

Alex knew it was wrong, but it would take a saint to resist her.

And God knew, he was no saint.

Though he rarely paid for his sins, they would both pay a penance for this. No matter what Glynis said now, she would regret it. And even though he knew that, Alex was helpless against the pull of desire, both hers and his. He had wanted her from the moment he’d seen her collecting shells on the beach at Barra. All he could do was make sure he gave her enough pleasure that the sin might seem worth the cost to her.

But every plan, every thought, every bit of reason left him when his lips met hers. He sank into her, their tongues moving in a slow, passionate dance that left him wanting more. He kissed her eyebrows, her cheeks, beneath her delicate ears. Then he buried his face in her neck and breathed in the smell of her skin.

When she wrapped her arms around his neck, he moved his hands over her, following the sleek lines of her body. She was like the sea, both mysterious and familiar at once. He wanted to discover every mystery, to know every secret place.

Lust surged through him as Glynis melted in his arms like soft wax. Alex thought he knew women, but he felt as if he was sailing in uncharted waters. And if he fell off the edge of the world, he would not care because no woman had ever felt this good.

He needed to feel her against his skin. He got up on his knees and jerked his shirt over his head. When he tossed it aside, he felt as much as saw her gaze move over his chest in the near darkness. Her gaze dropped further to his staff, which was standing up begging to be noticed. Her lips parted as she stared at him, sending another bolt of lust shooting through him.

“Are ye warm enough to take off your gown?” he asked, trying and failing to keep the note of desperation from his voice.

She gave him a solemn nod. His serious lass.

As he leaned over her and eased her gown up over her long, slender legs, he wondered if he was too young to have his heart give out. She was like a doe, graceful and made for running. He wanted to run with her, to go wherever she would let him.

He lifted her knee and kissed it. It was perfect, like the rest of her. She drew in a sharp breath as he slid his hand up the silky skin of her inner thigh. His mouth followed his hand as he worked his way up, inch by inch, torturing them both. When his fingers brushed the curls between her legs, she jolted.

“Shh,” he soothed her. “I’ll make ye feel good, I will.”

God in Heaven, she was already wet for him. He wanted to bury his face between her legs and taste her, but she had tensed, and he sensed that would be a new experience for her best saved for a wee bit later. For having been married a year, she seemed innocent. But then, some fools never took the time to savor a woman.

Alex intended to savor every inch of Glynis MacNeil until she was weak and sated from their lovemaking. And then he would do it all again.

“Can ye sit up so we can get your gown off the rest of the way?” he said, as he pulled her up.

When she wrapped her arms around him, they fell into deep kisses again, and he found it hard to concentrate on unfastening the hooks at the back of her gown. Finally, he eased the gown up over her head. He pulled her against him again and closed his eyes against the sensation of her soft skin beneath his hands and her breasts pressed against his chest.

They fell back onto the blankets. It was too dark to see her now, but his hands and mouth explored her body. He kissed her breasts, teasing the nipples with his teeth and tongue, then sucking until she whimpered and arched against him.

He moved to lie beside her and kissed her as if he would die if he could not—because he believed he would. She was slick and hot beneath his hand. The little sounds she was making as he touched her were driving him mad with desire. He ached to enter her, to feel her tight around his shaft.

He rolled with her until she lay on top of him. It was too soon, too soon. He tried to catch his breath, to slow himself down. Her heartbeat matched his as he held her tightly against him.

“I want ye inside me,” she said.

Heat surged through him—and he was certain he’d never heard sweeter words in his life. He took hold of her hips to ease her down. Sweat broke out on his forehead as the top of his shaft pressed against her center.

“God in Heaven, ye feel good, Glynis,” he said, closing his eyes.

“We can do it like this?” she asked.

“Have ye never been on top?” What in God’s name had been wrong with her husband?

“What do I do?” she asked.

“Sit up. Aye, like that.” He groaned, and Glynis gasped as she slowly sank down on him. As he held her hips to guide her, he said in a tight voice, “It’s like rocking to the motion of the sea.”

Her ancestors must have been sea nymphs. In no time, she was making him blind with desire. He was mindless of anything except the rhythm of her hips and the feel of her tight around his shaft. Her breathing was already ragged when he ran his hand up her thigh and found her sensitive nub with his thumb. It was too dark to see more than her outline. But over the howling wind, he heard her gasps and whimpers.

Then she fell forward and gripped his shoulders as if she were drowning and he was the only one who could save her. Each sweep of her hair across his chest sent tendrils of sensation to his core.

Lightning struck again, and he felt as if it ran through his body. His every nerve and muscle strained and jangled with mounting tension. When her body clenched around him and she cried out, he was lost in the tempest with her. His heart thundered in his ears as he pulled her hips against him again and again. As if in the distance, he heard his voice calling her name as he exploded inside her.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her so tightly that he knew he was crushing her, but he could not make himself let go. He wanted to stay inside her forever.

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