That is also true, Judy, but, with regard to FE, debts and obligations may run in many directions. I paid for your delivery to me.
Maurice had to hand it to Judy: her composure remained undisturbed. She didn’t even ask the obvious question,
There was a touch of amusement in her tone when she asked, “What did it cost you, Chris?”
It cost me far more than I expected, Judy. I don’t think that any of us have fully grasped the implications of FE, not least the Watcher. Does that surprise you?
“No. But I knew it
No—or rather, I thought I could defeat the effect. But I was wrong. FE is far more powerful than even I.
“Surely not.”
Don’t be sarcastic, Judy.
“But I don’t understand,” Maurice interjected. “What is all of this about FE? Surely it’s just a trading mechanism?”
“No, it isn’t,” said Judy. “To quote the Watcher, I think that FE is what keeps us here in the first place.”
I think you’re right, Judy. FE creates fair, unbreakable contracts, but their effects can be surprisingly deep and subtle.
Only once.
The watchtower listened to the ensuing silence in the square. Then more text appeared on Maurice’s console.
Judy, I can get you into the DIANA building, but you will have to do something for me in return.
“Get me in? The building is long gone, Chris.”
Don’t you believe me, Judy? You
But you will have to help me.
“Chris, I told you long ago, I will
Why indeed? You don’t have to trust me, of course. I can give you something that you want, but I wish to be paid for the service. Why don’t we use FE?
The answer was obvious once he said it.
“That’s a good idea,” said Edward. He had brightened up considerably at the suggestion. Of course he had, thought Judy. With FE he was safe; no one could take advantage of him. In an unfair universe, FE
put him on a level playing field.
The wind was cold. Judy’s stomach rumbled. It was a long time since she had eaten, and they couldn’t stay in this square forever. She wanted to know who she was and why she had been brought here.
“Okay,” she said, feeling a crushing sensation in her stomach. What was Chris going to ask of her?
“Okay, let’s do a deal. Maurice, begin the exchange.”
He tapped at his console.
“You’ll need to give me some sort of handle on you, Chris. All I can see is a line of text. Where are you?”
I’m here, Maurice. I’m all around you. Nearly everything you see in this city is built of my body, and yet my intelligence is virtually nothing now. Such was the deal I made through FE, but that is irrelevant for the moment.