the conversation area, across a low marble coffee table from her. He gestured to the room. 'Nice place.'

'Thanks. We own it.'


'A subsidiary-Whiteside Travel Services.'

'Whiteside Travel? I didn't know that was Ultramed.'

'Not many people do.'

There was a door across from the one Frank had entered, and in spite of himself, his mind kept flicking to the possibility that it led to a bedroom. It would fit her style, he was thinking, a stiff, businesslike greeting, followed by mention of his recent rise in the Ultramed rankings, then word of his promotion. Suddenly, just as it seemed they were through for the day, she would reach up casually and shake free her hair. 'So, Frank, ' she began, crossing her phenomenal legs and then consciously adjusting her skirt, 'you're looking well. How are things going?'

'I'm doing all right,' he answered cautiously. 'My brother's been a bit of a pain, but it's nothing I can't handle as long as you and Ultramed back me up.'

'We always back up our administrators, especially those with the sort of track record you have. I assume you saw the new figures we just posted in Mother?'

Frank smiled. Step two of the scenario was unfolding. 'I told you I'd make it, ' he said, feeling a surge of confidence. 'No, Frank,' she corrected. 'I told you. Remember? I want you to know how pleased we all are with the job you've done. Especially me, since I'm the one who first saw your potential and pushed for your appointment. Your success makes me look good.'

And my promotion will make you look even better, he thought. The scent of her, even at a distance, had begun to fill his head, making it hard to concentrate. He would be the best-the very best she ever had. 'Now,' she said, 'what's this about your brother? '

'Oh, nothing.' He wished he had not brought up Zack until their business was concluded. 'He just doesn't have, I don't know, the team attitude, I guess, to make it with Ultramed. He's been nothing but a disruption since he arrived in Sterling.'

'What sort of disruption?'

Oh, Christ, never mind him. Just get on with it. A hundred miles from Sterling, and his brother was getting in the goddamn way. 'Hey, it's no big deal, Leigh. Like I said, I can handle it.'

'Tell me, please.' Frank sighed. 'Okay, ' he said. 'It's your dime.

Zack's been constantly clashing with other doctors. He goes out of his way to undermine my authority, and he won't listen to anyone's reason. I tried to tell you he was going to be trouble.'

'Yes, I remember.'

'He always has been. I'll take care of it, though. Just as soon as we finish our business here, I'll take care of it.' He gestured about the room again. 'You know, this place sort of reminds me of a great little inn in Provincetown. I think you'd love it.' Her eyes hardened. 'Frank,

' she said, 'I want you to listen to me, and listen carefully. At this particular moment, as far as you're concerned, I'm Ultramed. You work for me. If you want to continue working for me, you'll stop mentally undressing me and pay attention to what this meeting's all about.'

'It's not going to happen, Frank. Get that through your head. I have a husband I'm perfectly happy with. Understand?'

Numbly, Frank nodded. 'Good.' She reached across and squeezed his hand.

'Now just settle back and let's get down to business, because I'm afraid you have a problem to take care of.'

Her voice was grim. Frank sensed a dreadful sinking in his gut. 'What sort of problem? ' he asked. 'This letter arrived early this morning by messenger, ' she said. 'I assume, since you haven't mentioned it yet, that it will come as a surprise. 9@ The moment Frank recognized the Judge's letterhead, an annoying whine began building in his head. By the time he had finished reading, the noise was a screech. He scanned the document, and then read it again more slowly. It was, as Leigh had surmised, a total surprise. An audit… When?… It was crazy. Frank squeezed his temples, trying to quiet the noise as he struggled to concentrate, to understand what was happening, and why. The whole thing was crazy… fucking crazy… The buy back threat he could deal with.

The Judge was a bastard, but he was still only one vote. The board could be had. A member at a time, the board could be had. But until Mainwaring came through, an audit was out of the question. Absolutely out! 'Frank?

'… It was Zack again. It was that goddamn scene with Nortnan that had pushed the Judge over… Frank's teeth were clenched so tightly that his jaw ached… 'o in the hell did they think they were dealing with?

'Frank, are you all right?'

'Huh? Oh, sure. I'm just furious, that's all.'

'I'm not too happy about it, either. Any idea why your father wouldn't have spoken to you about this?' Frank snorted a laugh. 'Only dozens,' he said… Regional director… Leigh… the flexibility… the leverage… the power… He had driven down with such high hopes. He would be driving back with nothing-nothing but headaches. Fuck em, he thought viciously. The Judge and his brother. Fuck em both. 'Do you have anything to drink in this place? ' he asked. 'Just coffee, Frank. You want that?'

'Yeah, okay. No, no, forget it.'

He stood and stalked to the window, his fists opening and closing at his sides. 'Frank, ' Leigh said evenly, 'you have to calm down. We've got to know we can count on you to take care of this. Ultramed has too much at stake right now to take any backward steps. The competition is just waiting for a screw-up that they can use to turn prospective acquisitions against us. So just stay calm. This isn't such a big surprise, if you think about it. We expected when your father insisted on a buy back clause that he'd probably make some sort of move like this. He's a controller. That's his style.'

'Tell me about it, ' Frank said bitterly, still staring out at the Atlantic., The question is whether he's just playing his game, or whether he really intends to fight. Any ideas about that?' Frank turned back to her. 'It's a bluff, ' he said. 'And that business about Beaulieu's widow?'

'Also a bluff. If Beaulieu had anything of substance, I would have heard about it long before this. It's the same sort of crap my father's been pulling since as far back as I can remember.'

'Can you handle him?'

'You're damn right I can. There isn't going to be any goddamn audit.'


'I said I'll take care of it.' He cursed his slip, and silently cautioned himself to be more alert. 'This is just another of his little tests, ' he said. 'I've taken them before.'

They were underestimating him. Zack, the Judge, even Leigh. They were underestimating him badly, and they would see. They would all see. He was younger and stronger than his father, and he had learned the lessons of the man well. 'We're counting on you,' Leigh said. 'We want this whole business resolved before the board meets.'

'It will be.'

'Good. I'll be watching. It means a great deal to me to have you do this right. And it goes without saying that it means a great deal to you, too, yes?'

'When this is all over, ' Frank said stonily, 'I want my goddamn brother out of Ultramed. I would fire him right now, but until this business with my father is resolved, I don't want to make any moves that might set off the Judge all over again.'

'I agree. Above all, you've got to keep things cool. Her tone softened.

'… Listen, Frank, you deal with this smoothly and you'll have our blessing to get rid of your brother if that's what you want. In fact, prove you can handle your father, and you can consider your potential with this company unlimited.'

She smiled at him. 'Unlimited, Frank…'

'I understand.'


She stood then. 'I want to be kept abreast of what's going on.'

She nodded toward the Judge's letter. 'I don't like surprises.'

'I understand, ' he said again. 'There won't be any.'

'In that case, Frank, you have a very bright future with our company. 5@ A minute passed after the door to

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