“Like Mr. Selwyn?” cried the Imp; “should think not. The prince was a fine chap, an’ used to kill dragons, you know.”
“Ah! I’m glad of that,” I murmured, passing my fingers across my shaven upper lip; “very glad indeed.” Lisbeth laughed, but I saw her colour deepen and she looked away.
“Oh, it must be lovely to kill a dragon!” sighed the Imp.
Now, as he spoke, chancing to look round, I saw in the distance a man in a boat, who rowed most lustily - and the man wore a Panama.
Hereupon, taking a fresh grip upon my long sculls, I began to row - to row, indeed, as I had not done for many a year, with a long, steady stroke that made the skiff fairly leap. Who does not know that feeling of exhilaration as the blades grip the water and the gentle lapping at the bow swells into a gurgling song?”
The memorable time when I had “stroked” Cambridge to victory was nothing to this. Then it was but empty glory that hung in the balance, while now I settled my feet more firmly, and lengthening my stroke, pulled with a will. Lisbeth sat up, and I saw her fingers tighten upon the rudder-lines.
“You asked me to row, you know,” I said in response to her look.
“Yo ho!” roared Scarlet Sam in the gruffest of nautical tones. “By the deep nine, an’ the wind’s a-lee, so heave, my mariners all - O!”
At first we began to gain considerably upon our pursuer, but presently I saw him turn his head, saw the Panama tossed aside as Mr. Selwyn settled down to real business - and the struggle began.
Very soon, probably owing to the fixedness of my gaze, or my unremitting exertion, or both, Lisbeth seemed to become aware of the situation, and turned to look over her shoulder. I set my teeth as I waited to meet her indignant look, for I had determined to continue the struggle, come what might. But when at last she did confront me her eyes were shining, her cheeks were flushed and there actually was - the dimple.
“Sit sti1l, children,” she said, and that was all; but for one moment her eyes looked into mine.
The old river has witnessed many a hard-fought race in its time, but never was there one more hotly contested than this. Never was the song of the water more pleasant to my ear, never was the spring and bend of the long sculls more grateful, as the banks swept by faster and faster. No pirate straining every inch of canvas to escape well-merited capture, no smuggler fleeing for some sheltered cove, with the revenue cutter close astern, ever experienced a keener excitement than did we.
The Imp was in a perfect ecstasy of delight; even Dorothy forgot her beloved Louise for the time, while Lisbeth leaner toward me, the tiller-lines over her shoulders, her lips parted and a light in her eyes I had never seen there before. And yet Selwyn hung fast in our rear. If he was deficient in a sense of humour, he could certainly row.
“He was an Oxford Blue,” said Lisbeth, speaking almost in a whisper, “and he has an empty boat!”
I longed to kiss the point of her little tan shoe or the hem of her dress for those impulsive words, and tried to tell her so with my eyes - breath was too precious just then. Whether she understood or not I won’t be sure, but I fancy she did from the way her lashes drooped.
“Oh, my eyes!” bellowed Scarlet Sam; “keep her to it, quartermaster, an’ take a turn at the mizzen- shrouds!”
When I again glanced at our pursuer I saw that he was gaining. Yes, there could be no mistake; slowly but surely, try as I would, the distance between us lessened and lessened, until he was so near that I could discern the very parting of his back hair. So, perforce, bowing to the inevitable, I ceased my exertions, contenting myself with a long, easy stroke. Thus by the time he was alongside I had in some measure recovered my breath.
“Miss - Eliz - beth,” he panted, very hot of face and moist of brow, “must beg - the - favour - of few words with you.”
“With pleasure, Mr. Selwyn,” answered Lisbeth, radiant with smiles; “as many as you wish.” Forthwith Mr. Selwyn panted out his indictment against the desperadoes of the Black Death, while the Imp glanced apprehensively from him to Lisbeth and stole his hand furtively into mine.
“I should not have troubled you with this, Miss Elizabeth,” Selwyn ended, “but that I would not have you think me neglectful of an appointment, especially with you.”
“Indeed, Mr. Selwyn, I am very grateful to you for opening my eyes to such a - a - “
“Very deplorable accident,” I put in.
“I - I was perfectly certain,” she continued, without so much as glancing in my direction, “that you would never have kept me waiting without sufficient reason. And now, Mr. Brent, if you will be so obliging as to take us to the bank, Mr. Selwyn shall row us back - if he will.”
“Delighted!” he murmured.
“I ordered tea served in the orchard at five o’clock,” smiled Lizbeth, “and it is only jest four, so - “
“Which bank would you prefer,” I inquired - “The right or the left?”
“The nearest,” said Lisbeth.
“Which should you think was the nearest, Mr. Selwyn?” I queried. Disdaining any reply, Selwyn ran his skiff ashore, and I obediently followed. Without waiting for my assistance, Lisbeth deftly made the exchange from one boat to the other, followed more slowly by Dorothy.
“Come, Reginald, ” she said, as Selwyn made ready to push off; we’re waiting for you!” The Imp squatted closer to me.
“Reginald Augustus!” said Lisbeth. The Imp shuffled uneasily. “Are you coming?” inquired Lisbeth.
“I - I’d rather be a pirate with Uncle Dick, please, Auntie Lisbeth,” he said at last.
“Very well,” nodded Lisbeth with an air of finality; “then of course I must punish you.” But her tone was strangely gentle, and as she turned away I’ll swear I saw the ghost of that dimple - yes, I’ll swear it. So we sat very lonely and dejected, the Imp and I, desperadoes though we were, as we watched Selwyn’s boat grow smaller and smaller until it was lost round a bend in the river.