won’t/shan’t stay; 16. didn’t go, wouldn’t be; 17. were/was, would apologize; 18. had, would know; 19. feel, won’t/shan’t go; 20. would be, had

Test 3 . 1. weren’t; 2. had had; 3. would buy; 4. had been; 5. hadn’t taken; 6. would take; 7. had run; 8. didn’t have; 9. would you do; 10. hadn’t felt; 11. would have said; 12. hadn’t taken; 13. wouldn’t come; 14. gave; 15. wouldn’t have missed; 16. had asked; 17. knew; 18. would have helped; 19. were/was invited; 20. had passed

Test 4. 1. had, would go; 2. had known, would have gone; 3. had missed, would have been; 4. knew, would help; 5. would have forgotten, had not reminded; 6. had had, would have sent; 7. knew, would phone; 8. would have enjoyed, had been; 9. would have been, had walked; 10. were/ was tired, would go; 11. had been, would have eaten; 12. would have got, hadn’t had; 13. would have lost, had sold; 14. were, could fly; 15. had asked, would certainly have told; 16. had been ill, wouldn’t have played; 17. were/was, wouldn’t have; 18. hadn’t contacted, wouldn’t have caught; 19. wouldn’t feel, didn’t smoke; 20. had called, would have told

Test 5. 1. passes; 2. will happen; 3. didn’t rain; 4. wouldn’t have; 5. were/was; 6. won’t/shan’t be; 7. hadn’t been; 8. wouldn’t break; 9. hadn’t helped; 10. doesn’t bring; 11. isn’t; 12. wouldn’t have done; 13. would be; 14. had had; 15. comes; 16. don’t hurry; 17. weren’t/wasn’t; 18. didn’t love, wouldn’t have married; 19. would you do, would run; 20. am not

Test 6. 1. hadn’t borrowed; 2. hadn’t caught; 3. wouldn’t have used; 4. would have won; 5. don’t put up; 6. changed; 7. would tell; 8. will wake up; 9. had asked; 10. feel; 11. hadn’t threatened; 12. wouldn’t trust; 13. will be able; 14. will punish; 15. had intended; 16. overhears; 17. were/was; 18. hadn’t been; 19. is; 20. spent

Test 7. 1. had; 2. had been; 3. were/was; 4. would stop; 5. hadn’t gone; 6. would come; 7. were/was; 8. had had; 9. would go/could go; 10. had kept; 11. weren’t/wasn’t; 12. hadn’t lost; 13. would improve; 14. hadn’t eaten; 15. would stop; 16. hadn’t said; 17. weren’t; 18. had taken; 19. were/was; 20. would answer

Test 8. 1. would have already brought; 2. gets; 3. knew; 4. were/was; 5. is; 6. had known; 7. were/was; 8. had gone; 9. won’t/shan’t put; 10. would have done; 11. hadn’t missed; 12. didn’t have; 13. snows; 14. were/ was, would be; 15. would meet; 16. would not know; 17. had been, would have played; 18. doesn’t go; 19. had; 20. had been

Test 9. 1. had seen; 2. lived; 3. will/shall go, doesn’t change; 4. would have taken; 5. would meet; 6. would read; 7. were/was; 8. rains; 9. were/ was not; 10. won’t be; 11. had not missed; 12. had met, would have told; 13. hadn’t given; 14. were/was; 15. had worked; 16. is; 17. were/was not; 18. lived; 19. rings; 20. would not have missed

Test 10. 1. would have been; 2. had gone; 3. would have happened; 4. had walked; 5. wouldn’t have been; 6. had not been; 7. would not be; 8. would probably live; 9. Would I ever have found; 10. hadn’t met; 11. had decided; 12. would/could not have done; 13. had not met; 14. were not; 15. would not be

Test 11. 1. would do; 2. told; 3. had; 4. would spend; 5. being; 6. to do; 7. will tell; 8. don’t/won’t just carry; 9. have/will have; 10. were; 11. goes; 12. will have; 13. to relax; 14. would do; 15. is

Complex Object

Test 1. 1. —; 2. to; 3. —; 4. to; 5. —, —; 6. —; 7. to; 8. to; 9. —; 10. —; 11. to; 12. to; 13. —, —; 14. —; 15. to; 16. to; 17. to; 18 —; 19. to; 20. —

