Page numbers in
ABC, 219, 436, 438
Academy Awards, 244, 248
Adams, Ansel, 105, 277, 330
Adams, Scott, 523
Adobe, 241, 247, 381, 518
Apple and, 514–16
Adobe Director, 363
Adobe Flash, 380, 514–15, 517
Adobe Illustrator, 242
Adobe Photoshop, 380
Adobe Premiere, 380
A4 (microchip), 492–93, 496
Agnelli, Susanna, 126
Aguilera, Christina, 418
Agus, David, 550
Airborne Express, 359
Air Force, U.S., 23
AirPort (base station), 466
Akers, John, 219, 231, 569
Akon (performer), 479
Alcorn, Al, xiii, 42–43, 45, 52, 54, 67, 72, 74, 195
Ali, Muhammad, 307
Alinsangan, Susan, 391
Allchin, Jim, 403
Allen, Gary, 376
Allen, Paul, 59, 61
Allen, Tim, 432
Allen, Woody, 429
All One Farm (commune), 39, 50, 53, 59, 63, 103
All Things Digital conference, 463
“All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace” (Brautigan), 57
Alps Electronics Co., 146–47
Altair (personal computer), 59, 173
Alto (computer), 95
Amazon, 410, 531, 533
Kindle of, 503, 534
SJ on, 503–4
Amelio, Gil, xiii, 296–97, 327, 332, 335, 336, 341
Apple-NeXT deal and, 299–303
Macworld gaffe of, 307–8, 339
media and, 311–12
Newton crisis and, 309, 338
ouster of, 305–15, 324, 326
ship parable of, 310
SJ’s first meeting with, 297–98, 304, 316–17
American Express, 410
Ames, Roger, 398–99, 401, 402
Ames Research Center, 8–9
Anderson, Fred, 313, 316, 317, 332, 349, 459
backdated stock options controversy and, 450–51
Angelou, Maya, 330
“Annie” skunkworks project, 94, 109
Ansen, David, 290
“Antennagate,” 519–23
AOL, 502
AOL Time Warner, 394–95, 398, 407
Appel, Richard,
Apple Computer Co., 54, 90, 132, 207, 239, 295, 306–7, 308, 317–22, 394–95, 409, 512
Adobe and, 514–16
Apple Corps lawsuits against, 419–20, 523–24
applications controlled by, 516–17
art-technology connection and, 526–27
badge controversy in, 83
Blue Box and creation of, 27–30
business plan of, 76–77
collaborative culture of, 362–63
Cook Doctrine and, 488
Cook’s role in, 360–61
design mantra of, 127
design philosophy of, 344–45
design studio of, 345–47
desktop concept and, 98–99
desktop publishing and, 295–96
incorporation of, 77–78
Intel chips adopted by, 446–48
IPO of, 102–4
logo of, xviii, 68–69, 79–80
Macintosh deal and, 324–25
Microsoft out-competed by, 562–63
motto of, 69
name of, 63
NeXT and, 213–15, 217–18, 221–22, 298–300, 305–6
original partnership of, 63–66, 73
origins of, 61–63
product review process of, 336–39
products of, 565–66
retreats of, 142–45, 147, 154–55, 175, 398–99
Sculley’s reorganization of, 205–7