fine, they all turned away and started gossiping and texting on their phones again.

Everyone except for Logan.

The Spartan stood by a coffee cart in the lobby, with Kenzie and Oliver by his side. Logan's gaze met mine across the massive room. I hadn't noticed how tense he'd been before, but seeing that I was okay must have taken some kind of burden off his shoulders, because he visibly relaxed. One moment he looked all dark and dangerous and on edge and keyed up for battle. The next he was just Logan again-fun, flirty, sexy Logan. Once the Spartan relaxed, so did Kenzie and even Oliver, who for once didn't give me a dirty look. Instead, Oliver actually looked… concerned, like he'd been worried about me too. Strange.

But really, I only had eyes for Logan. The intense expression on his face made my heart quiver and my whole body sing. Nobody could fake that kind of concern — nobody. Maybe he really did care about me after all. Maybe Logan really did feel the same way about me that I felt about him…

Then Savannah stepped around the cart, holding two cups of steaming hot chocolate in her hands. She headed straight for Logan. Even though he didn't turn around and look at her, I realized nothing had changed at all. He was still with Savannah, and I was still being lovestruck and stupid.

Disgusted, I looked away. A flash of movement caught my eye, and I spotted Preston waving at me. He leaned up against the far wall of the hotel lobby, half hidden behind a cedar tree and well away from all the other kids who'd come to gawk at me. Ajax stopped a second to talk to Coach Lir. Preston waved at me again, and I used Ajax's distraction to slip away and walk over to him.

'Hi, there,' I said.

'Hi.' Preston's face was tight with worry. 'How are you? I heard what happened. I'm so sorry, Gwen. That must have been awful. I was down here waiting for you, and there was just this tremendous noise. I looked out the window and saw the avalanche rushing down the mountain. I can't imagine how terrible it was for you to be in the middle of it.'

I shrugged. I didn't really want to talk about it right now, and I definitely didn't want Preston to think of me as the girl who got caught in the avalanche. No, I wanted him to think of me as Gwen, the cute girl he'd just met. A Reaper might be trying to kill me, but I'd be damned if he'd ruin this for me, too.

'Since we never got to have lunch, do you want to do something tomorrow?' Preston asked. 'Maybe go skiing or something? If you feel like it?'

My heart lifted at his words, but then I remembered that I was under house arrest, so to speak. I sighed. 'I'd love to, but the profs want me to stay in the hotel tomorrow. . just in case I'm more shook up than I'm letting on.'

I winced at the lie. That sounded totally lame, but I supposed it was better than telling Preston the truth about the Reaper. Even though we were only going to be at the resort another day, I didn't want to scare him off.

His face darkened with disappointment. 'Oh.'

'But maybe we could have lunch tomorrow?' I suggested. 'We wouldn't have to leave the hotel to do that.'

Preston thought about it a second, and his face brightened. 'Sure. That'll work. I'll text you again in the morning, and we'll figure out the details, okay?'

I smiled at him. 'It's a date. Again. This time, I promise I'll keep it.'

He let out a little laugh. 'Don't worry. I know you will, Gwen. I'll make sure of it. I won't let you get away again.'

A flash of movement caught my eye, and I realized Ajax had finished up his conversation and was walking through the lobby looking for me. 'Well, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?'

Preston nodded. 'You can count on it.'

He gave me a quick smile, then left the lobby, keeping to the edges of the crowd as he headed down the hallway where some of the restaurants were located, as well as the new construction site. Preston was probably going to have dinner with his friends. I thought it was really cool that he'd come down here to see how I was doing. Most guys wouldn't have bothered to, not for a girl they'd just met yesterday.

Coach Ajax finally spotted me and came over. 'Who were you talking to? I didn't get a good look at him.'

'Oh, just a guy I met from the New York academy.'

'Well, come on then,' Ajax rumbled. 'Metis and Nickamedes want you tucked in your room for the rest of the night, and so do I.'

Ajax rode up with me in the elevator and walked me down the hall to my room. He even made sure Daphne was waiting inside and that the room was free of Reapers before he left.

To my surprise, Daphne had taken Vic out of his scabbard and laid him out flat on my bed. I flopped down beside the sword, and his twilight-colored eye snapped open.

'You're supposed to take me with you when you go off having adventures, Gwen,' Vic said in his British accent. 'Not get to have all the bloody fun by yourself.'

'Trust me, Vic, surviving the avalanche wasn't much fun. Neither was shoving a tree branch through a Fenrir wolf's leg.'

'What?!' Vic and Daphne shrieked in unison.

I sat there on the bed and told them about the wolf and how it had actually seemed to… like me after I helped it. That was the only part of the story I hadn't shared with Metis and the other profs, instead saying that I'd thought the wolf had been carried away by the snow. Maybe it was crazy, but I didn't want them to hunt down the wolf and kill it, even though I knew that's what they were determined to do. Sure, maybe the creature had wanted to make me a chew toy to start with, but I didn't think it would hurt me now. Maybe. Probably. Well, okay, I really had no idea what the wolf would or wouldn't do, but I didn't want to be the cause of its death.

Daphne shook her head, her blond hair spilling over her shoulders. 'You've been watching too many Disney movies, Gwen. Fenrir wolves are trained to kill-that's all they know how to do. That's all they're good for.'

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