associated with the _____ (13) of those who are traditionally supposed to enjoy it. Or it may simply be that recording companies have discovered that there is an insatiable _____ (14) for ‘sounds’, and that classical music is beginning to sound exciting to а generation _____ (15) on rock but now settling into affluent middle- age.

1. a) halls b) tunes c) musicians d) artists

2. a) rock b) modern c) underground d) classical

3. a) with b) between с) by d) of

4. a) mass b) live с) recorded d) the

5. a) founded b) lived с) developed d) suggested

6. a) supporters b) self с) fans d) own

7. a) other b) the с) some d) further

8. a) promotion b) discovery с) tendency d) survival

9. a) as b) however с) event d) design

10. a) service b) grace с) protest d) science

11. a) depend b) identity с) suppose d) be

12. a) lost b) admired с) penetrated d) achieved

13. a) number b) dislike с) lifestyle d) meaning

14. a) desire b) sale с) interest d) outlet

15. a) raised b) carrying с) dependent d) listening

Test 13

1. Read the text and put the words at the end of each line into the correct form.

The stars of American journalism can build up reputations which make

them _____ (1) known than most members of the Cabinet. Although good

each one _____ (2) for а single big city newspaper, their articles work

may _____ (3) in hundreds of local papers across the nation. reproduce

To be successful it _____ (4) always necessary to be а graduate in not be

journalism. In 1955 the Chicago Sun Times _____ (5) an untrained engage

housewife from Iowa Esther Lederer to take over the give

‘Anne Landers’ column, _____ (6) comforting answers to all _____ (7)  query

on personal problems. Thirty years later her ‘Anne Landers’ column

_____ (8) by eighty million people. Meanwhile, her twin-sister read

_____ (9) an almost identical column, ‘Dear Abby’. By 1987 these amazing have

twins, then aged 67, _____ (10) yet. not retire

2. Read the text. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

А magazine _____ (1) asked people what they thought the most recent

useful _____ (2) of the last century was. It is а very _____ (3)  invent, interest

question, since technology has _____ (4) our lives today. Lots of transform

people said cars, but I _____ (5). Although cars have made life easier agree

in some ways, I believe they have serious _____ (6). The worst advantage

thing about cars is that they are so _____ (7). They also cause noise

а lot of _____ (8). Other people said TV. Of course, _____ (9) will pollute, entertain

never be the same again and it can be _____ (10) to watch TV after relax

а long day. And what’s your opinion?

3. Choose the most suitable word for each space. Thirteen-year-olds do not spend as much money as their parents suspect – at least not _____ (1) the findings of a _____ (2) survey, Money and Change. The survey _____ (3) three hundred teenagers, 13–17 years old, from _____ (4). By the time they _____ (5) their teens, most children see their weekly allowance rise dramatically to an amazing national average of $8. Two thirds think they get _____ (6) money, but most expect to have to do something to get it. Although they have more cash, worry about debt is _____ (7) among teenagers. Therefore, the _____ (8) of children _____ (9) an effort to save for the future. Greater access to cash _____ (10) teenagers does not, however, mean that they are more irresponsible _____ (11) a result. The economic recession seems to have encouraged _____ (12) attitudes to money, even in case of children at these ages. Instead of wasting what pocket _____ (13) they have on sweets or magazines, the 13-year-olds who took _____ (14) in the survey seem to _____ (15) to the situation by saving more than half of their cash.

b) based on c) relying on d) according to

1. a) counting on 2. a) late b) recent c) latest d) fresh

3. a) included b) contained c) counted d) enclosed

4. a) entire b) all over c) complete d) the whole

5. a) reach b) get c) make d) arrive

6. a) acceptable b) adequate c) satisfactory d) enough

7. a) gaining b) heightening c) increasing d) building

8. a) most b) maximum c) many d) majority

9. a) make b) do c) have d) try

10. a) among b) through c) between d) along

11. a) like b) as c) for d) in

d) cautious 12. a) aware b) knowing c) helpful

13. a) cash b) money c) change d) savings

14. a) part b) place c) share d) piece

15. a) reply b) answer c) respond d) return

Test 14

1. Read the text and put the words at the end of each line into the correct form.

The United States has strong political and military ties to governments in

all areas of the world. America’s alliances _____ (1) by its formidable back

military and nuclear forces. Over 2 million _____ (2) are members of the man

armed forces. About one _____ (3) of the United four

States military personnel serve over seas. Most of its overseas

forces _____ (4) in Western Europe under provisions of the NATO. This concentrate

