medical opinion,' as you put it, could 'see there
was no scientific merit' in a doctor washing his
hands between dissecting cadavers and delivering
Consider for a moment what the Transoption
Eight have done. Without a cent of federal funding,
they have freed thousands of women from un-wanted pregnancies and the onus of abortion and given thousands of other women the gift of beauti-ful, healthy babies. For this they have been ar-rested and imprisoned soley because Congress and the president decided to create a new criminal
class with the stroke of a pen.
The women who paid fortunes to receive those
unwanted babies are not creating 'new burdens on
a strained society.' They can afford to care for the
children that might otherwise have been born onto
welfare or aborted at taxpayer's expense. And the
women who freely gave up their pregnancies are
not the 'hapless dupes, silenced with blood
money,' that you describe. Most of them are
women who want neither to be pregnant nor be
I should know.
I am one of them.
[Name Withheld by Request]
Could Be Another Roe v. Wade,
Defendants Say
WASHINGTON-overturn the jury nullifi-Five Supreme Court jus-cation of [this] genocidal tices today approved a bit of legislation is
writ of certiorari to re-doomed to failure, if not
view the case of United in the Supreme Court,
States vs. Grosscup, in then in the real world