back. On each side, instead of arms, are supports, also padded, on which the legs of the occupant can be comfortably hung. The height of the seat can be regulated at pleasure; so too, the back can be sloped more or less backwards and when, the legs of the 'subject' are placed on the supports, these can be opened at will thus causing the separation of the thighs.

Facing the chair, and fastened to the front legs by a kind of socket, is a sort of St Andrew's cross, an X, provided in the middle part of the lower arms with padded supports for the knees of the

'operator'. This X can be sloped forwards as is required.

The effect of the arrangement can be at once understood: when the girl is seated, with her legs raised and well separated, the man kneels down on the X which slopes forward and brings his mouth into a most convenient position for dealing with the treasures which are displayed before him. At the same rime a second girl, lying under the chair, with her head between the lower arms of the X, finds herself admirably placed for an attack with lips and hands on the central regions of his body.

On the floor were numerous cushions of all sizes and colours.

Rose moved the levers by which the action of the chair could be regulated and explained to us in detail the utility of the apparatus.

'But,' said Rose in conclusion, 'no explanation is anything like so satisfactory as really experiencing what I have been describing. Which of the young ladies will first take her place on the chair?. . '

'Nora must!' decided Evelyn. 'I was the first to mount the whipping-chair. But I will take her place afterwards for I want to know everything! Oh! Uncle Jack! How exciting it all is and how delightful to know about all these things.'

'You are not shocked, Evelyn?'

'Of course not. . Why should I be? I know that these things are not for little girls, but I am aware also that women know all about them. So nothing shocks me. And besides, it doesn't prevent us from being modest, does it?'

'Certainly not, Evelyn. And when you and Nora are as learned as the most experienced women it doesn't follow that you need give yourselves to the first comer, eh?'

'Oh, no indeed,' said Nora with comic dignity. Tm sure we shall be most particular!. . '

Rose laughed heartily at this, and as I was gently urging Nora towards the chair in my impatience to enjoy her charms, she took me by the arm.

'One moment,' she said. 'If Miss Nora is wise, she will make herself quite comfortable before sitting down on the chair. There is nothing so tiresome as finding one's clothes in the way!'

At these words Nora, who was looking at her earnestly, seemed to lose countenance.

She turned towards me, blushing delightfully, and I could see that a kind of shy fit had come over her.

'Nora, darling!' I said, pressing her softly in my arms. 'What is it! What's the matter?'

'Oh Uncle Jack!' she said. “What does she mean? Does she mean that I am to undress?'

'Yes, of course, darling, that's just what Rose means. And, indeed, it's quite necessary: it's always done, you know. It's one of the things that you have to learn and I was waiting for Rose to teach it to you.'

'Take off my clothes!' she murmured. 'Oh, no, really I couldn't!'

'Why not? After all that. . '

'Uncle Jack,' broke in Evelyn, 'I understand Nora. Really, she can't take off her clothes!'

'How absurd,' said Rose rather vexed. “Why? You both of you had your petticoats up and your drawers down a few minutes ago, and the neighbouring regions fully exposed.'

'Oh, it's not that!' said Evelyn impatiently. 'I mean that Nora can't undress herself. She would never dare to, the little darling. I know her! Somebody will have to do it for her.'

'Shall I?' I suggested. 'Nora dear, shall I act as your “maid”?'

She pressed herself softly against me, covered with confusion and yielding herself to my embrace. She presented that delightful combination of chastity and desire which, after all, is the breath of life!

'One word?' I begged. 'Say yes, little sweetheart.'

'Ye. . es,' she whispered in my ear.

How I should have devoured her rosy lips if we had been alone. But for the moment I had something better to do.

Delighted at having to carry out this charming task, I sat down on a chair and drew Nora between my knees as if she had been a little child. In spite of all she had been through she was still extremely shy and bashful.

She would submit to anything but would not undertake anything on her own. Such was the explanation of the little scene I have just described. Rose understood perfectly this frame of mind and did not ridicule it. . girls always understand one another.

Nora covered her face with her hands and I set to work.

I unfastened her bodice down the back and gently removed it. At once I was aware of the delightful odor di femina which almost intoxicated me. Under the bodice, the pretty little camisole with its dainty ribbons disclosed the upper part of the back, breasts and arms. The fair nests of the armpits appeared to me, and I could feel the snow-white breasts quiver under the edge of the richly laced chemise.

Having unfastened the skirt and slipped it down to her feet, the emotion which I felt was most intense and delicate, and was increased by the fall of the soft petticoat which disclosed the splendid bottom enclosed in the pretty drawers which I have already described.

To be sure I had already seen this beautiful bottom, submitted to a tender whipping, but to uncover it thus by degrees and with my own hands was an additional pleasure.

I unbuttoned the drawers and slipped them down to her feet. . Standing as she was between my legs with her back towards me, the splendid great twin globes almost pressed against my breast.

The subtle perfume, formed of the natural odour and the scents which had been used in her ablutions, met my nostrils and increased my desire. I gently turned her towards me and, resting my hands on her bottom, which enabled me to feel, even through the thin chemise, its softness and its firm elasticity, I pressed the sweet child to me.

'You are not afraid, my lovely one, are you?' I whispered. 'You know how much I already love and respect you?'

Yes. I uttered this word with all sincerity. I respected her as one respects everything that one loves.

What a poor sweet fluttering thing she was in my hands as I heard her murmur: 'Yes. . Uncle Jack!'

I seized the lower part of her corset to undo the fastenings and my fingers felt the soft and exciting warmth of her immaculate belly. I removed the corset after having unfastened the suspenders to which the stockings were attached. In addition to these suspenders she was wearing a lovely pair of dark-blue ribbon garters, trimmed with loops and roses.

I decided to let her keep her stockings and shoes. A flapper, naked but for stockings and shoes, has always been my special delight.

I almost tore off the camisole and chemise, so eager was I to admire the marvels which I knew must be revealed and, indeed, I was not disappointed. Nora, stripped naked, was worthy of the chisel of a sculptor. Just a nice height, beautifully pink and white, just sufficiently plump without being too much so, she was made to perfection.

Her breasts were two sweet little hills of snow tipped by a rosy nipple. Her supple waist grew smaller in harmony with her broad hips and her beautifully sloping loins, while her full and rounded thighs made one long to feel their pressure. One would have loved to die, smothered by their soft but powerful grip.

As I gazed upon this marvel of creation the words of a French poet, Maurice Robinat (alas!

now dead), occurred to me I will not attempt to translate them. If the reader cannot appreciate them the loss is his-

O Seins, poires de chair, dures et savoureuses, Monts blancs ou vont brouter mes caresses fievreues, Cheveux d'or auxquelsje meperds!

Ventre pale ouje un poeme de spasmes,

Cuisses de marbre pur ou mes enthmisiasmes

S'enroulent comme des serpents!. .

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