As David sat in his cockpit, dressed from head to foot in the stiff

constricting embrace of afull-pressure suit, breathing oxygen from his

closed face mask, although the Mirage still crouched upon the ground,

there were four black, red and white miniature rounders painted on the

fuselage below his cockpit.  The scalps of the enemy.

It was a mark of Desert Flower's trust that Bright Lance flight had been

selected for high altitude Red standby.  With the statter lines plugged

ready to blow compressed air into the compressors and whirl the great

engines into life, and the ground crew lounging beside the motor, the

Mirages were ready to be hurled aloft in a matter of seconds.  Both

David and Joe were suited to survive the almost pressureless altitudes

above sixty thousand feet where an unprotected man's blood would fizzle

like champagne.

David had lost count of the weary uncomfortable days and hours he had

sat cramped in his cockpit on Red Standby with only the regular

fifteen-minute checks to break the monotony.

Checking 1115 hours, fifteen minutes to stand down.  David said into the

microphone, and heard Joe's breathing in his ears before the reply.  Two

standing by.  Beseder.

Immediately after stand-down, when another crew would assume the arduous

waiting of standby, David would change into a track suit and run for

five or six miles to get the stiffness out of his body and to have his

sweat wash away the staleness.  He was looking forward to that,

afterwards he would There was a sharp crackle in his earphones and a new

voice.  Red Standby, Go!  Go!

The command was repeated over loudspeakers in the under-ground bunker,

and the ground crew boiled into action.  With all his pre-flight checks

and routine long ago completed, David merely pushed his throttle to

starting position, and the whine of the statters showed immediate

results.  The engine caught and he ran up his power to one hundred percent.

Ahead of him the blast doors were lifting.

Bright Lance Two, this is leader going to take off power.

Two conforming, said Joe and they went screaming up the ramp and hurled

themselves at the sky.

Hallo, Desert Flower, this is Bright Lance airborne and climbing. Bright

Lance, this is the Brig, David was not surprised to find that he was in

charge of command plot.

Distinctive voices and the use of personal names would prevent any

chance of the enemy confusing the net with false messages.  David, we

have an intruder approach at high level that should enter our air space

in four minutes, if it continues on its present course.  We are tracking

him at seventy-five thousand feet which means it is either an American

U.  2, which is highly unlikely, or that it is a Russian spy plane

coming over to have a look at our latest dispersals.  Beseder, sir,

David acked.

We are going to try for a storm-climb to intercept as soon as the target

becomes hostile in our air space.  'Beseder, sir.

Level at twenty thousand feet, turn to 186 and go to maximum speed for

storm-climb.  At twenty thousand, David went to straight and level

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