
14. a) let b) set c) put d) cut

15. a) benefit b) favour c) gain d) profit

Test 6

1. Read the text and put the words at the end of each line into the correct form.

A Practical Joke Mr and Mrs Parker were having a quiet day at home. Their

18-year-old daughter was away in Wales ___ (1) with a friend. Suddenly stay

the phone ___ (2). A hoarse voice told Mr Parker that his daughter ring

___ (3) and that he had to pay a ransom of $2,000. He was also warned that kidnap

if he ___ (4), he would never see his daughter again. The voice then not pay

gave him instructions about where and when to hand over the money. one

Mr Parker took the ___ (5) train to Wales. He went to the hotel and gave

the briefcase with the money to a woman in a scarf and a raincoat. At 11 p.m.

the same evening, to his great relief, his daughter came back home. She happy

looked ___ (6) than ever and could hardly stop herself from ___ (7)  laugh

when she handed him his briefcase with $2,000. It turned out that she decide

and her friend ___ (8) to play a practical joke. The joke ___ (9) but, work

strangely enough, Mr and Mrs Parker ___ (10) it as much as their not enjoy

daughter did!

2. Read the text. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

How to Learn Vocabulary Students are under enormous pressure to learn

huge amounts of vocabulary but they are rarely given ___ (1) as to how to guide

go about it. They have a ___ (2) to try and learn long lists by tend

heart, but this is hardly the most ___ (3) approach to the problem. efficiency

The golden rule is to do lots of ___ (4) at regular intervals. Secondly, revise

students should concentrate on words with the highest ___ (5), particularly frequent

everyday words which also improve the students’ spoken ___ (6).  fluent

They should also take every opportunity to use the words in communication –

there is considerable ___ (7) evidence that learners who like psychology

using the foreign language improve their oral ___ (8) and their perform

overall ___ (9) of the language much more rapidly than acquire

students who are ___ (10) to practise the language in real situations. reluctance

3. Choose the most suitable word for each space. Keeping fit and staying healthy have become а growing industry. ___ (1) apart from the amount of money spent each year on doctors’ ___ (2) and approved medical treatment, huge sums are now spent on health foods and ___ (3) of various kinds, from vitamin pills to mineral water, not to mention health clubs and keep-fit ___ (4) and videos. We are more concerned than ever, it seems, ___ (5) the water we drink and the air we breathe, and are smoking less, though not yet drinking less alcohol. This does not appear to mean that ___ (6) and sneezes have been banished, or that we can all expect to live to а hundred. To give а personal example, one of my friends, who is а keep-fit ___ (7), а non-smoker and teetotaller, and who is very ___ (8) about what he eats, is at present languishing in bed with а wrist in ___ (9) and а badly sprained ankle. Part of his healthy ___ (10) is to play squash every day after work, and that ___ (11) for the ankle. He also cycles everywhere, and if you have ever tried to cycle through the rushhour traffic with а sprained ankle, you will understand ___ (12) he acquired the broken wrist. For _____ (13), it seems, is not just а matter of а good ___ (14) and plenty of exercise. Too much exercise can be harmful, as many joggers have discovered. Eating the right food can easily become an obsession, as can overworking, which you might have to do so as to be able to afford your ___ (15) of the squash club, your mountain bike, your health food, and а few holidays in peaceful and healthy places.

1. a) Poles b) Far с) Quite d) So

2. a) prescriptions b) surgeries c) hospitals d) payments

3. a) medications b) cures c) drugs d) remedies

4. a) books b) television c) advice d) enthusiasts

5. a) than b) about c) for d) hence

6. a) colds b) coughs c) flu d) fevers

7. a) fanatic b) follower c) fad d) person

8. a) interested b) varied c) detailed d) particular

9. a) crutches b) plaster c) treatment d) danger

10. a) living b) lifetime c) lifestyle d) liveliness

11. a) is b) caters c) depends d) accounts

12. a) how b) that c) whenever d) thus

13. a) fit b) this c) health d) all

14. a) diet b) eating c) menu d) recipe

15. a) share b) visit c) membership d) subscription

Test 7

1. Read the text and put the words at the end of each line into the correct form.

What Can Computers Do?

