is created when we lie?
It might be human nature to lie, but we also have the ability to stop the madness. On a scale of one to ten, how big of a liar are you? Be honest now! Deep down you know the right answer, so it doesn’t do any good to try to fool yourself. Everyone has told a lie at some point. Some do it a lot more than others. Think about the times that you’ve lied. How did the whole event play out? What happened? How did you feel about yourself when you lied? Did you get caught? Does it still nag on your conscience today?
Lying is cowardly, and it’s also a lot easier than the alternative. It is much more difficult to tell the truth and take responsibility for our actions. If you want to become a success, however, you need to clean up your act. You must tilt the scales in the opposite direction and tell the truth much more often than you lie.
If you do lie, and it hurts someone else, you must make amends. Go to that person, tell them the truth, and offer to do whatever it takes to make things right. That’s a scary thought, isn’t it? The only way you can obtain real success is to clean up your own garbage and do the right thing. You have to clear away the trash in your life to make room for the light of success to shine through. Lying is the chief litter bug in your conscience, and the garbage it leaves behind blocks your true potential.
Just be yourself. What wonderful advice!
You have made it to Day 100 on your journey to become a success. What an accomplishment! How do you feel? Are you starting to feel more comfortable in your own skin? When you get into the actions that are suggested in these pages, you come closer and closer to your true self every day. You are unlocking the power that is within you. These exercises guide you toward discovering just who you are and what makes you unique.
If you want to achieve success, all you have to do is just be yourself. You have the goods. You are doing this work to uncover all of the dirt you put around yourself to cover up your true potential. You are digging up that precious diamond that is you and uncovering its brilliance. Just be yourself today. Be comfortable in your skin and thankful for your unique and brilliant gifts.
That is a very good point. If you want to hide broccoli, a glass of milk is not the way to go. So are you wondering why Rosemary’s quote is the centerpiece of Day 1? It’s amusing, but how can you learn about success from that statement?
How do you think Rosemary found out this truth? She probably tried it herself. Then what do you suppose she did? One can bet that she noted this fact and then moved on to more creative ways to hide broccoli. Rosemary learned from her mistakes, shared her experience with others, and built on her failure to find a successful solution.
This may all seem very obvious, childish, and a little trivial to you, but do you follow the same pattern in your adult life? When something doesn’t work out the way you planned, do you note it, share your discovery with others so that they don’t make the same mistake, and then change your tactics?
Many of us don’t. Instead, we complain, blame someone else, or maybe even try to hide the whole glass of milk with the broccoli in it rather than fixing the problem. When we become adults, we have a funny way of complicating simple situations. Today, your task is to simplify your decisions. Get back to the basics. If something doesn’t work, fix it. Don’t worry about what others will think of your failure. Just find a better solution. Act like a child today. Be direct in finding solutions to your problems. Your ego might not want to follow the correct route, but the path is usually clear. The route to success is undeviating. Stop trying to complicate it with detours to save face.
Failure is no big deal. You will do it thousands of times in your life. What you cannot do is give up. Evidently, Kate learned this lesson at the ripe old age of eight. She is a bright girl. Many of us are still working on this one.
One of the most important attitudes for you to change if you truly want to achieve success is the desire to quit when you’re behind. The most successful people in history failed numerous times, but the one thing they did not do is quit. They never gave up. On Day 93 you learned that failure actually teaches success. You must have that ingredient in the mix if you want to achieve your dreams. Failure is not an option; it’s a given.