The young woman's fingers found the rubber of the garishly painted penis. She lifted it. Her hand trembled at its weight and bulk.

Kitty was sixteen.

She was a virgin.

The music from the flute stopped in mid-note.

Outside the drape-darkened windows of the huge house, black clouds rolled overhead, obscuring any light from God's moon. The misshapen forms of nonhuman things began to emerge from the ground, to dance obscenely under the whispering winds and the dark clouds. The grotesque creatures were known as Beasts—the Devil's spawn. They were as old as evil and older than man is known today. The Beasts were mistakes in the scheme of living things. Failures that Satan chose for his own. They are found all over the world; wherever there is a coven that worships the Prince of Darkness, the Lord of Flies or the King of Filth.


The Beasts began growling with pleasure as the screams of the young woman penetrated the wood and glass and cloth and stone of the mansion as the rubber penis denoting the Dark One's organ penetrated her.

Blood began streaking her thighs, and her screams became shrieks of agony as the penis tore its way into her.

Kitty hunched on the floor and wailed. 'It's cold! It's cold!'

Within her wet warmth, the penis came alive as the men and women of the coven chanted to the Prince of Darkness.

The Beasts, now freed after a two year sleep under the blanket of earth, danced and growled and snapped their fanged animal jaws, flinging their hairy arms and prancing about on bent legs and cloven-hooved feet. Slobber drooled and dripped from the jaws in stinking ropes.

'Take this girl!' the coven leader shouted, his voice rising over the chantings of the worshippers of the black marriage. 'She longs to be free from the chains of the Christian God and to drink the wine of the Prince of Darkness.'

The coven members began stamping their bare feet on the floor. The room began to stink of sulphur.

Kitty pushed the devil's organ deeper; steam rose from between her legs as heat met cold. Sweat bathed her and her hair became damp and limp. Her eyes were glazed from pain and the extreme changes in body temperature. She groaned and then screamed out.

The black candles dripped hot wax as Kitty pushed the cold organ to its full length. She collapsed on her bare back, her legs spread obscenely wide, her knees bent, her feet flat on the floor. The wide base of the cold rubber covered her pubic area.

It was time for the marriage. An unholy uniting. A mating and marriage between Kitty and the Devil. A dirty covering of tattered lace was spread over Kitty, covering all but her face. The coven leader knelt down, holding a dirty goblet to the girl's lips. He ordered her to drink. The goblet was emptied of its content: semen collected from the coven hierarchy. Working his hand under the filthy, ragged lace covering, the leader worked the organ in and out, bringing grunts of pain from the girl. He removed the Devil's organ and laid it aside. Kitty moaned as the pain left her.

'Do you renounce your parents, all blood relations, all friends not of this unholy coven, God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Ghost, the Saints, and the Holy Cross?' he asked the young girl.

'Yes,' she gasped.

'You are firm in your conviction that God no longer lives within you and from this moment on He never shall?'


'You will serve me as you will serve the Prince, recognizing that I act in his place within this body of men and women known forever more as the coven?' She nodded her head.

He removed the tattered lace, spread the girl's legs, and mounted her, thrusting into her brutally. She cried out, not in pain, but crying out her love for Satan.

After the leader had finished with her, Kitty was then taken by all the males present.

The leader then squatted down and Kitty pressed her lips to his ass. The marriage was sealed.

'You are now one of us and one with us,' Kitty was told. 'And thus it will always be.' He turned to a group of black-robed women. 'Clean her and bath her in sweet oils. Prepare her for the meeting with the daughter of the Devil.'

Kitty was pulled to her feet. Blood and semen stained her inner thighs. She was taken from the room. She was so sore she could hardly walk.

A man padded to the leader's side. 'The Princess is here.'

Frank Gilbert, leader of the Logandale, New York coven, and professor of history at Nelson College smiled. 'Prepare the coven to meet our Princess, daughter of our Master.'

'At once.'

The Beasts had ceased their prancing and dancing and howling. They turned their hideous faces to the sky. The sky grew darker. The winds picked up, bringing with them a foulness, as if the wind had snaked its way out of the burning bowels of Hell.

It had.


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