Computers and microchips _____ (1) part of our everyday lives: we become

read magazines which _____ (2) on computer, we buy things with the produce

help of computers, we pay bills _____ (3) by computers. Just _____ (4)  prepare

а phone number involves the use of а sophisticated computer system. dial

In the past, life without computers was much _____ (5) than it is today. difficult

The _____ (6) computers were able to multiply long numbers, but they one

_____ (7) do anything else. Nobody _____ (8) stories about robots not can

and space travel, but now computers are able to do almost all difficult jobs. believe

What makes your computer such а miraculous device? It is а calculating machine speed

that _____ (9) up financial calculations. It is а personal communicator

that _____ (10) you to interact with other computers and with people around enable

the world. And you can even use your PC to relax with computer games.

2. Read the text. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

A Challenge for Europe

Although recently there has been a small _____ (1) in the number of people out reduce

of work in Europe, _____ (2) is still the number one _____ (3)  employ, society

problem facing the 15 member states of the European Union. Moreover,

_____ (4) of opportunity between men and women is still an issue that equal

_____ (5) in many countries have not come to grips with. In _____ (6)  political, professional

such as law and engineering women are still noticeable by their

absence. _____ (7) still discriminate against women in a number of employ

ways even if their _____ (8) are the same as those of men. It would qualify

be a pity if the _____ (9) of the EU on an economic level were marred achieve

by _____ (10) in the vital area of social policy. fail

3. Choose the most suitable word for each space. Trees are amongst the biggest and longest-living things on Earth, some dating back longer than the oldest buildings. But _____ (1) being nice to look at, trees also _____ (2) an important role in improving the quality of our lives. On a world-wide _____ (3), forests help to slow down the effects of global warming by using up the gas _____ (4) as carbon dioxide and giving _____ (5) the oxygen we need to breathe. At local neighbourhood level, trees also _____ (6) important environmental benefits. They offer shade and shelter, which in _____ (7) reduces the amount of energy needed to heat and cool _____ (8) buildings; at the same time, they also remove other impurities from the air we breathe. Urban trees are especially important because for many people they provide the only daily _____ (9) with the natural world. What’s _____ (10), urban trees also provide a home for birds, small animals and butterflies. _____ (11) the trees we would lose the pleasure of seeing these creatures in our cities. Regrettably, _____ (12), trees in cities are now coming under _____ (13). There is a limit to the level of pollution they can _____ (14) and, down at street level, their roots are being seriously _____ (15) by the digging needed to make way for modern telephone, television and other cables.

1. a) as far as b) as long as c) as soon as d) as well as

2. a) play b) show c) act d) serve

3. a) scale b) size c) range d) area

4. a) called b) known c) titled d) referred

5. a) in b) away c) up d) out

6. a) bring b) make c) take d) find

7. a) turn b) place c) order d) reach

8. a) opposite b) close c) next d) nearby

9. a) junction b) touch c) contact d) taste

10. a) more b) else c) most d) other

11. a) Throughout b) Beyond c) Without d) Outside

12. a) therefore b) whilst c) however d) despite

13. a) risk b) threat c) danger d) warning

14. a) stand in for b) face up to c) put up with d) fall back on

15. a) concerned b) disturbed c) interfered d) involved

Test 8

1. Read the text and put the words at the end of each line into the correct form.

Street Styles

Many people, especially young people, wear things which express their ideas

and feelings about life. If a boy _____ (1) very short, almost shaven hair, have

people expect him _____ (2) right wing politics. But boys with very have

long hair _____ (3) to have left wing politics. A boy who wears a leather think

jacket _____ (4) in bits of metal will probably ride a motorbike. The cover

rules of fashion are not as rigid as they once _____ (5) and today’s be

teenagers _____ (6) any particular trend at all. But teens are very not follow

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