marked tradition

the ___ (15) of summer. begin

Test 10. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines.

This ___ (1) was built in the 1920s and became showcase for ___ (2).  neighbour, architecture

Each architect had one plot on which to ___ (3) one house. In spite of this, builder

the area has a ___ (4) unified style. Look, for example, at these wonderful

houses on our left. At that time very few people lived in their owner

___ (5) apartments; those flats had no ___ (6) water, bathrooms and other run , convenient

___ (7). And here was a ___ (8) building project which attempted mass

both to show the ___ (9) styles in which apartments could be difference

built, and to improve ___ (10) conditions. live

Test 11. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines.

Life used to be ___ (1) for teenag ers. They used to have money to funny

spend, and ___ (2) time to spend it in. They used to wear ___ (3)  freedom

clothes, and meet in coffee bars and discos. Some of them still teenager

do. But for many young people, life is harder now. Jobs are ___ (4) to find. difficulty

There’s not so much money around. Teachers say that students work ___ (5)  hard

than they used to. They are ___ (6) interested in politics, little

and more interested in ___ (7) exams. They know that good exams pass

may get them ___ (8) jobs. Most young people worry more about good

money than their parents did twenty years ago. They try to spend little

___ (9) and save ___ (10). They want to be able to get many

homes of their own one day. Three quarters of ___ (11) young  Britain

people do more or less what their parents did. They did their ___ (12)  good

at school, find some kind of work in the end, and get married in

their early ___ (13). They get on well with their parents and twenty

enjoy their ___ (14). They eat fish and chips, watch football on live

TV, go the pub and like ___ (15). After all, if they didn’t, they read

wouldn’t be British, would they?

Test 12. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines.

As your children move towards ___ (1) it is ___ (2) to make depend

sure that they understand what decent values are. To importance

prevent children from becoming ___ (3) and ___ (4) you should spoil

not indulge them too much. To make sure that they grow up greed

well– ___ (5) they should be taught to be ___ (6) from an manner

early age. Children should be scolded for bad ___ (7),  politeness

which will be an effective way of helping ___ (8) to distinguish behave

right from wrong. You need to reward your ___ (9) when they they

do things well to give them a sense of ___ (10) but you must child

be careful not to overdo it or they may become ___ (11).  proud

You should try to make your children ___ (12) and respectful conceit

of other peoples beliefs by exposing them to ___ (13)  tolerate

races and cultures. Parents should try to place great difference

___ (14) on setting a good example to their children, important

because children’s behaviour is often an ___ (15) of that imitate

of their parents.

Test 13. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines.

The ___ (1) of children starts as soon as they are born. Boys are educate

allowed to make more ___ (2), to play with guns and cause more noisy

trouble. Such education prepares boys for ___ (3) in the world powerful

but for little else. But all boys are ___ (4). Some boys are differen

good at ___ (5) and poetry whereas others are good at football cook

or maths. Boys aren’t just ___ (6) and rebels, ‘machos’ and conform

‘wimps’. If we can ___ (7) them that all these types are okay, assurance

it may help to reduce the ___ (8) of those boys who are the least macho. bully

Test 14. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines.

The ___ (1) of fingerprints reached Britain in 1901 and systematize

proved ___ (2). In 1930, Scotland Yard set up its first use

___ (3) system to enable officers to compare fingerprints found on classify

the scene of the crime with those of ___ (4) known to the crime

police. Fingerprint technology has advanced ___ (5) since then. great

Different types of powder are used to ___ (6) the impression of the strength

fingerprint before it is taken. Another ___ (7)  revolutionary

has been in the way that fingerprints are identified. Today, the

first ___ (8) is done by the computer, which then produces searching

a ___ (9) of possible matches. The final ___ (10) however is select

done by police experts. identify

Test 15. Fill in the spaces in the following text using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines.

In the past, any mother would be ___ (1) if her children were pride

round and slightly fat. Those days are gone. ___ (2) have now research

reached the ___ (3) that too much fat and sugar in children’s conclude

diets are a major factor in the ___ (4) of heart diseases and develop

other ___ (5) when they are older. However, growing children need ill

to eat a wide range of foods, and their general health could be

___ (6) by cutting out particular ones. Psychologists say that the danger

___ (7) is not to change eating habits too fast, but to do it ___ (8),  solve

so that children do not lose muscle in addition to fat. Parents should care

present food a little ___ (9), spread butter thinly and avoid difference

putting sugar on the table. Children should also be ___ (10) to courage

take part in sports: this way they will be using the calories

that they have eaten.

Test 16. Fill in the spaces in the following sentences using a suitable form of the words given at the end of the lines.

1. What can we do to reduce the ___ of the atmosphere? pollute

2. The change in the climate has produced ___ floods. disaster

3. Many rare species are threatened with ___.  extinct

4. Many of the gases produced by factories are ___ to our health. harm

5. Exhaust fumes have ___ effects on the environment. damage

6. Many countries must try and control the growth of the ___.  populate

7. Protecting the environment is essential to our ___.  survive

8. The protection of the environment is everyone’s ___.  responsible

9. While some countries get richer, the ___ in others get worse. poor

10. Millions of people in the world are threatened with ___.  starve


Test 1

1. Read the text and put the words at the end of each line into the correct form.

The Bald Eagle

In 1782, soon after the United States won its independence, the bald

eagle ___ (1) as the national bird of the new country. American choose

leaders wanted the eagle to be а symbol of ___ (2) country because it they

is one of the ___ (3) birds. Today the bald eagle strong

almost ___ (4) from the country. In 1972 there ___ (5) only 3,000 disappear be

bald eagles in the entire United States. The reason for the

bird’s ___ (6) population was pollution of rivers by pesticides. Pesticides decrease

poison the fish. Eagles eat these fish and then the eggs eagles

lay have very thin shells and ___ (7). Today, the American government not hatch

and the American people ___ (8) to protect the bald eagle. The try

number of bald eagles slowly ___ (9). The American increase

national bird ___ (10), and remains а symbol of strength and courage. survive

2. Read the text. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

Our ___ (1) in New York was spectacular. Its skyscrapers and the

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