bandage. The immunoboost and organogel will eventually eat it.'
'Right.' Nancy slowly retracted her hands with a sickening
'Grab that end.' The medic pointed and got a grip on the other end. Nancy did as she was told, but began thinking about an exit strategy.
Nancy heaved her end of the gurney and continued on with it for several meters, letting the medic lead. They were several very long meters, to a passageway on the edge of the teleport pad. The pad was in a cavernous room the size of a professional basketball coliseum. It had clearly been designed to transport many troops and a lot of heavy equipment in a single teleport. Nancy also knew that the facility could teleport ships hovering over it as well. The Seppies had a serious technological advantage with this facility, and somehow the U.S. needed to be prepared for the types of attacks it would enable. But Nancy didn't have time to really focus on strategy at the moment. Survival tactics were about all she could manage. She had to get away from here to the planet below, where she could disappear into the population.
'Thank you, Nancy.' Alan looked up at her and managed as much of a smile as he could. He was looking a lot better than he had just seconds before, but he still looked like leftover Hell twice warmed over.
'Just hang in there,' she replied.
'Ma'am, are you all right?' the medic asked her.
'Sure. I'm fine. Superficial stuff—nothing to worry about.' Nancy had already taken mental steps to put out of her mind the torture that she had endured just minutes before. While she realized that it must be still apparent on her face and body that she had recently been through physical torture, the simple fact of the multiple wounded around her was cover enough for it. She could feel the immunoboost working, the one she had been given by the man—Scotty, she recalled—who had helped her escape. It had removed some of the swelling and had started to close the various abrasions. She was wearing what was left of the commandeered clothing, which was way too big for her, and she had no shoes. Her battered look fit in with the surviving battered Seppy troops, but her clothes, well, didn't. She stood out. But hopefully, the other sixty soldiers scurrying about with their own frantic agendas wouldn't notice. Her bloody nose and mouth and Alan's blood covering most of her upper torso and arms actually worked to her advantage as a disguise. The first chance she got, she planned on commandeering herself a better one.
Chapter 1
July 1, 2394 AD
Earthspace, Sea of Waves, the Moon
Friday, 7:40 AM, Earth Eastern Standard Time
'Watch the Gomer on your three-nine line, Dee! He's gonna lock you up!'