Goals should have deadlines: knowing when a goal should be achieved helps set the pace.

Begin by listing your one-month, one-year, and five-year goals for work and your life. Prioritize them. List steps required to achieve these goals. Sprinkle the next step of each goal into future to do lists. Once a month, review the goals and steps, reprioritize if needed, and sprinkle more 'next steps' into your to do lists.

Work the next steps as part of your regular to do list management. Gradually, each goal will be achieved or managed.

Revisit your goals regularly. Add new ones and eliminate old ones. Revise the steps accordingly.

Chapter 8. Prioritization

This is a 'bottom up' chapter on setting priorities. First, I'll discuss something I alluded to in Chapter 5: techniques for prioritizing the tasks at hand—today's to do list . Then I'll cover prioritizing bigger things, such as projects. Lastly I'll talk about setting priorities for, or managing, your boss.

Figure 8-1. 

Prioritizing Your To Do Lists

There you are at your desk facing today's daily to do list. Dozens of items. How do you decide what to do first?

This section is about prioritizing these items. Different situations call for different schemes. In previous chapters, we used a very simple scheme: if it has to be done today, it's an A priority; if it has to be done soon (but not today), it's a B priority; and everything else is a C priority.

'So what do you do if all your items are A priorities?'

Read this chapter.

Doing Tasks in List Order

System administrators frequently tell me they spend a lot of time each day fretting about what to do next. I know that when I stare at my to do list, I can spend five or more minutes just reading the list, obsessing over which should be the next item to work on. Total up all the time spent wasted that way, and it's a lot of time.

If you are wasting time fretting about what to do next, stop. Make the decision simple and just start at the top of the list and work your way down, doing each item in order. In the time you might spend fretting, you would complete a couple of the smaller items. In addition, because of the way you move items you couldn't complete to the following day, it's common for older items to bubble to the top of the list. Getting these older items done is a great way to start a day.


One of my chores as a kid was to take out the trash every Monday and Thursday night. I hated it. I would complain and procrastinate and make all sorts of trouble trying to get out of the task. (I think I complained just because that's what kids do when faced with chores.) Though our house was a big, three-story Victorian, it couldn't have taken me more than 10 minutes to empty all the wastebaskets. But what was the fun in that? I had enough delay tactics to waste at least a half-hour before I even got started! There are many situations where just doing the task takes much less time than the efforts we make to avoid the work.

Doing your to do items in the order they appear is a great way to avoid procrastination. To quote the Nike slogan, 'Just do it.'

If your list is short enough that you can do all the items in one day, then this scheme makes even more sense. If it doesn't matter if a task gets done early in the day or late in the day, who cares in what order it's completed?

This is very much like network congestion. If a network is lightly loaded it's easy to do audio, video, telephony, or other time-critical services. However, with a congested network, these services work a lot better with some kind of sophisticated prioritization scheme, or quality of service (QoS) system. When the network load is light, any scheme will work. When the network load is heavy, we need something more structured. When our task list is simple, any prioritization scheme will work. When we are flooded with requests, we need something more sophisticated.

To extend my analogy a little further, did you know that QoS often isn't about treating some packets better? It's really about treating some packets worse! Technically, what's going on inside a QoS switch is very interesting. When there is no congestion, it operates the same as a non-QoS switch. Packets come in, packets go out. However, when congestion happens, a non-QoS switch simply drops the most recently arrived packet. In other words, there's no buffer space

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