imagine and, even though you are yet to master these, they can be utilised by other disembodied entities when you, as now, vacate your earthly vessel.

We won’t let him harm you, assured the eldest ghostly boy among the doctor’s victims, nor anyone, ever again.

Damian’s assurances, and those of the children, kept me calm as my body was transported through the asylum, up a winding staircase to a tower, where I was strapped to a table.

Help me, I appealed to my allies.

Not yet, one of the children advised. Best that your body is safely strapped down before we deal with His Blackness.

It will all be over soon, a girl assured me with a smile, as Dr Rosen dismissed his help and I was left all alone with the man.

‘You’re not going to sleep all the way through my consultation are you, Miss Granville?’ The doctor finished cranking the table to an upright position and slapped me around the face a few times. ‘This really would be far more enjoyable if you were awake.’

All shall be well, the ghostly children said as they took flight toward my body and vanished into it. As the last of them entered my form, my eyes parted wide.

The doctor turned back from selecting a large pair of scissors to find me conscious and was delighted. ‘Ah, Miss Granville—’

‘No!’ A multiplicity of children’s voices issued from my mouth and began to chant the same round of names I had been mumbling for days.

Shocked witless only for a moment, the doctor then raised the scissors he held, hoping to silence the rising din with a stab wound to my heart.

A short, sharp burst of energy shot forth from my restrained body. The force of the charge knocked the doctor to the floor as my hair flew out around my head.

‘You are possessed!’ Horrified, Rosen scrambled to his feet, but before he could make for the tower door an unseen force took hold of him and guided him to the desk. The doctor took up a pen and began to draw a map, which took some time to complete. ‘What is this?’ he cried. On another piece of paper he scribbled a few words that distressed him even more. ‘No! Don’t kill me. I shall die soon enough!’ The force controlling the doctor slowly swirled into a powerful whirlwind that set Rosen spinning—faster and faster.

As surgical instruments began to vibrate around the surgery, beginning to be sucked into the whirlwind, Damian decided it was time for us to depart the tower. You have visitors, he informed me as we passed through the tower door.

I do? The news raised my spirits, but it did not abate my concern. They’re going to kill him, aren’t they? In my heart I could feel the hatred and fear emanating from all sides. It is not the right resolution. Until his dis-ease is corrected, death will not make him repent.

My death brought about my repentance, Damian pointed out as we descended the stairs. I had to find a way out of my torment and so will he. You shall be of far more benefit to this world, Miss Granville, and so it was right that you were spared from this man. Do not question why the Almighty saw fit for you to render this service to those unhappy ghosts today, but know that your soul is as free of blame as it ever was.

I was delighted to encounter my father, Nanny Beat, Lord Cavandish, and a noble lady, on the stairway, trying to force their way past an asylum guard.

Who is the lady with my father? I pointed to the unfamiliar woman, for her light-body was more beautiful and developed than any other person I’d ever encountered.

That is my aunt, the Dowager Countess Cavandish, my guide was pleased to impart. She is one of the most acclaimed psychics in Europe and your future tutor.

Really? I forgot my woes, overjoyed by the prospect of meeting another psychic, let alone being tutored by one.

‘You can’t go up to the doctor’s surgery unannounced.’ The guard spread his arms wide to block the stairway.

‘Does Dr Rosen have something to hide?’ the stately Dowager Countess queried.

‘Surgery is sometimes a bloody business and no place for ladies.’ The large guard leered down at them, and his vantage point on the stairs made him seem more imposing.

‘There had better not be any blood,’ threatened my father. ‘That’s my daughter Rosen has up there.’

The men again tried to push their way past the guard, without success.

‘Have it your way.’ Father punched the huge fellow in the jaw. A punch to the stomach and another to the back of his head sent the guard flying.

‘Good show, Granville,’ Lord Cavandish commented, protecting the ladies as the guard fell down the stairs. ‘Your boxing days at Oxford weren’t entirely wasted.’

‘Pardon the spectacle.’ Father made haste to the tower and entered.

By the time the rest of the party reached the tower door, my father had returned to the doorway to block it. ‘Ladies, I would advise you to go no further.’

Nanny Beat gasped, fit for tears. ‘Mistress Ashlee?’

‘I’ll let you know.’ My father’s even tone cautioned her to be calm.

Lord Cavandish followed my father inside, as did the Dowager Countess Cavandish, whereby my father felt he must insist.

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