Fiore, Mark, 516
FireWire, 380–81, 390, 393
Fisher, George M. C., 333, 482, 550
Fitzgerald, Ella, 153, 189
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 189
flat-screen technology, 196
Flight of the Conchords, 424
Fogarty, Thomas, 268
Fogerty, John, 411
Ford, Henry, 566, 567
Ford Motors, 102
Forstall, Scott, xiv, 460, 494, 533, 558
Fortran (computer language), 24
Fortt, Jon, 496–97
Foster, Norman, 535
Fox News Channel, 507, 508
Fox Studios, 507
Fraker, Susan, 236
France, 185, 344
Franklin, Aretha, 413
Franklin, Benjamin, xvii, xix
Freed, James, 180
Free Speech Movement, 57, 61
French, Gordon, 59–60, 70
Friedland, Robert, xiv, 37–40, 42, 45, 46, 50–51, 86, 89, 106, 460
Friedman, Tom, 516
frogdesign, 133, 193–94, 218, 221–22
Frost, Robert, 329
Fuller, Buckminster, 58
Gabriel, Peter, 307
Gage, Kevin, 395
Galvin, Chris, 447
Gandhi, Mohandas, 119, 330, 332
Gap, 321, 370–71
GarageBand, 380, 415, 526
Garcia, Jerry, 106
Gassee, Jean-Louis, xiv, 185, 196, 200, 201, 205, 207, 212, 294, 297–98, 299, 300–301
Gates, Bill, xiv, 10, 59, 61–62, 135, 159–60,
on Apple-Google dispute, 513–14
Apple-NeXT buyout reaction of, 302–3
background and personality of, 171–72
GUI debate and, 177–79
iMac criticized by, 355–56
iPad criticized by, 495
iTunes Store reaction of, 404
Gates, Bill (
Macworld conference and, 325–26
NeXT computer and, 229–30, 236–37
SJ contrasted with, 171–73
SJ on, 568
SJ’s business relationship with, 173–76
SJ’s personal relationship with, 172–73, 175, 463–64
SJ’s sickbed visit with, 553–54
at SJ’s 30th birthday party, 188–89
worldview of, 230
Gates, Jennifer, 554
Gates, Melinda, 467, 554
Gateway Computers, 371, 374, 376, 379
Gawker (website), 353, 479
Geffen, David, 292, 427
Genentech, 321, 371, 453, 545
General Magic, 385
General Motors, 227
“Get On Your Boots” (song), 424
Getty, Ann, 228
Getty, Gordon, 228
Giacometti, Alberto, 151
Gibbons, Fred, 159
Gillmore, Dan, 311
“Girl from Ipanema, The” (song), 189
Giugiaro, Giorgetto, 342
Gizmodo (website), 495, 518, 520
Glaser, Rob, 409
Glavin, Bill, 195
Gnutella, 394
Gold, Stanley, 434
Goldberg, Adele, 96–97, 229–30
“Goldberg Variations” (Bach), 413–14
Goldblum, Jeff, 307
“Gold Lion” (song), 500
Goldman Sachs, 270
Goldstein, David, 374
Goodell, Jeff, 397
Google, 47, 136, 275, 321, 496, 502, 518, 531, 533, 534, 545, 552, 561, 563, 568
Android system of, 496, 511–14, 516, 528, 534, 563
Gore, Al, 321, 450, 481, 518, 532, 558
“gorilla glass,” 471–72
Gould, Glenn, 413–14
Graham, Katharine, 165, 231
Graham, Martha, 330