For the last couple of days, you have been concentrating on your vision for success. It is so important to have a vision, because without it you are essentially wandering through life without any direction or goal. Today, you have the opportunity to take your vision one step further. Your ultimate goal is to turn your vision into reality, right? How do you do that? Commitment is the answer.
It’s easy to come up with dreams for your life. We all like to dream. But the only way you will see your vision come true is if you back it up with commitment. You must buy in to the idea that you will actually achieve your dreams, or you are just fantasizing.
If you commit to your vision, you admit that you believe in it and you think you are capable of achieving it. You have taken an inner oath to act. When someone invites you to a party, you either commit to go, or you don’t. Once you say yes, you have given a sort of promise that you will take action and attend the event. The same is true with your vision for success. When you reach a level of commitment, you promise to take action. Are you ready to commit to your vision?
You may be thinking, “Of course I am! Why do you think I bought this book?”
Are you really ready to make that commitment? Write about your honest feelings today. If you commit to your dreams, you have to act. Write an oath to yourself about the commitment you are willing to make to honor your vision.
Leonard scurried around the house crossing off items on his to-do list. He was so excited about his future. He was committed to his vision and already taking action to achieve success. Suddenly, he stopped in the middle of his living room. His heart sank. Leonard was hit right between the eyes with the realization that he didn’t have a clear vision.
Leonard didn’t need eyeglasses; he needed inner sharpness. Here he was running all over his house getting little things done, and he wasn’t entirely sure what his overall goal was—except to be a success. That really wasn’t a clear picture.
How do you sharpen your vision? The general notion that you want to be a success is not really detailed enough to give you the momentum you need to achieve it. Where do you go to make your vision clear?
You look inside your heart to find your true vision. One of the best ways to do that is to sit quietly and listen. Your heart whispers clues and suggestions to you all the time, but you have to be still in order to hear it.
In a few days, we will take an in-depth look at how prayer and meditation can help you listen to your heart. Today, your job is to find some time to sit quietly and listen. Find a few minutes in the day to slow down and look inside yourself. That is the first step to your awakening.
Do you like kids? Some people love kids, and others try desperately to avoid them. Whether you like them or not, kids are often our best teachers. They’re not old enough to be jaded, they look at life with fresh eyes, they can be painfully honest, and they don’t take themselves too seriously. Over the next few days, you are going to explore the wisdom of children and maybe even recapture some of that childlike innocence and wonder for yourself.
Did the quote above make you laugh out loud? If it brought even a smile to your face, take a moment to think about why. Meghan gives you some pretty blunt advice here. It’s obvious, and it’s funny, because it holds a truth that might save Meghan (and the rest of us) a lot of pain and suffering if we follow it.
When is it a good idea to keep your mouth shut? Start a list of several appropriate scenarios in your journal. Can you think of a time when you spoke up recently and shouldn’t have? What did you learn from that experience?
It is a very wise person who knows when not to speak. Talk is often overrated, and it can get you into a lot of trouble, too. What would your day be like if you concentrated on listening and tried to avoid talking? Give it a shot, and then write about your experience in your journal at the end of the day. What did you learn when you cultivated the art of keeping your mouth shut?
Kyle just might grow up to be the next Gandhi . . . or Gandalf. He’s quite the wise sage at age ten. Lying does drive your conscience crazy. So why do we do it? Is it human nature? Why do we want to step into the insanity that