Test 2. 1. go; 2. singing; 3. touch; 4. come; 5. reading; 6. happen; 7. crying; 8. cycling; 9. digging; 10. call; 11. burning; 12. lying; 13. run, open, climb; 14. explode; 15. crawling; 16. slam; 17. walking; 18. walk, take; 19. sleeping; 20. raining

Test 3. 1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a; 6. c; 7. b; 8. a; 9. a; 10. a; 11. c; 12. a; 13. b; 14. b; 15. b; 16. a; 17. a; 18 c; 19. c; 20. a

Test 4. 1. screeching; 2. shouting; 3. standing; 4. approach; 5. kneel; 6. to phone; 7. using; 8. running; 9. pushing; 10. to be; 11. screaming; 12. stop; 13. get out; 14. run; 15. run

Test 5. 1. I want you to read this book. 2. I saw Nick come. 3. I saw George walking along the street. 4. Would you like me to tell you this story? 5. The dog made the cat climb up the tree. 6. We didn’t expect you to do so much. 7. He doesn’t like children to laugh. 8. Did you notice him put the letter on the table? 9. Mother wants me to be a teacher. 10. Dad, let Tom join us. 11. He knew her to be a famous singer. 12. Have you ever heard her sing/singing? 13. Do you want me to give you my dictionary? 14. I wouldn’t like you to wait for me. 15. We watched the students dancing. 16. I hate you to ask silly questions. 17. The teacher made her rewrite the exercise. 18. She didn’t hear me come into the room. 19. Granny doesn’t like the children to play with the dog. 20. I felt someone watching me.


Test 1. 1. stealing; 2. smoking; 3. to go; 4. making; 5. buying; 6. to answer; 7. speaking; 8. putting; 9. meeting, to see; 10. to pay; 11. to steal; 12. working, going; 13. to join; 14. to see; 15. writing, waiting; 16. asking, telling, to buy; 17. to see; 18. to help; 19. going; 20. to drive

Test 2. 1. meeting; 2. to meet; 3. to close; 4. closing; 5. to lock, going; 6. to bring; 7. going; 8. to forget, worrying; 9. knocking; 10. to put; 11. asking; 12. to concentrate; 13. to go; 14. cleaning; 15. to ask, to leave; 16. cutting, to do; 17. to buy; 18. asking; 19. eating; 20. to get

Test 3. 1. decorating; 2. working; 3. to arrive; 4. seeing; 5. to finish; 6. using; 7. starting; 8. to move; 9. being; 10. to answer; 11. raining; 12. to help; 13. to save; 14. to stay up; 15. driving; 16. to post; 17. taking; 18. talking, asking; 19. doing; 20. to water

Test 4. 1. a; 2. b; 3. a; 4. c; 5. a; 6. c; 7. a; 8. b; 9. a, b; 10. c; 11. a; 12. b; 13. b/d; 14. a; 15. c; 16. b; 17. a; 18 d; 19. b; 20. b

Test 5. 1. coming; 2. seeing; 3. examining; 4. visiting; 5. having stolen; 6. to explain, to listen; 7. to iron, ironing; 8. raining; 9. to book, to keep; 10. being helped/having been helped; 11. to say; 12. discussing; 13. having forgotten; 14. working; 15. to do; 16. seeing; 17. to be, laughing; 18. to see; 19. being spoken; 20 shutting

Test 6. 1. going; 2. to have found/to find; 3. to reach; 4. being invited; 5. to paint, painting; 6. arguing, working; 7. to lock; 8. doing, doing; 9. to shut; 10. having robbed; 11. putting; 12. writing; 13. to do; 14. smiling; 15. not to buy; 16. being examined; 17. going; 18. breaking; 19. paying; 20. saying

Test 7. 1. to find; 2. looking after; 3. to pay; 4. overdrawing; 5. redecorating; 6. to buy; 7. to save; 8. earning; 9. to visit; 10. going; 11. working; 12. to stay; 13. being able to; 14. leaving; 15. to miss

Test 8. 1. exciting; 2. disappointed; 3. annoyed; 4. fascinating; 5. tiring; 6. disappointing; 7. annoying; 8. depressed; 9. relaxing; 10. excited; 11. boring; 12. surprising; 13. shocked; 14. amused; 15. exciting; 16. bored; 17. astonishing; 18. amusing; 19. shocking; 20. terrifying, worried

Test 9. 1. b; 2. c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. b; 7. b; 8. a; 9. c; 10. b; 11. a; 12. b; 13. b; 14. c; 15. b; 16. a; 17. b; 18 b; 19. c; 20. b.

