“We've been together a long time, Liza. It would hurt to be forced to give it up. We would, for you, but we'd rather you become part of us.”

Caleb took over, and she turned as much as he'd let her to watch him speak.

“Sex…sometimes I'm gonna want him and sometimes he'll want me. That's not any reflection on how we feel about you. It's just the three of us expressing our love for each other in different ways at different times.”

She nodded, trying to process everything that had happened, everything that had been said.

She'd known they had a relationship. Had steeled herself for the possibility of being firmly barred from it.

Zach leaned forward and kissed her. It was tender and deep, yet full of exhilaration.

Caleb's cock pressed her ass, gentle rocking movements that were as exciting as they were frightening. He was huge. There was no way she was ready to take him there yet. That knowledge was in Zach's eyes when he broke the kiss. He kept her between them when he reached over, grabbed Caleb by the nape, and yanked him closer for a kiss. She couldn't believe how damned hot that was. Caleb groaned and his fingers convulsed on her hips. She laughed. “I think I need to get out of the middle soon.”

He slapped her ass as he rolled away and pulled her out the way. “Such a smart-ass,” he grumbled, but she knew he preferred her that way. She stuck her tongue out at him.

“You like me that way.”

“Keep it up, baby.” His eyes narrowed. “After the challenge tomorrow, you're fair game.” She didn't even try to hide the way anticipation made her heart race. She'd ignore him.

Ignore the promise. For now. She focused on Zach. He hadn't moved. He still lay on his side facing her, giving her a lazy, amused smile. He tensed for a moment when Caleb, having walked around the bed, moved into position behind him.

“It's just me,” he said softly, running a hand down Zach's side to his flank. She scowled and Zach answered her question before she could formulate it.

“Male lupines really, really don't like being approached from the back.”

“I know that.” Did he think she was an idiot? “This isn't just any male.” Zach grinned. “No. But that animal instinct doesn't ever go away.” Then he was sucking in a breath, holding it, and she knew Caleb had touched him more intimately than before. Caleb moved, pushing Zach onto his stomach, and rising between his legs behind him. He'd gripped one hip and growled, before she noticed he had two fingers buried in Zach's ass. “Up.”

With an answering growl, Zach rose to his knees. She watched mesmerized as those fingers slowly withdrew. When the head of Caleb's cock, shiny with lube, nudged his asshole, Zach met her gaze. “You sure you want to watch this?” Oh, hell yeah. She wasn't going anywhere. She replied with mock seriousness. “Well, as paladin, I feel it's my duty to witness. To make sure no one gets hurt, you understand.” Caleb laughed. “That would just turn you on more.”

She couldn't deny it. “Yeah.” She nodded. “Probably.” He didn't say another word, just slammed into Zach, and the expression on his face, on both their faces, was almost enough to make her come. In a word, wow.

Caleb worked him with long slow thrusts. Zack straightened so his back was pressed against Caleb's chest. Zach crooked a finger at her, and she realized her own rising desire would be easy for them to see and smell.

“C'mere, kitten.”

On her knees, she walked to him and stopped just an inch before his chest. He wrapped a hand around her nape, pulled her close for a kiss. Then he took her hand, wrapped it around his cock, and pumped it a few times before he left her to do it on her own. The kiss intensified as she concentrated on even strokes of his cock.

Each of Caleb's thrusts pushed Zach a little closer to her and his grunts filled her mouth.

She knew he was close to coming. He broke the kiss.

“Still thinking,” he murmured, then inserted two fingers into her, stroked in and out, before withdrawing and pushing on her shoulder. “On your back.” How could she argue? When he lowered himself over her, Caleb moved with him and her arousal grew. Was he going to fuck her as Caleb fucked him? Why did she find that such a damned turn-on?

He braced himself on one elbow and with the other hand guided his cock to her entrance.

She had her hands on his hips and felt his muscles tighten as Caleb withdrew, and then she was incapable of thought. When Caleb rammed back into Zach, he drove into her. In seconds the strokes were fast, hard. Almost punishing.

She never thought beyond the perfect union among the three of them. Beyond the trinity.

Strong, stable, and theirs alone. It was much later that she worried it was only a physical response, that maybe one leg was stronger than the other two.

Chapter Ten

Liza woke alone. Ears straining for sounds of Caleb and Zach, she rolled out of bed, coming to rest lightly on the balls of her feet with a scowl. They were gone. The nightstand clock glowed five a.m., and she raised the blinds as she walked by the window. The sky was just beginning to lighten.

She hurried through the shower trying to ignore their absence, trying to ignore the niggling worry they might be up to no good this early in the morning. There was no time for those concerns. She'd been gone nearly a week; there was no telling how much work was piled up on her desk.

And she had a challenge to deal with.

Back in her bedroom, she pulled on loose pants and a tight, thin long-sleeved shirt over a tank top. Thank God she was back in the Deep South. She'd thought she would freeze to death in Maine. Last, she pulled on socks and boots. She delayed in the kitchen only long enough to pour a cup of coffee. There would be food at the alpha's house, where her office was.

Hopefully, she would find Caleb and Zach there too. She told herself it was because she was worried about them not following the pack laws of challenge, but knew it was a lie. She just wanted to see them. Might have a thing or two to say about them sneaking out of her bed before dawn too.

She was frowning when she entered the house and followed the murmur of voices to the kitchen at the end of

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