Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 96, 99


without humans, 100–101

See also


Dalai Lama,270

Dartmoor (U.K.), 166–67

Darwin, Charles, 28, 46, 55, 112, 200

Das lied von der Erde (Mahler), ix

DDT, 74, 129, 159, 196

Dead Sea, 42

Del Tufo, Jerry, 33–36

Demarest, Arthur, 224, 225, 228–29

Derinkuyu (Cappadocia, Turkey), 109, 110–11

Desert Laboratory, 55, 57, 65

desiccation, 238

Detwiler, Kate, 45–46

Dieldrin (pesticide), 74

DMZ (Demilitarized Zone, Korea), 183–85, 185–88

wildlife, 184–85, 186–87, 188–90, 191


extinction of, 191–92


survival of, 37

without humans, 235

Dos Pilas (Mayan site), 226, 227–28

Dow, 135

Doyle, Arthur Conan, 166

Drake, Sir Francis, 112

Drake, Frank, 249, 251, 252, 253–54

radio greeting to space, paranoia and, 253

Ducks Unlimited, 192–93

Dyke, George Vaughn, 153

E.C. (inspector), 138–40


asteroids hitting, 230, 231

final days, 269

final days, religion and, 270, 270–71

Earth Day, 242

Earth First!, 271

earthquakes, 102–5

and construction standards, 103–5

in Mexico City, 103

in Turkey, 105

and subways, 105

Ebola virus, 239–40

Echevers, Modesto, 177–79, 180

eco-burialists, 237


Zen Buddhism and, 189–90

war and, 183

EDCs (endocrine-disrupting chemicals), 124

Ekati diamond mine (Canada), 219–20

Eland, 71–72

electromagnetic radio waves, 252–54

elephants, 79–81

fossils, 53–55

in Kenya, 72

Mastodons, 56

ivory poachers, 81

reintroduction of to North America, 81

woolly mammoths, 63, 83

embalming, 236–37

arsenic and, 236–37

formaldehyde, 237

End of the World, The (Leslie), 241

Erwin, Doug, 229–31, 231–32


Australopithecus africanus and, 48, 69, 101

Clovis people, 61–64, 58–60, 80

Cro-Magnons, 101

of humans, 44, 47–49, 68–69

European bison (Bison bonasus), 13


ecological damage from, 116–17

extinctions, 54–55, 63–67, 231–32

in Africa, 68

climate and, 61–62

disease and, 61, 239–40

domestic animals, survival of, 231–32

of humans.


human extinction

humans and (Blitzkrieg theory), 58–61, 241–43, 271–72

of megafauna, 62–63, 63–64

in North America, 55–58, 62–63, 63–64

Permian Extinction, 229–31

radioactivity and, 217

Farman, Joe, 204

Fermi, Enrico, 201, 209

Ferris, Timothy, 251


artificial, 151–53

chemical, 74

impact of, 160

organic, 153, 157

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