the transoptive co-mothers on the decision just before her

are 'protected by the same... keynote speech at the Interna-umbrella of privacy that cov-tional LifeChoice Confer-ers any woman who seeks ence in Edmonton, Alberta. either to terminate or initiate The globally-honored physi-a pregnancy.' cian merely shrugged and Chief Justice Connely, in said, 'You can't stop prog-her dissenting opinion, stated ress. You can either get on the that 'a fetus is just as much a train or jump aside and wave

part of a woman's body as her as it passes. Otherwise, you'll

heart or liver and, similarly, get flattened.'

should not be [bought or sold]




Could Be work by taking a sperm or ovum

Available In sample and culturing its DNA in

order to create a custom-de-Two Months signed injection that 'switches off' the genetic codes for ovula-tion or sperm production. The

Times Wire Service neutralizing compounds

WASHINGTON-The FDA Ovugen and Spermagen switch

announced that it has granted ap-the genetic codes back on.

proval for two different injectable Ironically, both were labeled

contraceptives manufactured by safe and effective by the FDA

Brunner Pharmaceuticals of Pas-six months before the blockers

saic, New Jersey. Ovustat, an were..

ovulation blocker for women and Public demand for the in-Spermastat, a sperm disabler for credibly convenient contracep-men, have been available in Eu-tive has resulted in a flurry of rope, Canada, and portions of one-day 'vacations' to Canada South America for three years. followed by another one-day

Both offer permanent contracep-'business trip' the subsequent tive action until neutralized by a week. One week, of course, is

counteracting injection, after the time it takes to culture the

which fertility is permanently re-genetic sample and create the

stored. designer contraceptive.

The FDA denied that it bowed What next for Brunner Phar-to public pressure in its decision. maceuticals now that the FDA

'The drugs are simply safe and has issued its approval? Dr. Ian

effective. Period,' said FDA Brunner, the company's

spokesperson Janet Allan. 'That founder, says, 'We're close to we were able to make such a swift the testing stage for Virocidan,

decision should be considered a the antivirus virus. When ap-tribute to our recent reorganiza-proved, we plan to market it tion.' separately and in a package

Both Ovustat and Spermastat with Ovustat and Spermastat.'

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