UPI of surgeons, Dr. Fletcher suc-LOS ANGELES-A San cessfully attached the fetus to a Francisco man gave birth today blood-rich section of the outer
to his own son in what doctors surface of Edwards's large in-call a revolutionary medical testine. miracle. Kept under constant medical
Derek Edwards, a 25-year-supervision, Edwards spent half
old northern California resi-a year at the hospital until the
dent, was in LA with his wife, birth yesterday morning-by
Jane, six months ago when she C?sarean section-of the baby
was fatally injured in a traffic boy. Three weeks premature
accident. Before she fell into an and weighing only four pounds,
irreversible coma, she pleaded three ounces, John Edwards is
with doctors to save her unborn nonetheless healthy despite a
child. She was ten weeks' preg-surrogate pregnancy described
nant. by the father as 'absolutely ter-When the hospital admini-rifying.' stration refused to search for a 'I woke up every morning
female volunteer, Edwards of-with the fear that Jane's only
fered his own body and the child might not survive her by
threat of legal action if they re-very long. He's alive and well,
fused to transopt the fetus. Re-though, and my wife's last wish
luctantly, the hospital agreed to has come true.'
perform what was to be the first The press and friends of the
above-ground transoption in the family were able today to visit
United States. the father, who gained forty
A legal furor erupted when pounds during the pregnancy.
Dr. Evelyn Fletcher was flown Doctors attribute the weight
in from South America to per-gain to hormonal adjustments
form the operation. Administra-made by the fetus.
tors at Otis Chandler Memorial 'Lactation was the strangest
Hospital, though, stood by their side effect,' Edwards quipped.
decision, stating that Fletcher 'The doctors aren't sure I can
should be treated no differently nurse, though, so I think I'll use
from any other visiting foreign bottles when I get out of here.' specialist. Working with a team