the X which at once moved towards her.

Beautiful as Nora is, Evelyn is not one whit less so. She is not quite so well built and is less white but her skin is as fine, and if her limbs are less plump they are more graceful and more full of nerves which makes them equally alluring. To sum up-and now even more than then I am in a position to state this-when I am with Nora I think that no one can equal her in beauty and attraction.

When I am with Evelyn I no longer think of Nora, and I find the dark and dazzling Evelyn the most intoxicating of creatures.

Someday perhaps I will describe their essential differences more accurately but now I will content myself with saying that Evelyn is all energy and activity, while at the same time being just as passionately voluptuous as Nora, and Nora, for her part, would rather be passive and tenderly submissive to refined caresses.

For the moment I was in adoration before Evelyn's sanctuary of love.

A fine thick dark-brown bush, as curly and soft as astrakan, sheltered in its shady folds the fountain at which I was about to quench my greedy thirst.

The whole lovely body of the charming girl was quivering with desire. I kissed her thighs and belly, and then my active tongue sought out and roused from its grotto the little rosy god who issued forth swollen and delicious, and allowed himself to be seized by my eager lips.

My hands fondled and pressed her thighs and marble bottom, while my tongue softly tickled the little sensitive button.

Evelyn raised herself on the arms of the chair into almost an upright position; her powerful thighs gripped my cheeks and held me prisoner in their fond embrace. She threw her head back, her neck was arched, and from her half-opened mouth, a very nest for kisses, issued little exclamations and sobs and sighs of pleasure. Then the sweet child uttered a cry of delight as her fountains were opened and a stream of the dew of love was poured into my eager mouth, for she had locked her thighs round my neck and was pressing her little cunt to my lips in a way which almost smothered me.

The mere memory of this, the first love-grip that she ever gave me, almost drives me mad!

Evelyn had come much more quickly than Nora. This is always the case with dark girls, so Rose assured me, and my experience agrees with hers.

Meanwhile I had been aware that Nora had not been carrying out her part of the programme as Evelyn-who was now lying back in the chair resting comfortably-had done and I asked Rose to give her the necessary instructions. Nora lay down under me and in a moment I felt her hands stroking me and her lips and tongue sucking and tickling in the most delightful manner. It was perfectly plain to me that she was doing her level best to make me spend again, and it was with the utmost difficulty that I restrained myself from pouring a torrent of the seed of life into her hot juicy little mouth. The moment came when I could resist no more and jerking my throbbing tool from between her lips I stood up, panting violently. Nora also got up and looked at me with distressed surprise.

'Was I hurting, Uncle Jack dear?' she asked softly.

Great tears were actually gleaming in her beautiful eyes. I took her naked body in my arms and pressed her madly to me, and as I did so the pressure of my prick against her soft belly made her tremble with passion and again almost caused me to give way.

'Hurt me, darling!' I said in transport. 'How could you hurt me, my sweet, my love? No, far from it. . But let me explain.'

I drew Evelyn to me also and made each of them sit on one of my knees, and the sensation of the soft fat naked bottoms of these two delightful flappers on my thighs was such as I can hardly describe.

'Both of you urge me by your loving caresses to spend just as both of you have just spent, but I don't want to do it again yet.'

'Why?' they both asked together.

'Because, you dears, a man's prick has neither the strength nor the staying power of your little cunnies. When a man spends he shoots out a stream of love-juice, as you know, don't you?'

'Yes, Uncle Jack.'

'Well! Each time he shoots it out it is very exhausting for him, and when he has done it three or four times, and not many men can do this, his prick becomes small, quite small, and it is no easy matter to rouse it!'

'But, Uncle Jack,' said Evelyn laughing, 'you have only. . spent once and here is your. . your prick getting quite-quite small as you say!'

As she said this she took hold of my tool which, really fatigued by its intense nervous strain, had lowered its head and failed to come to life again even at the touch of her dainty hand.

'Oh what a pity!' exclaimed Nora really sadly. What is to be done? I should so like to see you

“come” again.'

I must confess that I was highly amused to see how well the two girls remembered the lesson that Rose had given them and how quickly and naturally they were beginning to use the 'naughty'

words of love, but it is my experience that this is always so directly a girl has been gamahuched by a man and has had his tool in her mouth. Nothing so quickly makes them on perfectly intimate terms, not even the genuine fuck.

'And Rose has had no pleasure at all!' exclaimed Evelyn. 'Oh, no, it's not fair! We really must find some means of making them both happy.

'There is a very simple way,' said Rose. 'Monsieur Quatrefois-as he has only shown his power once-must justify his name and at the same time give you a living representation of what you saw in the cinema-room. He will be Father Rustique and I will undertake the part of Alibech!

'How charming of you, Rose,' I said sincerely. 'But I must confess that it was with the intention of making this suggestion that I have been reserving myself!'

'That's very charming of you, too. The young ladies won't be jealous I hope?'

'My dear girls,' I said, 'you possess a “capital” which a proper young lady ought to keep intact till her marriage. This capital would disappear if I introduced my devil into your little hell, do you understand?'

'Not quite,' said Nora.

'Oh, I do!' said Evelyn blushing divinely. 'If Uncle Jack did as he says, he would make something disappear; I don't quite know what, but it is called our virginity. Isn't that what you mean, Uncle Jack?'

'Yes,' said I, 'that's exactly it This something is a very thin membrane which is called the

“hymen”. When this membrane is pierced, which always happens the first time a prick is inserted into her pussy, the girl is no longer a virgin. When she is married her husband might notice this.'

'Oh, I understand now!' said Nora eagerly. 'But then. . ' She seemed uneasy, blushed crimson and was silent.

'But then what?' asked Evelyn impatiently. . 'Out with it, Nora.'

'But then. . Uncle Jack's tongue. . '

We all three burst out laughing which increased Nora's confusion and Evelyn said, 'I'm not very learned in these matters, but I know all the same that there's a considerable difference between the little end of a tongue and a great big prick! And besides, if there wasn't I should not be a virgin either!. . “

'And no girl of your age would be,' I asserted boldly. 'That little operation which I have just performed on you, darlings, is just what your young friends of the Lesbian Society do to one another!'

'Really,' said Evelyn, evidently a little vexed; 'do they do all that?'

'All that? Certainly not! Only a part, the kisses and the caresses with the finger and tongue, but they have no convenient armchair, and above all no man to play with and be fondled by. I feel certain that probably not one of them has ever seen a stiff-standing prick, and still less handled it and kissed it. So you see you are much more learned than they are, and when the time comes for you to be admitted into this select society you will be able to epater them in many ways without letting them know how you have acquired your wide experience.'

At this they were highly delighted and Evelyn urged, 'Then, Uncle Jack, you must be happy again and make dear Mademoiselle Rose happy too, who has been so kind and useful to us.'

'There's nothing I should like better,' said Rose, laughing, 'but really Monsieur Quatrefois is not in the necessary condition. See how humble his devil is!'

'Oh, the tiresome thing!' said Nora, shaking her finger at it.

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