gluonium, Admiral!' the STO added. They sure as hell didn't need to be around if the Seppies fired off a gluonium bomb that close.
'Shit! Kamikaze, Admiral!' the COB shouted.
'Helm, emergency jaunt away from here now!' Wallace sounded an alarm across the fleet ships and opened a channel. 'Evasive jaunts immediately! Gluonium Kamikaze!'
'Emergency jaunt, sir!' Helmsman Lieutenant Junior Grade Cindy Lewis frantically punched in the commands for an emergency jaunt. It would take the hyperspace projector a few seconds to spin up the quantum vortex required to pass out of normal space. Who knew if they had time?
Wallace sat calm for the few seconds as they passed. The enemy hauler pulled in closer to the
'Goddamn those bastards!' He slammed his fist down against his chair arm. Just as the hyperspace vortex whirled around them and they blanked out of normal space, the Seppy kamikaze ship exploded. The
A few seconds later, as the
'Goddamn, I'm glad to hear from you, Johnny!' Wallace answered Captain Johnny Practice's hail. He opened a channel to all the fleet ship captains. 'I'm glad to see all four of you. Be advised. We just lost the
'Aye, Admiral!'
'Admiral, the Seppy fleet is forming up on us. Looks like they brought their fighters with them, sir,' the XO said.
'Well, that will help out downstairs. All right, let's prepare to take incoming!'
'Admiral, with that in mind, do we want to continue our plan to jaunt in two minutes back to the planet?' Commander Penny Swain, the nav officer, asked.
'Good question, Penny.' Wallace thought briefly. They were still outnumbered up here and in a ball. He still liked the idea of going to a bowl and being able to support the troops on the ground better. 'Yes. Our men and women down there need us.'
'Joe! The SIF generators on the aft of the ship are down. There just aren't any other cooling systems to bring them down,' Lieutenant Mira Concepcion shouted. The noise in the Engineering Room was a little too loud to talk at normal tones, and the stress from the ship being rocked back and forth didn't help.
'Well, it sure as hell didn't take long for the Seppy mothers to find out where we jaunted to,' Petty Officer Andy Sanchez added.
'If y'all wanted peace and quiet