'I really hope Jesus didn't add that,' she said dryly.

'What do they represent?' Susan asked, her eyes on the circle of stones.

Black moved closer to her, standing just behind the young woman. She could smell the musk of his cologne and it was rich and heady, arousing some heretofore hidden urge deep within her. Black breathed deeply of her perfume and placed his hands on her shoulders.

'It is said that here is where ancient ceremonies were held,' he told her. He now stood with his groin pushing against her buttocks, knowing she could feel his slight erection. He pushed against her. She made no effort to move away.

'What kind of ceremonies?' she asked, her voice low.

'The people who worship here, Susan, worship a Master who allows them supreme pleasures in life. Their Master knows that mortals are susceptible beings, and to place too many restrictions upon them is not wise. Are you a Christian, Susan?'

'I was baptized as a child, but I don't attend church.'

'Why not?'

'I just got away from it, that's all.'

'The talk at school is you're untouchable. That Susan is super-cool. All ice.'

'You're touching me, so the talk must be wrong.'

'They say you don't smoke grass, don't drink … nothing!'

'Like I said, Black: the talk is wrong.' She pushed her buttocks against his heating, swelling groin.

He moved his hands from her shoulders to her slim waist.

She said, 'Tell me more about this religion, Black. It sounds very intriguing.'

'What would you like to know about it?' His hands were gently caressing her denim-clad hips.

'Oh … like what is your church called? And I assume you belong to it.'

'Yes. Many names. Depending on the locale.'

'Have I ever been to one of your churches?'

'I doubt it.' He buried his face in the lushness of her hair and breathed the scent of her.

'Why all this sudden attention to me, Black? I've seen

you looking at me at dances, but you never asked me out.

'I didn't believe you'd go out with me.'


'Because of the talk.'

'But I'm here, aren't I?'

'And we're alone.'

She turned in his arms and kissed him, running her tongue over his lips, pushing against him, working her hips against his. 'Did you bring blankets so we could fuck, Black?'

He laughed, his lips still on hers. 'I have to admit I did, Susan.'

'All right,' she said softly, then added, 'Lana and the others are so stupid they don't realize what happened, Black. But my father was a doctor—the research kind. I know when I've been drugged. Besides, I'm a light sleeper; not like I slept last night. You didn't have to do that, Black.'

He said nothing.

She pulled away, opening her jacket, then removing it. Black gazed hungrily at the swell of her breasts pushing against her shirt. She lifted the heavy gold medallion. 'Seems to be a great many of these, Black.'

'But I gave only one—to you.'

Her eyes were serious as they gazed into the darkness of his eyes. His were unreadable. 'I studied this medallion quite closely this morning. Under a magnifying glass.'


'It was … unusual. I found myself captivated by the detail.'

'But not offended?'

'Oh no.'

'Some people are offended by the scene.'

And she sealed her fate when she said, 'I found myself wishing I was a participant.'

'Did you now?'


'You could be.'

'Tell me what I would gain.'

Вы читаете The Devil's Heart
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