Think about your body as a tool. It is literally the instrument of your success. Unfortunately, you can’t drop off your body somewhere for repairs on the path to achievement and pick it up when it’s fixed and in better working order. You’re stuck with it, whether it is working well or not. Your journey will be cut short if you don’t take care of yourself and make sure you are in good working condition.
In order to achieve your dreams, you want to have the best equipment you can find. You don’t want rusty tools that have fallen into disrepair. You want clean and vibrant tools so that you have every opportunity to put your best effort forward.
Write about how you take care of your health. Are you too busy to eat right and exercise regularly? Is health the last thing you think of when you are striving to make a difference in this world? Do you view your body as a tool for your success?
Now let’s move on to the exercise side of taking care of your body. Have you ever taken part in rigorous sports training? If you have, you know that it is extremely hard work. If you have not, it sounds exciting and even a little heroic, doesn’t it? Most of us have watched the Olympics and been awestruck at athletes from across the globe competing at the top of their field. We marvel at what they are able to accomplish physically.
You have an opportunity to feel the excitement and gratification of physical accomplishment on your own level. Are you willing to push yourself a little in order to experience the success of a healthy and strong body? Your goal does not have to be participation in the Olympic Games. Concentrate only on making forward progress.
You may be thinking, “I am not good at sports. This is going to be torture.” It doesn’t have to be. It can be a joyful and enlightening experience if you’re open to it. Take a look at the quote above. The most important aspect of sports training is spirit. If you go into this project with excitement, you have already accomplished the most important part.
Imagine how great you will feel if you push yourself just a little bit harder each day. If you don’t presently exercise at all, then start. If you do, then kick up the intensity. You do not have to kill yourself. Your goal is to gradually and continually increase your stamina, speed, strength, and skill. The key to your success is spirit. Launch into this like you’re training for the Olympics, and enjoy witnessing how your body responds to healthy action.
Today you are going to give yourself a break. You have been psyching yourself up to eat healthy and exercise, but let’s take a moment to get real. There are foods that you really enjoy that aren’t the best for you. Do you have to give them up forever in order to be successful?
Absolutely not. You do have the opportunity to tweak your regular routine to get healthier and stronger, but nobody is perfect. Allow yourself an occasional indulgence. Give yourself a day off from exercise. The point here is not to become perfect. No one will achieve that. You want to look at the overall picture.
So you had a hot fudge sundae last night. So what? What did you do the rest of the week? If you had a hot fudge sundae every day, you might want to rethink your choices. If it was a one-time indulgence, good for you! Life is not meant to be complete drudgery. Have a little fun sometimes. Those once-in-awhile treats are a lot more pleasurable if they only happen once in awhile. Enjoy them!
Your assignment today is to either skip exercise or eat something that is not particularly healthy. Don’t feel guilty. Enjoy this little delight. Tomorrow, you will go back to your regular routine and continue to progress gradually in the areas of exercise and nutrition.
Nobody is perfect. Enjoy small indulgences and then get back on track.
You have already explored the fact that you cannot reach success on your own. You need other people in your life. No one is an island, and it is important to be aware of how we are all connected. Over the next few days, you are going to further investigate ways in which you can get along with others. It is important to always be aware of