Today’s exercise will provide you with an alternate perception of life. Think of life as a game. Stop taking yourself so seriously and start having a little bit of fun. Think of the way you dive into strategies when you play a game. You get right into the action and react to what is going on around you with energy and vibrancy. You can be fearless and take a few risks, because it’s just a game. But you are never too reckless. You play to win.

Your task today is to play the game of life. Whenever you start to take yourself too seriously, stop and think of what you would do if you were simply playing a game. What is the next move you want to make? What would be the right move? How can you play to win?

Energize your day by turning your thoughts upside down. Try out a risky move that may be just the right strategy to bring you success. If it doesn’t work, no big deal. It’s just a game. Laugh at your failures and learn from them. Then get back on the board and try a new strategy. Life is a game—play to win.




“Man is born to live, not to prepare for life.”

 — Boris Pasternak

You are born to live. That is a fairly obvious statement. However, many of us don’t do what we were born to do. We don’t live. Instead, we spend far too much time preparing for life. What exactly are we getting ready for? If we look around, we will find we’re in the midst of it already.

Imagine you are the winner of a luxurious train trip. You can take anyone you want with you, and the journey promises to be filled with loads of exciting sites, spectacular events, and a few surprises. The train is pulling away from the station, and rather than hopping on, you choose instead to rearrange your suitcase in the terminal. That sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it?

Think about your life right now. Are you rearranging your suitcase, or are you getting on that train? Are you preparing for life, or are you living it?

Your assignment today is to take a page of your notebook and draw a line vertically down the center of the page. On the left side of the line, list at least five ways in which you are preparing for life instead of living it. On the right side of the page list strategies you might use to change what you’re doing. How can you stop preparing and start living? What can you do today, at this very minute, to change your inaction into action?

Life is a journey that is just too wonderful to pass up. Get on the train!




“Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

 — Eleanor Roosevelt

As you navigate your road to success, you will come across roadblocks. We have mentioned them a few times already, and today we will talk about one particularly ominous one—individuals who make you feel inferior.

Do you have a boss, a coworker, a family member, or a friend who makes you feel like you are unworthy of having a successful life? Who is that person? It may be difficult to point them out, especially if they are someone you admire. Nevertheless, it is important to identify them. You must clearly label your roadblocks in order to find a way around them. Who makes you feel inferior?

Your assignment today is in two parts. First, write down who makes you feel inferior. List them by name. Then, write about what that individual does specifically to make you feel substandard. Do they make fun of you? Do they criticize your work? Do they ignore you? What actions do they take to make you feel bad?

The second part of your assignment is to take personal responsibility. You had a chance to complain about what they do to you in part one. Now, you must own up to the fact that you are allowing them to do it. You are giving them consent to make you feel bad. Open up your notebook again, and write about how you can change that. What can you do to take away their power? They cannot make you feel inferior without your consent. You know the truth, and you are in no way inferior to that person. Take responsibility for yourself and take back your power.




“The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.”

 — Ralph Waldo Emerson

On Day 38 you worked on putting your words into action. You found out that it is often better to speak little and do much. Today, we will revisit that concept in a slightly different way. Actions almost always speak louder than words, and in fact, words will have a negative effect on your character if you don’t follow up with appropriate actions.

In the quote above, Ralph Waldo Emerson pokes fun at people who boast about themselves. They usually come

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