'Yes, yes! Oh, how funny they feel!'

The little darlings were feeling me so delicately and with such evident interest that it was almost more than I could stand.

'Well, these balls,' continued Rose, 'are called the seminal glands. It is in them that the juice of life is formed. . '

'The juice of life?'

'Yes, or the semen, the liquid which, when poured into the genital organs of a woman, produces the foetus, or the embryo child. This juice, or sperm, is the seed of life.'

'But how is it poured into. . into what you were mentioning?' asked Evelyn.

'I will explain. When it is formed it is accumulated in a little reservoir situated here, between the cheeks of the bottom. Please to open your legs, sir!'

I obeyed at once and the instructing-and tickling! — ringer was placed on my prostate.

'When the devil has been thrust right into hell, it is drawn out and then worked in and out, in and out, as no doubt you noticed in the cinema-room. The object of these movements is to rub the delicate soft surface of the weapon against the folds of the hot sheath in which it is plunged. This is intended to excite it and make it swell and stiffen as much as possible; do you follow?'

'Oh, yes, yes.'

'When it is thoroughly excited there takes place a natural contraction and a spasm which, repeated several times, shoots out the seminal juice through this tube which you see swelling out so on the underside and through this little pink hole at the top. When the juice is poured into the genital parts of the woman a baby is planted. Do you understand?'

'Yes, perfectly,' said Nora. 'But then, if this juice is to be shot out, the. . the weapon must be in its sheath, mademoiselle?'

'Oh! one can make it flow in other ways, fortunately!'

'But then,' said Evelyn in her turn, 'if it is not properly placed, a baby isn't made?'

Rose and I burst out laughing.

'If a baby was made every time a man had this pleasure-for we experience just the same pleasure when we pour out our juice as you did just now at the end of your whipping-the world would soon be over-populated and people, for fear of having more and more children, would indeed be unhappy!'

Then. . then? What can be done to make this juice flow?' asked Nora.

'Oh, that's quite simple,' said Rose. 'Instead of rubbing the weapon in its proper sheath one can rub it in some other way! Like this for instance; look. . '

She took hold of the middle of my tool and slowly at first and then more quickly, began to frig me, half covering and uncovering the red head as she worked the skin up and down.

'Oh, how curious it is to see the head covered and uncovered like that!' said Evelyn.

'This head,' said Rose, 'is called the gland. And this soft supple skin which half covers it is called the foreskin. Now, Miss Evelyn, take hold of it gently and do as you have seen me do. It is called masturbating or, more commonly, frigging, but these are naughty words which must not be used in public, you understand! Like the word “prick”. Oh, there are plenty of them. . plenty!'

'Oh, do tell them to us, mademoiselle!' said the two girls, both together.

'I don't know if I ought to. . “

'Oh, yes, tell them,' I said. 'They want to know all we can teach them, don't you, dearies?'

'Oh, yes, yes!' they exclaimed together.

'Very well, then! That great stiff thing that you have got hold of, Miss Evelyn, is properly called the penis but, more usually, a prick, cock, tool, etc., etc. But these are all nasty words and, for my part, I prefer to call it by affectionate names such as little mouse, doodle, etc., just as I call pussy, fanny, jewel, the famous sheath which we girls have and which is commonly called a cunt.'

'Oh! you are quite right,' said Evelyn excitedly. When I am married later on I shall ask my husband to put his little mouse into my little pussy-and I do hope it really will be a little mouse, not like this great thing which I'm sure would never be able to get into my little pussy.'

Rose and I fairly roared at this, but in a moment Nora broke in shyly, blushing sweetly.

'But mademoiselle, may we not see this juice which you have been telling us about? It would be so interesting to see it flow, and Uncle Jack has seen both of us. . do. . do what you made us do on the whipping- chair!'

'Oh, yes, do let us, mademoiselle!' chimed in Evelyn.

'And what do you say, Monsieur Quatrefois?' asked Rose.

'I am quite willing,' said I. 'And I think their lesson would be incomplete without it.'

'Very well, then, young ladies, you shall now proceed to make your uncle “come” or “spend”; but wait a minute!'

Rose went to a drawer and returned with a towel with which she covered me from my chin to my navel.

'What ever is that for?' asked Evelyn.

'You will see in a minute,' said Rose. 'Now, Miss Evelyn, hold his prick straight up in the air and whatever happens don't let go of it. . yes, that's right. . Now place your other hand under the cheek of his bottom that is nearest you. . And you, Miss Nora, place one of your hands under the other cheek, and with the tips of the fingers of the other hand just tickle up and down the shaft, touching that swelling tube with one of your fingers: do it as gently and as nicely as you can and tell me as soon as you feel his bottom begin to stiffen. Now are you both ready? Then begin. . '

Immediately I had the intense pleasure of feeling Nora's little fingers travelling softly up and down my straining tool and I watched with delight the eager and excited look on the face of each of the two charming girls. The delightful tickling of my prick soon began to take effect, and do what I would in my anxiety to prolong the pleasure as much as possible, the inevitable contractions of my bottom began to take place.

'Oh my cheek is beginning to stiffen!' said Evelyn.

'And so is mine!' said Nora.

'Ah, now he is beginning to feel just as you did at the end of your whipping, broke in Rose.

Now, Miss Nora, you see that drop of juice which is issuing from the top of his instrument.'

'Yes! Is that the. . the seed of life that you were telling us about?'

'No; only its forerunner. Now, miss, take that drop on the tip of your finger. . Yes, that's right.

Now rub your finger up and down just on the underneath part of his prick where the head joins the shaft. Yes, like that. Keep rubbing there and you'll see what happens!'

The action of the slippery tip of the finger on the most sensitive part of my tool was more that I could stand. My whole body stiffened and then, with a jerk, my love juice sluices were at last opened and I shot a stream of semen four or five feet into the air which came pattering down on to the towel just under my chin; another stream followed and another, each falling a little lower than the former till a long line covered the towel from top to bottom.

All the time that I was spending the two girls uttered exclamations of 'Oh! oh! How wonderful!

What a deluge! How delightful!' etc., etc.

'There,' said Rose, 'now you have frigged a man and made him spend and have learned how his pleasure corresponds to ours, for you must have noticed how his body stiffened and jerked and how he panted and sighed just as you did when you were on the whipping-chair. And now, mat will do for the present. If you continued at once you would tire him out. I will now take you to a bedroom where, in view of what is to follow, certain ablutions will again be necessary. Monsieur Quatrefois will stay here and will, no doubt, be able to attend to himself, after that I will show you something else which I hope will interest you.

CHAPTER SEVEN: The Chair of Pleasure

The girls were back in a few minutes looking as bright and fresh as ever, and Rose at once led us into the room in which is the 'chair of pleasure'. This chair is a kind of armchair with a rather narrow seat and a padded

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