have to be killed for food, then it should be done as (humanly/humanely) as possible.

20. Did you have (an opportunity/possibility) to visit the Louvre when you were in Paris?

Test 17. Choose the correct word in each of the following sentences.

1. There is a very good (Technological/Technical) College not far from where I live.

2. Did you know that Peter had arranged the party (specially/especially) for you?

3. I couldn’t care less one way or the other. I’m completely (uninterested/disinterested).

4. I hear that Manchester United beat Liverpool two – (nil/nought) in the last Cup match.

5. There is a very strong (possibility/opportunity) that man will land on the planet Mars.

6. South Wales was once a flourishing coal-mining area, but today there are hundreds of (misused/disused) coal mines scattered throughout the valleys.

7. My uncle has just got a divorce, which is very strange since he is a marriage guidance (councillor/counsellor).

8. I’m afraid the boot is full. There is no (room/space) for any more suitcases.

9. It’s much too hot. Let’s go and sit in the (shadow/ shade) for a while.

10. I’ll see you next week – (eventually/possibly) on Friday.

11. The tennis match was held up for ten minutes when the (umpire/referee) fainted.

12. Any idea what the present Government’s (politics/policy) is on defence?

13. They climbed up the steep stone (stairs/steps) leading to the old church.

14. I hope he has got a good (solicitor/barrister) to represent him in court.

15. What did you think of the (critic/write-up) we got in the paper this morning?

16. His (financial/economic) worries were solved when he suddenly won $25,000.

17. During the war, Vera Lynn’s songs contributed greatly to the (morals/morale) of the troops.

18. My flat is just around the corner from my office, which is (convenient/comfortable) for me.

19. The house I have just bought is close to shops, schools and other local (amenities/facilities).

20. Do you think the new tax changes will (affect/effect) you very much?


Test 1. Add a prefix to the verb and put it in a proper tense. appoint

Attempts to communicate in a foreign language can easily misfire.

My friend is always ___ (1) by his attempts to speak French. understand

Once a waiter in Paris ___ (2) what he wanted and instead of

beetroots brought him potatoes. He ___ (3) potatoes but when like

he asked a waiter to ___ (4) them with beetroots the waiter smiled, place

and ___ (5) with a plate of aubergines. The waiter also ___ (6)  turn

my friend attitude towards everyone he meets and when my take

friend complained that they had ___ (7) the meat, Paul (that was his cook

name if my friend isn’t ___ (8)) grinned. To cap it all my friend take

___ (9) the bill and accused the waiter of ___ (10) him. It was just my read

friend’s awful French again! charge

Test 2. Add a correct prefix to the following adjectives. 1. dependent; 2. polite; 3. logical; 4. historic; 5. Atlantic; 6. moral; 7. national; 8. relevant; 9. regular; 10. direct

Test 3. Add a prefix de-, ex-, multi-, semi-, sub– to the following words. You can use each of them more than once. 1. final; 2. partner; 3. standard; 4. national; 5. section; 6. ethnic; 7. zero; 8. regulate; 9. wife; 10. code

Test 4. Complete the chart with the correct noun. Words in bold will help you.

Test 5. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines to form nouns.

It is no exaggeration to say that the world has become а global

village. Modern methods of ___ (1) have made the world much communicate

smaller and the problems we face such as ___ (2) are not restricted pollute

to one country. The ___ (3) of the rainforests in Brazil is destroy

everyone’s problem and the ___ (4) which is common in starve

many African countries is а challenge for Europe too.

The ___ (5) of rare species is а tragedy for the planet as а extinct

whole and the ___ (6) of oil supplies will shake the ___ (7)  exhaust

of the world’s economy. The ___ (8) of the environment found

is the responsibility of all nations, rich and poor. protect

However, uncontrolled economic ___ (9) between strong compete

and weak nations leads to the ___ (10) of greater inequality create

between the rich and poor nations of the world.

Test 6. Fill in the spaces in the following sentences with the suitable adjectives formed from given words.

1. It is a very ___ road. danger

2. It was so ___ that she couldn’t see anything. fog

3. Everyone knows this actress. She is very ___.  attract

4. This case is very ___.  comfort

5. He is a ___ politician. fame

6. Great Britain is an ___ country. industry

7. She plays the guitar and she is very ___.  music

8. Her mother is very ___. She economy

always tries to save money.

9. The shop is in the ___ part of the city. centre

10. The people were very ___ and knowledge

answered all her questions.

Test 7. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable negative prefix of the words given at the end of the lines.

The British government has decided to take the ___ (1) decision

to ban smoking in a lot of public places. Though a popular

lot of people find smoking ___ (2), and though experts please

all agree it is ___ (3) and that it costs the state a lot health

to treat victims of smoking, it is also ___ (4) that many people deny

get pleasure from the habit and find smoking resist

___ (5) when they are in company. However, it is now ___ (6) to possible

deny the antisocial nature of the habit. As advertising

has proved ___ (7) with many smokers, the government effect

has now made smoking ___ (8) in most public places. legal

Smokers who are ___ (9) to stop smoking may feel the ability

new measures are unjust, but for the passive smokers for

whom a room full of smoke is ___ (10) they will come as bear

a breath of fresh air.

Test 8. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines.

Speaking English Well

I have a Dutch friend who speaks English ___ (1). I have always beauty

wondered how the Dutch manage to learn languages

so ___ (2). The Dutch, like the Germans, often success

speak English ___ (3) than some native-speakers or well

at least they seem to speak the language more ___ (4) than correct

some English people. Wilfred says that if you

want to speak English ___ (5) with a reasonable fluency

accent, you should listen to tapes as ___ (6) as frequency

possible. If you can afford ___ (7) to go to an occasion

English speaking country, you should go but you should

also study the rules of English ___ (8), especially if care

you want to speak ___ (9). Wilfred also feels accuracy

very ___ (10) that there are no magic solutions strength

but that you simply have to work at the new language.

Test 9. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines.

Memorial Day in the USA

Honoring the dead has been a practice of many ___ (1).  civil

The ancient Druids, Greeks, and Romans ___ (2)  decoration

the graves of their loved ones with flowers.

In the United States, the ___ (3) have been death

honored on Memorial Day since the time of the Civil

War. In 1967 a ___ (4) of President Johnson proclaim

and a ___ (5) congressional resolution officially join

recognized Waterloo as ‘the birthplace of Memorial

Day’. And the Memorial Day is ___ (6) on observation

the last Monday of May. Each year the President of

the US issues a special Memorial Day ___ (7) which proclaim

includes a call for ___ (8) to observe the city

occasion as a day of prayer for ___ (9).  peaceful

Memorial Day observances are by no means ___ (10)  limit

to the big ___ (11) cemeteries. In towns and cities,

across the land, veterans’ groups, civic ___ (12),  nation

family groups, and individuals decorate graves organize

with flowers or with small American flags. In many

communities there are parades. Parade ___ (13) include participate

veterans and armed forces and a lot of other

people. Memorial Day has also ___ (14)

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