military alliance _____ (5) the defense of member nations. guarantee

Since 1949, when the alliance _____ (6), the United States create

_____ (7) as Western Europe’s military leader. America’s political act

and military strength _____ (8) by its powerful economy. Although it is neither generate

the world’s _____ (9) nor _____ (10) nation, its economic output large

is twice Russia’s, three times Japan’s, and six times Germany’s. populous

2. Read the text. Use the word given at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line.

Thanks to the Internet, we are now living in a _____ (1) village. globe

We have more _____ (2) about other countries than ever before. inform

We know as much about the _____ (3) in the US as in Russia. _____ (4)  situate, pollute

which is produced in one country will affect other countries, too.

For example, nuclear power is not _____ (5) only for one country danger

but is an _____ (6) problem. If we do not take action soon, nation

the _____ (7) of a nuclear disaster is very real. We should all possible

_____ (8) our rubbish – not hope ‘green’ people will do it for us. cycle

Some people think _____ (9) resources will go on forever, but they won’t. nature

We all have an _____ (10) to protect the environment. oblige

3. Choose the most suitable word for each space. The three blank spaces _____ (1) the wall of the Frankfurt Schirn Gallery are probably more photographed than the old paintings which _____ (2) there until last Thursday. That was the day when thieves _____ (3) two paintings by JMW Turner, which were _____ (4) loan from London’s Tate Gallery. In fact, as theft increases, empty walls are _____ (5) an increasingly familiar _____ (6) in Europe’s galleries. The thieves are usually _____ (7) of professional gangs who study the layout of their target in _____ (8) beforehand. They are becoming better at overcoming the tightest security. The thieves of Frankfurt waited _____ (9) the gallery closed at 10 pm, overpowered the security guard before he could _____ (10) on the alarm system and _____ (11) with the paintings to a waiting car. The pictures are _____ (12) at $65 million and, since they are _____ (13) famous to sell, police suspect that the thieves will hold them to ransom. A $100,000 reward is being _____ (14) for information. Unfortunately European Union policy has made it easier for thieves to _____ (15) borders and harder for police to follow them. To discourage thieves, galleries may have to turn themselves into high security fortresses.

1. a) in b) over c) on d) along

2. a) hung b) stayed c) held d) fixed

3. a) robbed b) stole c) burgled d) borrowed

4. a) for b) at c) in d) on

5. a) getting b) becoming c) having d) growing

6. a) sight b) scene c) site d) look

7. a) guest b) members c) partners d) owners

8. a) fact b) addition c) detail d) general

9. a) for b) while c) before d) until

10. a) turn b) go c) rely d) set

11. a) escaped b) parted c) got d) hid

12. a) measured b) charged c) valued d) appreciated

13. a) too b) enough c) very d) quite

14. a) stated b) offered c) held d) taken

15. a) swap b) alter c) change d) cross

Test 15

1. Read the text and put the words at the end of each line into the correct form.

The White House In Washington, D.C., 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is а

very special address. It is the address of the White House, the home of

the president of the United States. President Washington never _____ (1) in live

the Presidential Palace. The _____ (2) president to live there was John one

Adams, the _____ (3) president of the United States, but his wife Mrs Adams two

really _____ (4) her new house because it was not warm enough! not like

In 1812 the United States and Britain _____ (5) to war. Many buildings go

_____ (6), including the Presidential Palace. After the war James burn

Hoban, the original architect, partially _____ (7) the president’s home. rebuild

To cover the marks of the fire, the building _____ (8) white.

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