dinner if you don’t get back in time.

4. She sits in front of the mirror for ages ___ herself up.

5. The government have decided to ___ away with the old tax law.

6. When the bell rang, the students ___ for the door.

7. Let’s ___ the store room into an extra kitchen, shall we?

8. Speak louder – I can’t ___ out what you’re saying.

9. ___ up your coat – it’s cold.

10. I was ___ out of ten pounds in the shop this morning.

11. They mugged the old lady and ___ off with her handbag.

12. If you ___ your best to explain the problem, I’m sure she’ll understand.

13. What did the robbers ___ off with?

14. It’s about time you ___ some exercise – you’re getting a bit overweight.

15. I don’t know what to ___ of Christina’s odd behaviour just lately.

16. I could have ___ it with more help.

17. I don’t believe him – he’s ___ it up!

18. How many times a week do you ___ the shopping?

19. You must ___ a decision now.

20. To ___ a fortune you have to ___ a lot of hard work.

Test 6. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of do or make .

1. I ___ an appointment to see the optician.

2. After he ___ his homework, he found he ___ a mistake.

3. This drug can ___ miracles for people with back problems.

4. They ___ a lot of changes in the town centre recently.

5. You ___ the right thing by telling the police.

6. He ___ an archaeological discovery.

7. After being ill for two weeks, he is now ___ an excellent recovery.

8. She ___ a lot of research in the field of medicine.

9. I ___ an arrangement to meet him at the cinema yesterday.

10. It is important that you ___ exercise in order to keep fit.

11. All that smoking ___ you harm.

12. He ___ an excuse and left the office in a hurry.

13. I always tried ___ my best, but she was never satisfied.

14. He ___ some research into ancient religions at the moment.

15. If you don’t ___ an effort, you won’t any progress.

16. If you pay in cash, we can ___ you a small discount.

17. Please let me know if you have any criticism to ___.

18. Tying a knot in my handkerchief ___ me remember what I have to do.

19. Your explanation simply doesn’t ___ sense.

20. I wonder if you could ___ me a small favour.

Test 7. Fill the gaps in the following text with one suitable word.

Overdoing It

‘OK, you can ___ (1) your shirt up now,’ said Doctor Hymes. He had just given me a thorough check-up and was ___ (2) detailed notes on a big sheet of paper.

‘What do you ___ (3) of it all, doctor?’ I asked anxiously.

‘Well, the first thing is that you could ___ (4) with a good rest. You’ve been overdoing it a bit, haven’t you?’ I admitted. I had been ___ (5) a lot of overtime recently. I had taken a lot on and had ___ (6) a bit of a mess of it all and was suffering from stress. He agreed that that probably had a lot to ___ (7) with it. I had also ___ (8) the mistake of starting to smoke again; in fact my diet was now largely made ___ (9) of coffee and cigarettes. The doctor then reminded me that coffee did a lot of ___ (10) to our nervous system and of course cigarettes ___ (11) a lot of damage to the whole system. He said I should try and ___ (12) without coffee for a few days and make a serious ___ (13) to cut out smoking altogether.

‘And make ___ (14) you have a proper meal every day,’ he warned. His last piece of advice was that I should find time to ___ (15) some jogging every day. I promised him I’d do my best.


Test 8. Say or tell ? Choose the correct variant.

1. George couldn’t help me. He (said/told) me to ask Kate.

2. Kate (said/told) she had many pets at home.

3. Ann (said/told) goodbye to me and left.

4. Sam (said/told) me that Robert didn’t like porridge.

5. I asked him to (say/tell) the truth.

6. Don’t just stand there! (Say/Tell) something!

7. I (said/told) Jim not to shout.

8. Mother (said/told) her son to go to the dentist.

9. (Say/Tell) us about your holiday, please. Did you have a nice time?

10. My cousin (said/told) he could ski well.

11. She (said/told) us her knowledge of French was good.

12. I wonder where Sue is. She (said/told) she would be here at 8 o’clock.

13. Jack (said/told) me that he was fed up with his job.

14. The doctor (said/told) that I should rest for at least a week.

15. Don’t (say/tell) anybody what I (said/told). It’s a secret just between us.

16. ‘Did she (say/tell) you what had happened?’ ‘No, she didn’t (say/tell) anything to me.’

17. Please listen to me! I’ve got something important to (say/tell) you.

18. Fred (said/told) me that you were ill.

19. What did you (say/tell) the police?

20. He (said/told) he had just heard the news.

Test 9. Fill in a suitable form of a verb from the list: say, tell, speak, talk . You can use some verbs more than once.

1. Tom ___ ‘This is great!’

2. She ___ that she might be late.

3. He ___ us the answer.

4. I’m going to ___ something to the neighbours about the noise.

5. She ___ us about her travels around North.

6. ___ us about Africa.

7. I’m going to ___ something about my trip to Africa.

8. The clock ___ it’s five past ten.

9. The newspaper ___ there’s been a hijacking.

10. People ___ he’s a bit crasy.

11. ___ me what you need.

12. It’s impossible to ___ the twins apart.

13. ___ we do this, what would happen?

14. Have you ___ anything to in your defense?

15. She ___ them that she might be late.

16. The policeman ___ me to go with him.

17. I ___ you the reason why I was out late.

18. I’ve never ___ a lie in my whole life.

19. Let’s ___ about the problem.

20. She often ___ about her days as a student.

21. The lecturer is going to ___ about the modern art.

22. Let’s just ___ he doesn’t always ___ the truth.

23. The label ___ it was

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