on his elbow and leaned over her with his face so close that she could feel his breath. Unable to resist, she cupped his cheek with her hand. The scratch of his rough beard felt good against her palm.

“We can’t do this, Glynis.”

“Why not?”

Alex gave her that smile that always made her stomach leap. “Ye know the reasons.”

Glynis had been responsible all her life—putting her clan first, taking care of her sisters and brother, offering guidance to her father, whether he took it or not—and what had it got her? Magnus Clanranald was what. Doing as she ought had bought her a foul husband who shamed her—and who would murder her now if he could.

“Ye kissed me before. What’s the harm in doing it again?” She ran her tongue over her top lip, remembering the taste of his mouth on hers. “Kiss me, Alex.”

His eyes went dark, and he clenched his jaw for a long, long moment. When he finally gave in and leaned down, her stomach tightened in anticipation. The moment his lips touched hers, fire spread beneath her skin. She pulled him down into a deep, openmouthed kiss. Aye, this was what she wanted.

The heat from his body sizzled through hers. Her breasts ached, her head spun, and she felt as if she were falling backward, though she was flat on the ground. When he cupped her breast, she moaned into his mouth. Their legs became entangled as their kisses grew deeper, more frantic. She wanted to feel his weight on her, to feel his bare skin beneath her fingers.

But Alex broke away. His gaze was smoldering and his breathing harsh.

“’Tis is a dangerous game you’re playing.” His fingers shook as he brushed her hair back from her face. “One thing is bound to lead to another.”

“I’m hoping it will.” Glynis wasn’t sure when she had decided that she wanted it all, but she had.

Magnus had been such an oaf. He had claimed it was her fault that she didn’t warm to his touch, but she understood now that Magnus hadn’t the slightest notion how to touch her. She wanted to know what it was like to feel passion in the night, and she would never have another chance.

Or a better man to show her.

“Ye may think this is what ye want,” Alex said, “but ye don’t really.”

“I do.” Her fingers still gripped the front of his shirt, and she wasn’t letting go.

“Perhaps ye do right at this moment, but ye would regret it later.” He sighed as he traced the side of her face with his finger. “I don’t want to be a regret.”

She shook her head vehemently from side to side. “I won’t regret it. I promise.”

Alex gave her a faint smile. “Then I will. Ye are precisely the sort of woman I avoid bedding.”

Her stomach clutched, and she turned her face to the side.

“What’s wrong with me?” she asked, her voice coming out high and thin.

“Ach, ’tis not that I don’t want to,” Alex said, grazing his knuckles against her cheek. “I’ve never wanted a woman this much.”

No doubt he was stretching the truth, but there was such longing in his voice that she did believe he wanted her.

“Then why not?” she asked.

“Ye would expect more of me than I am able to give,” he said in a soft voice. “Ye would want me to be there tomorrow and the next day—and a year from now. I can’t make a woman happy for that long.”

“You’re wrong about what I want,” she said. “I don’t want a husband—but I do want this.”

He made a low sound in the back of his throat that sent a thrill vibrating through her.

“I’m careful,” he said, “but there’s always a chance I could get ye with child.”

She had no idea what he meant by being “careful,” but she shook her head again. “I told ye that I’m barren.”

From the time Glynis started her fluxes, her stepmother had lectured her that it only took once for a lass to get pregnant. But even fertility charms had not worked for her. Glynis had lived with Magnus for three interminable months before she stabbed him and fled, and she had not conceived.

“You’re not the sort to have affairs,” Alex said.

“How can ye say I’m not the sort when I’m the one asking?”

“Because ye couldn’t take it as just a bit of fun,” he said, twisting a strand of her hair around his finger. “Ye don’t have a frivolous bone in your body, Glynis MacNeil.'

“I won’t have this chance again,” she said. “I’m always watched over—I’m never free.”

Her family criticized her for being too serious-minded. Now that she’d decided to do something wholly irresponsible and wicked, she was determined to succeed. She was never one to do things by halves.

“I won’t wed again. Before I spend my life alone, I want to be with a man.” She sensed Alex was weakening and ran her hands up his chest. “I want to be with you.”

Lightning cracked and flashed through the gap in the hanging blanket. For an instant, its white light shone on Alex, making him look like the fairy king himself come to work his magic on her. Every young lass in the Western Isles was warned that the fairy king could not be resisted without a special protective charm.

If Glynis had such a charm, she would toss it away.

She let her gaze drop to Alex’s mouth and whispered, “Show me your magic.”

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