Immediately objections were raised to this.

Of course this was just what I wanted and I asked Rose to accede to their wishes. Rose, highly amused, handed the martinet to Evelyn who, on this occasion, did not fail to assert her right of priority! Evelyn looked first at the martinet and then at my behind and it was evident that she was shy about beginning the operation.

Well, Miss Evelyn?. . ' asked Rose smiling, 'what are you waiting for?'

'I. . oh. . Do you think, mademoiselle, that it will hurt Uncle Jack?'

'Just as it hurt you; no more and no less!'

'But. . but where shall I strike?'

'Well! It seems to me that the right place is conveniently displayed! Right across the bottom, to be sure! And another on the lower part, just where it is most sensitive. If you want to produce the greatest feeling of shame and also the highest pitch of sensual excitement it is just across the lower part of the bottom and the upper part of the thighs that you should apply the strokes. But now begin and I will direct you as you proceed.'

And Evelyn began to whip me.

Thanks to the velvet covering of the thongs, the whipping was a mere caress and I had all the impression of being whipped without any of the pain, while I had the special delight of knowing that it was Evelyn- and later on Nora-who was inflicting the pleasant punishment.

When the two little dears had well warmed my bottom. Rose took from them the martinet and handed the birch to Evelyn.

'Now,' said she, 'follow my instructions carefully. Give me your left hand. Do you feel something?'

'Oh, good heavens!' exclaimed Evelyn, drawing back her hand quickly, 'oh, how it frightened me! Whatever is it?. . “

'Look and see!'

Rose made Evelyn and Nora stoop down and showed them, standing up along my belly, long, stiff and in a fine state of erection, my devil, just in the condition of that of Father Rustique at the moment when he plunged it into Alibech's hell.

'Oh!' said Nora, 'it's a real one! a real live one!'

'A real live devil!' repeated Evelyn, much moved. 'It's the first we have ever seen, isn't it, Nora?'

'Yes!' said Nora. 'But I wish I could get a better view of it!. . It doesn't look dangerous! The very first!'

Tm delighted that it should be mine which has that honour,' I murmured; “you can touch it, it's not dangerous, I can assure you!'

'No, indeed,' said Rose: 'it can't bite or scratch, but I think that, before long, the young ladies will find that it can spit pretty freely!'

This sally of wit on the part of Rose made us both laugh, rather to the surprise of the two girls who were unable as yet to appreciate the joke. Both of them wanted to caress it at the same time, just as one caresses a pretty and curious animal. The condition into which all this put me can be easily imagined!

'That's all very well, young ladies,' said Rose. 'But we forget that your uncle has not yet had the end of his whipping. Now, Miss Evelyn, place yourself here, on his left. That's right Now pass your hand under him, and take firm hold of his devil, as you call it. Yes, that's it. . Now that you've got hold of him, birch his bottom again for him nicely, laying the strokes on harder as you go.'

Evelyn obeyed. The sensation of having my prick thus held in her little hand drove me mad, and as the strokes of the birch fell I began to work my bottom backwards and forwards.

The inevitable result would soon have followed if Rose, who had a new idea, had not withdrawn Evelyn's hand.

'Whip him well under the cheeks of his bottom. . Steady. . gently. . not too hard; wait, I will open the arms of the chair wider for you. . There, now whip him well down the crack. '

I began to pant and writhe with pleasure but had not quite reached the spending point.

Then I heard Rose speak again. 'Now, it's your turn to birch him, Miss Nora. Do as Miss Evelyn did. But there are no fixed rules. The operator should perform as she thinks best: she should try to put as much variety and personal charm as possible into the performance.'

'Yes, yes,' I said. 'I will explain all that to them later. Now, Nora darling, whip me well!'

My bottom seemed fairly on fire, so delightfully was my skin burning, and Nora, encouraged by what Rose had just said, tried a method of her own.

She passed her left hand well down under my belly and with the tips of her fingers began to tickle my balls and up and down the shaft of my prick, while at the same time she applied the birch to my bottom in such a way that Rose soon saw that I should not be able to restrain myself much longer if my sweet little tormentor continued her operations. She therefore removed her hand as she had done with Evelyn.

'That will do for the present,' said she, 'otherwise I shall not be able to show you something in a moment which will interest you very much.'

'Oh, what is it?' asked the two girls together.

'You shall see. But first let us unfasten your uncle.'

'Oh! But. .!' exclaimed Evelyn, 'it's not finished. He. . he hasn't. . felt what we felt just now; both of us!'

'Ah!' said Rose laughing, 'that's just what I want to show you. .! There. .! Your bottom is beautifully red, Monsieur Quatrefois. You have had a really good whipping-but, then, you deserved it Confess it and come and receive your pardon with a kiss from your three tormentors!

I made haste to obey, and I enjoyed from the crimson and fresh lips of my two little flappers, as well as from those of my more experienced young friend, three of the most delightful kisses that I have ever had in my life!

CHAPTER SIX: A Lesson in Male Anatomy

Without giving me time to button up my trousers, Rose, followed by Evelyn and Nora who were most curious to see what was going to happen, pushed me towards a door which opened into a sort of small alcove. It formed, so to speak, a kind of dressing-room to the whipping-room. In it the chief piece of furniture was a large bed covered with a dark red velvet coverlet, while on the walls and ceiling were numerous mirrors.

Rose, pointing the bed out to me, said, 'Be so good as to lie down there, on your back.'

I obeyed without asking for any explanation, knowing well that the good and skilful girl had something pleasant in store for us.

As soon us I had assumed the required position she turned my shirt up over my belly and pulled my trousers down to my knees.

'Oh! how big it is!' exclaimed Nora at once.

“Yes, I really believe it is bigger than Father Rustique's,' said Evelyn.

I could feel their warm breath caressing my flesh, so closely were they bending over me.

'Monsieur Quatrefois is very well made!' said Rose, laughing. 'There is nothing exactly remarkable about him, but what you are examining with such interest is one of the finest specimens that I have ever seen!'

Human pride centres in all sorts of things and this compliment was not calculated to diminish mine. As a well-known comedian used to sing in Paris.

. . On a beau faire le malin,

Ca vous fait tout de meme quelque chose!

'Have you seen many?' asked Nora naively.

Rose began to laugh. 'A fair number!' she admitted modestly. Then, becoming suddenly grave and assuming the magisterial air which I have mentioned before, she continued, 'I will now show you in detail, young ladies, what a devil is! Perhaps it will make you wish to put it into hell. At any rate, I hope so. Now, watch-'

She took hold of my tool and held it upright, for in the position in which I was lying it was pointing straight up along my belly.

'What you see here-this bag which Miss Nora was tickling just now so nicely while she was whipping the gentleman-contains the testicles or “balls”. Feel here, gently, quite gently. Do you feel the two balls?'

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