Rose, as will easily be imagined, was a charming specimen of Parisian beauty. She was dark, with great big eyes, cheeks as red and soft as the skin of a peach, a small rosy mouth and a pretty little nose. Her breasts were firm and well developed and beautifully tipped with pink rosebuds which at this moment were standing as stiff as little pricks. Her waist was small and her thighs and bottom really magnificent-I had chosen her as my special “friend” on account of their splendour- while her feet and hands were worthy of a duchess. I was always delighted to be with her, for her whims and manners were most attractive and she had a peculiarly charming way both of giving and- what to me is equally important-of receiving pleasure.

She opened her thighs; I knelt between them and then stretched myself along her belly, as I did so she placed one arm round my waist and with her other hand began to stroke and pat my bottom, encouraging me to the attack. Very slowly, so that my two little flappers might see every detail of the operation, I thrust my devil into the delightful hell which was so conveniently placed to receive him.

Immediately Rose folded her legs across mine and gripped me more tightly. Her pretty mouth took possession of mine, her hands clasped my bottom and I slipped mine under hers in order to press her more closely to me. Her hips began to undulate, inviting me to a similar movement, and for a moment we rubbed ourselves together as if we had desired to form but one body. As her pleasure rose she plunged her hot little tongue into my mouth and seemed to be trying to suck my very life from me.

'Now, do it!' she said suddenly with intense passion.

I saw that she was ready and I began to fuck her at once. Slowly at first, and by degrees more rapidly, my bottom rose and fell with firm and steady thrusts.

Suddenly Rose arched up her loins and seemed to support herself only on her bottom and head, her nails dug themselves into my stiffly contracted cheeks and with panting sobs and sighs she spent and spent and spent while, at the same moment, I poured into her a perfect torrent of my love-juice.

For a short time we lay motionless, panting in one another's arms, then I raised myself on my knees.

My prick was still in full erection: a great drop of seed issued from its head and fell upon the carpet.

Evelyn and Nora, much moved as their glowing cheeks and sparkling eyes plainly testified, were examining me and my tool in turn.

'Uncle Jack!' murmured Evelyn; 'you haven't hurt yourself?'

'Quite the contrary!' I sighed. 'My pleasure has been intense.'

'More intense than ours was?'

'Much more. You will understand it when you make love in this way.'

'And that won't be rill we are married! Oh, what a pity! Don't you think so Evelyn,' said Nora.

'Yes, that I do! replied Evelyn! Oh, Uncle Jack, is it necessary to carry out the agreement that you made?'

'Yes, dear,' I answered; 'it certainly is today, but I don't see why we should have any such agreement on some future occasion, if you are both agreeable?'

'Oh that would be splendid!' they both exclaimed together.

Was that 'future occasion' ever to he realised? Ah, that would be revealing secrets, which I never do!

'So the young ladies are satisfied with what they have seen?' asked Rose.

“Very satisfied!' I replied laughing.

'But I'm not!' said Rose.


'Why? Because I want to have two more turns and even then I shall be “one down” on the young ladies.'

I laughed heartily at this, not being aware that among her other English accomplishments Rose had picked up the language of golf.

'Very well, Rose,' I said; 'how shall we narrate the second story?'

'How?' said she. 'Shall we do it “dog-fashion” as you call it, or as we say en levrette? How will that suit you?'

'Splendidly, Rose, as it's with you that I'm to do it.'

'Oh!' said she laughing. 'You are becoming as polite as a Frenchman!'

She knelt down on a cushion and then bent forward on to her elbows, and I got into position behind her.

For anyone who, like myself, is an intense admirer of a fine bottom, there is no more delightful position than this. The mere contact of the marble cheeks of the girl you are about to enjoy, as your belly and thighs press against her bottom, is sufficient to make you capable of your best performance.

And in addition, this position permits of your weapon being buried to the very hilt in its warm sheath, which, in itself, is no slight pleasure.

I was just feeling for this sheath when an idea occurred to me and I took Nora's little hand.

'Put it in for me, darling!' I said. “You yourself put my great mouse into Rose's little pussy!'

With a merry laugh, stooping forward, she felt for my prick and took hold of it and as she did so her splendid pigtail dropped off her back and tickled it delightfully.

'And you, Evelyn, give me a nice little whipping: smack my bottom for me gently. And, Nora when you have lodged my prick, tickle my balls for me in that way you do so delightfully. . Oh, you darlings, how sweet you are to me!'

And, indeed, could anything have been more delightful than my situation at that moment.

My hands were fondling and stroking Rose's belly, bottom and thighs and as I could not profit by her lips, for she was resting her face on her hands and her forehead on the cushion, I made up for it by raining hot kisses, now on the soft warm mouth of Nora, now on the glowing lips of Evelyn. .

Meanwhile I was fucking Rose with all the vigour that I could put into it. Soon I felt her bottom quiver and contract, her loins rose and fell in time with my thrusts and she turned her head backwards. Then she began to sigh and pant and utter little, cries of pleasure and exclamations of joy, and in her excitement she dropped into her own language: 'Ah!. . Ah!. . Encore! fort! fort! Ah! que c'est bon!

Ah!.. je!. . Ah! Arrh!. . ' She writhed like a serpent And her tight cunt and powerful bottom and thighs seemed to press and milk my cock like a squeezing hand.

All the time Nora continued to tickle and stroke me and once or twice, as I heaved my bottom up, her fingers closed round my straining prick evidently with the object of testing its condition which, she must have been pleased to find, left nothing to be desired. At the same time Evelyn continued to smack me, paying, as I noticed, equal attention to each cheek of my bottom. It was not long before the crisis was again reached and as before we came at the same moment.

I was so pleased with the success of this second bout that-finding that my powers were by no means exhausted-I at once suggested that we should enter on our third course. 'And how are we to relate our third story, Rose dear?'

'Shall we do a “St George”?' said she, showing all her teeth. 'I am very fond of this position and it will be a bit of a rest to you!'

'Oh!' I answered; 'I'm by no means tired, I can assure you.' I lay down on my back and stretching out my legs, the charming girl knelt astride of my body, then she took hold of my prick and, holding it upright, placed the head just within the lips of her now well-oiled little cunt.

I held out to her my hands which she took and pressed passionately and then, making use of them for a support, she gradually lowered herself till my tool was buried in her up to the very hilt.

There she rested for a few moments and then began to glide slowly up and down; she continued the movement for some time, and for both of us the sensation was delightful.

Quite calmly Rose looked in turn at Evelyn and Nora, who were watching the operation with the utmost interest and excitement.

'Watch well how I'm doing it!' she said. 'It's quite simple as you see. And it's one of the operations most appreciated by men. By nature, I think they are lazy and they like to make us girls take all the trouble to please them. Do this to your husbands when you are married and you will see how pleased they will be. If by any chance they ask you who taught you this game, you had better inform them that they have no right to be so inquisitive; but at the same time you may tell them that it was your teacher of philosophy, a very smart young lady!. . That will certainly please them!'

'Rose,' I murmured, fearing that she was carrying her irony really too far. 'Do be sensible!'

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