‘I don’t believe they ever go near him now,’ said the mother.

‘What did they quarrel about, mother?’ asked Jessie. ‘I believe he used his wife badly, that’s the truth of it.’

‘How do you know what the truth of it is?’ returned her mother, contemptuously. ‘I know very well he did nothing of the kind; whatever his faults are, he’s not that sort of man.’

‘Well, you must confess, mother, he’s downright mean; and you’ve often enough said Mrs. Dagworthy spent more money than pleased him. I know very well I shouldn’t like to be his wife.’

‘You wait till he asks you, Jessie,’ cried Barbara, with sisterly reproof.

‘I don’t suppose he’s very likely to ask any of you,’ said Mrs. Cartwright, with a laugh which was not very hearty. ‘Now, Geraldine, when are you going to have done your breakfast? Here’s ten o’clock, and you seem as if you’d never stop eating. I won’t have this irregularity. Now tomorrow morning I’ll have the table cleared at nine o’clock, and if you’re not down you’ll go without breakfast altogether, mind what I say.’

The threat was such an old one that Geraldine honoured it with not the least attention, but helped herself abundantly to marmalade, which she impasted solidly on buttered toast, and consumed with much relish.

‘Now you’ve got Emily here,’ pursued Mrs. Cartwright, turning her attack upon Jessie, ‘what are you going to do with her? Are you going to have your lessons in this room?’

‘I don’t know. What do you say, Emily?’

Emily was clearly of Opinion that lessons under such conditions were likely to be of small profit.

‘If it were not so far,’ she said, ‘I should propose that you came to me every other day; I should think that will be often enough.’

‘Why, it’s just as far for you to come here,’ exclaimed Mrs. Cartwright. ‘If you’re good enough to teach her— great, lazy thing that she is!—the least she can do is to save you all the trouble she can.’

‘I’ve got an idea,’ observed Jessie. ‘Why shouldn’t we have lessons in the garden?’

‘That’s just as bad. Emily ‘ll have the same distance to walk. Don’t hear of it, Emily; you make her come to Banbrigg!’

‘I don’t in the least mind the walk,’ Emily said. ‘Perhaps we might take it in turns, one lesson in the garden and the next at Banbrigg.’

After ten minutes’ vociferous discussion, during which Emily held her peace, this plan was eventually agreed upon.

Jessie ran upstairs to prepare herself to go forth.

‘Now don’t you let her waste your time, Emily,’ said Mrs. Cartwright, in the girl’s absence. ‘If you see she’s doing no good, just give it up. I don’t half like the thought of making you drudge in this way in your holidays. I’m sure it’s very kind of you to have offered to do it, and it’s certain she’ll mind you more than she would any one else. She doesn’t care a scrap for all I say to her, though she knows well enough it’s as much as her father can do to keep things going at all. There never was such bad times in my recollection! How are things in London? Did you hear much complaint?’

Emily found it hard to resist a smile at the thought of Mr. Athel or any of those belonging to him indulging in complaints of this nature.

‘And what sort of people are they you’ve got with this time?’ the other went on to ask. ‘Do they treat you well?’

‘Very well indeed.’

It would have been difficult for a stranger, comparing Emily, her tone and bearing, with the members of the Cartwright family, to believe that she came of the same class and had lived through her girlhood under precisely similar conditions. So marked a difference could not but impress even the Cartwrights themselves; the girls did not behave with entire freedom in her presence, and influences to which they were anything but readily susceptible were apparent in the tone they adopted in addressing her. In spite of themselves, they bowed to a superiority but vaguely understood. Jessie, perhaps, exhibited less of this instinctive reverence than the others, although, in point of fact, her endowments were decidedly above those of her sisters; the reason being, no doubt, that acknowledged precedence in intellect had fostered in her the worst kind of self-confidence. The girl was intolerably conceited. Emily almost disliked her; she would have found it a more agreeable task to endeavour to teach any one of the more stupid sisters. It was in the certainty of a couple of hours’ moral suffering that she left the house with Jessie.

The garden which was to be the scene of study was ten minutes’ walk away from the house. To reach it, they had to pass along a road which traversed the cattle market, a vast area of pens, filled on one day in each week with multitudes of oxen, sheep, and swine. Beyond the market, and in the shadow of the railway viaduct previously referred to, lay three or four acres of ground divided up by hedges into small gardens, leased by people who had an ambition to grow their own potatoes and cabbages, but had no plot attached to their houses. Jessie opened a rough wooden door, made fast by a padlock, and, closing it again behind them, led the way along a narrow path between high hedges, a second wooden door was reached, which opened into the garden itself. This was laid out with an eye less to beauty than to usefulness. In the centre was a patch of grass, lying between two pear trees; the rest of the ground was planted with the various requisites of the kitchen, and in one corner was a well. In the tool house were kept several Windsor chairs; two of these were now brought forth and placed on the grass between the pear trees. But Jessie was not disposed to apply herself on the instant to the books which she had brought in a satchel; her first occupation was to hunt for the ripest gooseberries and currants, and to try her teeth in several pears which she knocked down with the handle of a rake. When at length she seated herself, her tongue began to have its way.

‘How I do dislike that Mr. Dagworthy!’ she said, with transparent affectation. ‘I wonder what he came for this morning. He said he wanted father’s address, but I know that was only an excuse. He hasn’t been to see us for months. It was like his impudence to ever come at all, after the way he behaved when he married that stuck-up Miss Hanmer.’

‘Will you tell me how many of these French exercises you have written?’ Emily asked as soon as a pause gave her the opportunity.

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