what will be the first high where women vote with

court test of the Rohra-their bodies in support of

bacher-Hayden Act out-transoption.'

lawing transoption. Transoption, already

Wanda Grosscup, the legal in most countries in

first of nearly four thou-the Western Hemisphere,

sand women convicted has found popularity in

for violation of the law, the United States despite

has steadfastly main-its risky and illegal na-tained that she is in fact ture. (See story, Section the co-mother of her son C, P. 37-'Five Hundred

and was granted custody Thousand Plus: Officials

by an arrangement with Sinking in Sea of Tran-the so-called 'first stage' soption Warrants.') co-mother. Grosscup, in appeal-Basing her defense on ing to the Supreme Court, the highly publicized seeks to overturn a Court

Dalton vs. Chandler deci-of Appeals reversal-on

sion rendered nearly a technical grounds-of a

decade ago, Grosscup federal district court ver-has enlisted the aid of dict in favor of her inno-outspoken transoption cence. The verdict in-advocate Adrianne Dyer. cited a blaze of contro-Dyer's Living Alterna-versy six years ago that tive Institute, based in centered on the ability of

Denver, issued a state-a jury to declare certain

ment that 'the U.S. Dis-laws invalid.

trict Attorney's efforts to



Supporters on the open market like so

Hail Verdict much meat.'

Attorney Terence John-Reuters son, who presented the oral

WASHINGTON-In a 6-argument for defendant

3 decision, the Supreme Wanda Grosscup, said

Court today overturned a 'We're thrilled with the out-lower court ruling, in effect come. We always maintained declaring the Rohrabacher-that saving a life was not a

Hayden Act unconstitu-crime, and after eight years

tional. Associate Justice Wil-we are finally vindicated.'

son wrote, in the majority Dr. Evelyn Fletcher, the

opinion, that 'transoption de-surgeon who first developed

serves at least the same status transoption over a decade

that abortion has,' and that ago, was asked to comment

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