Test 10. 1. walking, destroyed; 2. exciting, excited; 3. sitting/having sat; 4. having found; 5. frightened, frightening; 6. being; 7. burnt; 8. looking out; 9. surrounded; 10. surrounding; 11. translated; 12. selling; 13. having sold; 14. entering; 15. having arrived; 16. playing; 17. lost; 18. not wishing; 19. spoken; 20. speaking

Test 11. 1. excited, watching; 2. worried, worrying; 3. looking; 4. having had; 5. frightening, frightened; 6. feeling; 7. invited; 8. hearing; 9. washing; 10. washed; 11. approved; 12. doing; 13. having done; 14. coming; 15. having seen; 16. crossing; 17. written; 18. not knowing; 19. taken; 20. taking

Test 12. 1. haunted; 2. made; 3. built; 4. broken; 5. staring; 6. followed; 7. looking; 8. prepared; 9. begun; 10. having; 11. talking; 12. knowing; 13. making; 14. hiding; 15. waiting; 16. coming; 17. carrying; 18. getting; 19. wearing; 20. holding

Test 13. 1. b; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. c; 6. a; 7. b; 8. b; 9. c; 10. c; 11. c; 12. a; 13. b; 14. a; 15. b; 16. c; 17. b; 18. b; 19. c; 20. c

Test 14. 1. a; 2. c; 3. a; 4. c; 5. c; 6. c; 7. a; 8. a; 9. b; 10. c; 11. c; 12. a; 13. c; 14. a; 15. b; 16. b; 17. c; 18. c; 19. c; 20. a

Test 15. 1. stand for; 2. eating; 3. to cheer; 4. to satisfy; 5. complaining/to complain; 6. to realise; 7. to honour; 8. lighting; 9. giving; 10. saving; 11. exchanging; 12. to eat; 13. to have spent; 14. having; 15. overeating

Test 16. 1. to give up; 2. sell; 3. to do; 4. working; 5. to retire; 6. waste; 7. digging; 8. gossiping; 9. live; 10. to enjoy; 11. buying/to buy; 12. touring/tour; 13. to buy; 14. sailing; 15. walking

Modal Verbs

Test 1. 1. should/ought to; 2. must; 3. may/can/could; 4. needn’t; 5. mustn’t/can’t; 6. mustn’t/shouldn’t; 7. can’t; 8. has; 9. mustn’t/can’t; 10. needn’t; 11. may; 12. may; 13. may; 14. shall; 15. should; 16. may; 17. should; 18. shall; 19. mustn’t/shouldn’t; 20. may

Test 2. 1. a; 2. b; 3. b; 4. a; 5. c; 6. a; 7. c; 8. b; 9. c; 10. a; 11. b; 12. c; 13. a; 14. c; 15. a; 16. c; 17. b; 18. a; 19. b; 20. c

Test 3. 1. should; 2. should; 3. Do you have to; 4. should; 5. had to; 6. should; 7. have to; 8. has to; 9. should; 10. have to; 11. has to; 12. had to; 13. should; 14. don’t have to; 15. should; 16. should; 17. doesn’t have to; 18. had to; 19. have to; 20. should

Test 4. 1. mustn’t; 2. can; 3. had to; 4. don’t have to; 5. should; 6. must; 7. needn’t; 8. could; 9. had to; 10. couldn’t; 11. must; 12. might; 13. May; 14. doesn’t have to; 15. can’t; 16. ought to; 17. were able to; 18. couldn’t; 19. must; 20. could

Test 5. 1. can; 2. should; 3. can; 4. should; 5. can; 6. ought; 7. should; 8. have; 9. should; 10. need

Test 6 (The following are possible answers. Other variants are often possible.) 1. He must have already been learning this poem for an hour. 2. You should have forgotten about it long ago. 3. The bus was to arrive 5 minutes ago. 4. He can’t be busy now. 5. He may/might be able to help you. 6. You needn’t come tomorrow./You don’t have to come tomorrow. 7.

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