figures. There was a shot of Meyer and Joe Colombo coming out of a Miami nightclub; shots of Meyer and Sam Giancana. They watched the ever-changing parade of Mafia princes and then, toward the end of the second tape, Cole jabbed the Pause button. The shot showed Meyer getting out of a taxicab with Joseph Alo. Lucinda saw her father as he was twenty-six years ago, and then, as they ran the tape farther, Mickey Alo got out of the cab. The camera zoomed in; Joseph could be seen talking. After a minute, the shot turned off and the monitoring federal agent held a slate in front of the lens that said: 'July 5, 1970, Fontainebleau parking lot.' That was the only film in which Mickey Alo appeared. But C. Wallace Litman made a surprise appearance in a shot taken in Las Vegas. An elevator camera in the Frontier Hotel photographed him talking briefly to Joseph Alo. They finished viewing the tapes, turned off the TV, and moved to the four seats that faced one another in the back of the cabin.

'Strategy session,' Cole said. 'We got Meyer and C. Wallace Litman planning to use UBC to put a guy in the White House, saying Joe Alo is the quarterback. We got Meyer and Joseph Alo on film. And we got Joseph and Litman together in the Frontier elevator. We don't have anything to tie Haze Richards to Mickey Alo.'

'I overheard a telephone conversation between A. J. and Mickey talking about Bahamian funding for the Richards campaign,' Ryan said.

They sat in silence for a moment. They weren't sure it was enough.

'If the federal government had Meyer Lansky on tape talking about gaining the presidency by using a TV network, why wouldn't they have done anything about it back then?' Lucinda asked.

'Bunch a' reasons,' Cole said. 'In '71, network TV wasn't the huge political factor it is today. In '60, we had just begun to find out how powerful TV was when Nixon lost the presidency to Kennedy over a television debate. Second. . these mob guys are always plotting ways to get back at the Justice Department. Most of it is just hot air. And third. . you gotta remember these were illegal wiretaps. The government couldn't use them even if they wanted to. They might have wondered back then what he was talking about. The plan had a twenty-year timetable. That's too long for any fed I ever met. Kaz was the exception. They're looking for quick busts. As time passed and nothing happened, this stuff disappeared into a file and nobody gave a shit anymore; it was forgotten.'

Ryan nodded. 'Let's say we've got enough proof here. How do we use it? If we put it in the wrong hands, it could get buried or discredited. We've already seen how dangerous Mickey is and how far he's willing to go to get this done.'

'We need to give that a lot of thought,' Cole said, studiously. But he already knew what he wanted to do. 'We don't have many options and I don't want to turn loose control of the story till it's in the right hands.'

Naomi knew exactly what Cole meant. They'd have to choose the outlet carefully. What they had was only the tip of the iceberg, but it was enough to attract official interest. Once the Justice Department started going through Litman's financial records, with special attention to Mary Carver Paints, she knew, it would all come out. But in the wrong hands, it could be distorted, the story altered. If they didn't spring it quickly, Litman and Mickey would have time to destroy the records before the Justice Department could move in.

'We've only got two weeks,' Cole continued. 'In two weeks, Haze Richards is most likely going to be elected President and then it'll be too late. That means that in the next fourteen days we have to communicate this to the entire electorate and we have to pick somebody the public will believe.'

After half an hour's discussion, they chose Tom Brokaw at NBC because Cole used to play tennis with him and trusted him. He would contact Brokaw once they landed.

Events changed everything.

While the Hawker jet was still over the Atlantic, Mickey Alo pieced together what had happened in Israel.

The Tel Aviv police had recovered Kaz's nine-millimeter automatic, which had been blown through the roof of the taxi and landed not two hundred feet from the site of the collision. The I. D. F.'s Special Investigations Section in Tel Aviv had been able to lift prints from the weapon and matched them to Solomon Kazorowski. The wire services reported that a gardener working next door to the Bach house had seen the taxi, presumably driven by Kazorowski, hit a blue sedan containing three unknown men. He had also seen two men and a woman hurrying down the Bachs' driveway. The gardener had given a fairly accurate set of descriptions. Mickey had called Silvio from a pay phone. Silvio said that they had better meet.

They stood next to a noisy fountain in the park off Third Street near Little Italy.

'I think he's dead,' Silvio said, speaking of the Ghost. 'How can you be sure?'

'He told me if he fails to check in every noon, then he is gone. He has already missed one call.' Silvio's shoulders were sagging. 'I think he was in that explosion.'

'He got Kazorowski.'

'The others are alive; they got away.' He looked at Mickey and wanted to get away from him. When he had set up the contract, he didn't know that Mickey Alo had ordered the death of his own sister. He couldn't conceive of the evil that would allow for that act.

They met in the Rhode Island governor's mansion. Mickey had been told to park in the back, that a state trooper would meet him there. He was instructed to say that he was John Harrington. The trooper would ask no questions once he heard that name. Mickey would be escorted up a back elevator to the den in the governor's suite on the second floor. Haze had been assigned a Secret Service team as the Democratic nominee, but he could still shrug them off since he was being accorded that protection as a courtesy. His Secret Service contingent would be left at the airfield and his old troop of state police officers, who had covered him for two terms in the Rhode Island state house, would take care of the escort to the governor's mansion. It was all done without notifying the press and they swept into the underground garage four hours after Mickey had requested a meeting. Haze stepped out of the limo with A. J. Both men had circles under their eyes, but Haze, just back from Europe, managed to look presidential. His suit fit him perfectly. It was a deep blue with maroon tie and a perfectly folded pocket square. He shook hands with several of the troopers who had been friends over the years, and then used the 'governor's lift' up to the family quarters. Once A. J. and Haze were alone in the elevator, Haze looked over at him.

`This flicking guy. . You know what we had to go through to pull this off?'

'Haze, don't. Mickey's a killer. Don't fuck around with Mickey.'

Haze looked at A. J. coldly, but said nothing. The door opened and they stepped into the governor's quarters. They found Mickey in the den. He turned as they walked into the room.

'I don't have much time,' Haze said. The little mobster reminded him of the low road that had brought him to this place of power. 'I can only give you ten minutes.'

'Really? Only ten?'

Haze missed the ominous sarcasm in the remark. 'I have a schedule, I'm on thirty-minute intervals until Elec-

tion Day. I've allotted two intervals for this meeting.' 'Then let me get right to it. You remember Ryan Bolt?'

'Vaguely. He was doing that documentary that never happened.'

'He and a guy named Solomon Kazorowski, an ex-fed, and Cole Harris and, of all people, my own sister are trying to prove that I put you in this game and used the United Broadcasting Company to fuel your candidacy.'

'So. .?'

'So, if they can prove that, it's gonna go down hard. The public is gonna rise up and you ain't gonna be President, chickie.'

'How do you know that's what they're trying to do?'

'Forget how I know it. Kaz is dead, but they were messing around in Israel looking for something that could hurt us. I need to find out what exactly they're looking for and what they already have. I need you to call around in the JusticeDepartment and find out what a man named Gavriel Bach could have had that could hurt us. There's gotta be a file down there someplace. I don't know where else to start.'

'We're getting our national security briefings from a guy named Gideon Black,' A. J. said. 'We could call him, see what he's got.'

Haze made the call but couldn't keep the impatience out of his voice. He resented Mickey's hold over him. He promised himself that once he was elected, he would find a way to break it.

Gideon Black was at his desk, working late when he got the call. 'The head of the Middle Eastern section is a career diplomat named Abel McNair,' he said. 'I can hunt him up and have him call you, sir.'

'If that wouldn't be too much trouble,' Haze said, knowing the man would kill himself to get the job done.

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