ST. PETER So Earth’s still there, Huh? After All these years.
GOD Yes, the housekeeper is the most forgetful bitch in the universe.
GOD Damn, was that Alan Alda?
ST. PETER It may have been, sir – I really couldn’t see.
GOD Me, either.
ST. PETER Umm...I believe that was Alan Alda’s world, GOD.
GOD So? (
ST. PETER I believe both Alda and Williams were on it when you..umm...passed Judgment,
GOD Oh, I’ve got all the videotapes. No problem. Want a beer?
ST. PETER I actually sort of liked that one, GOD – Earth, I mean.
GOD It wasn’t bad, but there’s more where that came from. Now –
let’s drink to your vacation!
GOD Look! It’s Richard Pryor! That guy kills me! I suppose he was...
ST. PETER Ummm... yessir.
GOD Shit. (
ST. PETER Yessir.
ST. PETER Yessir, some time ago.
GOD Good. Everything’s hunky-dory, then.
(Author’s note: GOD’S VOICE should be as loud as possible.) 178
Document Outline
Jhonathan and the Witches
People, Places and Things
In a Half-World of Terror
The Glass Floor
The Blue Air Compressor
The Cat From Hell
The Crate
Squad D
The King Family & the Wicked Witch
The Night of the Tiger
Before the Play
Man With a Belly
The Leprechaun
For the Birds
The Reploids
An Evening at God's