She curved one hand over his back as she sat on the floor next to him, and with the other hand began stroking his cock in earnest. The moist organ felt strange to her touch at first, but as Meat started humping violently she didn't have much time to reflect on how it felt. She could tell the dog needed relief and needed it in a hurry, so she jacked him off as rapidly as she could, for her mother always taught her to finish whatever she started.
Almost at once the thin, watery gism that is a dog's come, started shooting all over the rug, and Jan had a momentary thought that the stains might be hard to explain, but then she said to hell with it. If her mother wanted to know about come stains on the rug, she'd have to find out how they got there for herself.
She continued jacking Meat off, and she was surprised at the volume of come that the dog shot, and also at the almost continuous orgasm he experienced. Even though he kept coming and coming, his cock didn't get soft and wilt, like man's would.
«Good dog,» Jan whispered. «I wish I could find a man who could fuck like you. The bastards I've fucked always come in a hurry and get soft, and that's a hell of a thing if I haven't had enough.»
She continued stroking Meat's cock for long minutes more, her pussy beginning to flow with the copious juices of her lust. The longer she jacked Meat off, the more frantic his humping became, until finally she could stand the strain no longer and slipped her skilful finger between her legs and found her tight, hot clitty. A flick and then another was all it took, and her fiery body stiffened, then throbbed through an exciting, spasming come. All the while she was coming, she continued her hand job of Meat's meat, and the dog continued humping the air and shooting his thin, sticky gism over the rug. Jan watched it spurting from the end of Meat's cock with absolute fascination.
Finally, with a sigh of spent passion, Jan collapsed on the floor and released the dog's cock. She lay there for several moment, eyes shut, savouring the delicious pleasure of her finger fuck. Not that finger-fucking was her favourite activity now that she had learned to fuck and suck, but the violent excitement engendered by playing with Meat's cock had made it entirely too exciting to be resisted. She opened her eyes and looked lovingly at the dog. A deep surge of affection on swept through her.
«Damn, Meat,» she whispered, though to a human male snugged beside her after a rousing, genuine fuck. «You really gave it to me good, even though you didn't realise you did.» She scratched his head, noting as she did that his cock had returned within its sheath.
Meat's long tongue hung out and he was panting from the exertion of the longest fuck in his bitch-fucking career, for usually the bitches he sank his meat into took a shot or two then bucked him off. But this one had gone on long enough to drain his balls dry, and for the first time, Meat had had enough fucking satisfy him. But dogs come back for more action faster than men do, which proved a good thing for darling Jan.
Jan reached for the dog's dong again, but Meat inched back away from her grasp, for his cock was too tender to touch right then, and he sensed rather than knew that the human female wanted to try and hand-fuck him some more. He'd be game, but later. Let his cock cool off for a few minutes, at least! He reacted just like a human male, in the clutches of a horny fuckstress.
«All right, baby,» Jan said tenderly «I understand. I couldn't really take another screw right now myself. Let's go have something to eat.»
She padded into the kitchen, her cute, buttocks swaying excitingly, had there been someone there to see. She opened Meat a can of dog food and was gratified to see him wolf it down in a gulp or two. She fixed herself another sandwich and the day looked less gloomy as she ate, staring out the window onto the street with deep concentration.
«I can tell,» she said to no one in particular that this is going to be one hell of a day if I have to call it quits here.» She turned to look at Meat, who was watching her with eager eyes. His ears perked up as she spoke to him. «How about it, Meat? Want something else to eat?»
He seemed to answer in the affirmative, so she opened another can of dog food and gave it to him. Again he gulped it down and looked up for more.
«Tough, Meat old meat,» she said. «That's all the dog food there is, until Mother goes to the store.»
She turned around and walked into the living room, wondering now if a dildo would help the rotten mood threatening to spoil her day. She decided to try the newest in her mother's collection … one she'd used for the first time when Santa Cruz Shirley and Irish Deirdre had come over for a three-way suck and fuck party last Friday. It was a delightful little thing called a Porterfuck, a dildo with a pulsating plastic ring that fitted around and massaged her clitty while at the same time throwing plastic meat to her with a vengeance. It was a unique dildo in a lot of ways, and Jan had really grooved on the feelings it produced in her body while Irish Deirdre manipulated it for her.
Jan got the device from her mother's beside table, where the old woman's entire collection of dildoes rested and stretched out on the couch in order to go the route. She fitted the plastic ring around her clitty and slipped the dildo proper up inside her cunt. Then, taking the tube that operated the whole thing, she began squeezing the air bulb rhythmically, and as she did, the cock inside her alternately grew larger then smaller, and the plastic ring around her clitty squeezed and released. The pleasure was almost more than she could stand, so when she felt that her come was imminent, Jan stopped fucking herself for a moment.
It was then that she noticed that Meat sitting on the floor, watching her intently, his ears erect.
And his cock was hard!
The thought of being watched by a dirty old man of a dog gave her an added thrill, and Jan could no longer hold back on the fuck-business at hand. She began squeezing the air bulb frantically, at the same time rubbing her cunny with her free hand. She came again and again, never letting up on the pressure with her hand or with the air bulb. Finally the Big Come was there, and she squeezed her legs together tightly and doubled up from the force of the sensations that filled her. Spasm after spasm roiled through her as her climax sent wave after wave of weakening delight from the pit of her stomach washing throughout her being.
«Oooh …» she wailed. «God! Fuck! Fuck me, sweet Jesus, fuck the shit out of me, and make me come like the Virgin Mary when she was fucked the Holy Ghost!
With a cry she threw herself from the couch onto the floor, her come within her like a thousand tormenting demons, driving her to greater and yet greater levels of fuck-sensation. Finally she lay still, the spasms of her come receding down the dreary and naked shingles of the world.
Meat growled a low, throaty growl and sank his head to the floor as she slowly disentangled herself from the fuck instrument that had given her such pleasure. She dropped the device to the floor beside the couch, breathing heavily in her effort to recover from her second Big Come. It had been a driving come, a fierce series of spasms that stole the very essence of her being, sucking forth her soul so she could see where it flies.
She drifted off to sleep momentarily, her exhaustion was so great. Then she became aware of a sound she couldn't identify, and though she tried to resist waking up, there was something so insistent about noise that it demanded an explanation. She didn't want wake up because she really was exhausted, and sleep was so pleasant. But she had to learn the source of the sounds.
And when she opened her eyes, she was astounded!
Meat was eagerly licking her pussy juices from the dildo!
Jan watched, fascinated, for long moments before she even dared to move. She didn't want to startle the dog or stop him from enjoying his feast. Also, she was fascinated by the length of his cock, which seemed even longer than it had been when she jacked him off. And she wanted cock. She wanted cock now more than before, and she knew her day would continue to be miserable if she didn't find a way to get some. Her body craved the sliding sensation of cock within her pussy, with a body attached to the other end to mash excitingly against her clitty on each down-stroke.
In spite of her earlier resolution not to call the fancy-fucking Davis or any other people at Ma Kidder's Bar and Infamous Sex Palace, she went to the phone and dialed the number. Weird Stanley answered, told her briefly that Davis, Robbie Lester, Tim Bessemer, Benny O'Boyle and the broads who had fucked with her during the last couple of days had all gone to Lake Berryessa for the weekend. He offered to come to see her when he was through working, but since no one else was about, he had to pull a double shift that day and so wouldn't be through until three a.m. She couldn't wait that long to get fucked, and she wouldn't have waited for Weird Stanley if he had been the only cock in town capable of fucking her. It was too weird, he was too weird to satisfy her. His cock was tiny, his come tasted weird and he smelled bad.