Rose, who no doubt was not quite affected in the same way as myself, had taken from the cupboard two instruments of flagellation. She placed one on a seat near the armchair and held the other in her hand.

The first was the classic instrument, a birch rod, formed of thin elastic twigs about two feet long, bound together for half their length and covered with broad red ribbon.

The other, which she held in her hand, was a martinet or cat-o'-nine-tails, but of a kind that would have been of no terror to a naughty boy. While the wooden handle was bound round with soft leather, the six leather thongs, about a foot long, were covered with crimson velvet.

In this way the severity of the whipping-a severity which is always possible as the result of the excitement of the operator-would be so much diminished that the only effects of a love-whipping would be an extreme irritation of the senses and an intense desire for an effective relief.

I thought that Rose was now ready to put an end to Evelyn's agony of mind by proceeding to whip her at once, but such was not the case. . Turning a little handle at the side of the chair she caused the arms- to which Evelyn's knees were strapped-to open with the result that the lovely girl's thighs were forced wide apart. Nor was this the only result.

At first surprised, and then really frightened, Evelyn uttered such cries of terror that Rose was quite dismayed. 'Oh, do be quiet,' she said impatiently, “you really are too tiresome! Let me tell you, miss, that if it was left to me I should give you something to cry out about!'

'Come, Evelyn, come!' I said in my turn. You know it's not serious. Don't make such a fuss, you are not going to be hurt!'

Nora was sitting by my side, and we were just behind Evelyn. Rose was standing by her left side in such a way that Nora and I could admire in their most intimate details the treasures of our little companion.

What first attracted my attention was the tight little pinky-brown button-hole which Evelyn tried in vain to conceal by closing the cheeks of her bottom. . The attempt met with no success owing to the wide stretch of the thighs. Underneath appeared the first little brown curls, as fine and soft as silk, which grew thicker as they ascended till they formed a thick downy fleece. In this nestled, like two rolled-up petals of a fresh crimson rose seeking to hide itself in the shade, the tightly closed lips of the virgin spring of love.

How compact and fresh it all seemed! And how profoundly moved I was at the sight of such lovely charms so beautifully-and so indecently- displayed. My nerves were on the tingle and my blood seemed to course in hot waves through my veins. . By me sat Nora, her face scarlet! She had taken my hand, the little darling, and was pressing it convulsively.

'Nora!' I murmured, 'my darling! I am just in the condition that Father Rustique was; do you understand me? The devil is aroused!'

She moved uneasily on her chair, blushed still more deeply and stammered: The devil?. . Oh, Uncle Jack!. . '

She lowered her eyes in confusion. I gently guided her hand to the spot where the devil was making his presence felt. At first she seemed to wish to withdraw it, but I held the soft warm little hand there by gentle firmness.

'Do you feel it, dear? Tell me if you feel it?'

'Yes. . Oh, yes, I feel it,' she sighed.

I felt her tremble delightfully but I did not wish to push the experience any further for the moment. And besides, Rose was now beginning to whip Evelyn, whose bottom at once began to dance while she uttered little cries, whether of fear or pleasure it would not have been easy to decide.

Skilfully handled the velvet-covered thongs of the martinet wrapped themselves round the plump and muscular cheeks of Evelyn's bottom.

Pretty red stripes soon began to appear and, presently, the by no means severe and most delicately applied whipping began to produce the desired effect, that is to say an intensely sensual sensation.

Evelyn ceased to utter her little cries. Only, 'Ah! ah! ah!. . ' escaped from her lips as each stroke fell, while her eyes assumed a dreamy look. Finally the intense itching sensation became so unbearable over the whole of her tender bottom that she experienced an uncontrollable desire to be whipped more severely.

She herself assured me of these impressions later on, as did Nora, but I need hardly say that I was well acquainted with them myself. Evelyn, then, having ceased to cry out, now found herself a prey to the very demon of lasciviousness. Her bottom was quivering and dancing in the most indecent manner and she had quite given up all attempts to hide from us the most tender and secret parts of her lovely body. Her breathing became quick and sharp, her burning sensations seemed to increase her beauty and impassioned words escaped from her red and patted lips.

'Ah! Go on! Go on! Harder! oh! It's maddening! Oh! It's delicious! Oh! Go on! Harder Still! Ah!

Ah!. . '

Rose, alert and intensely interested, increased the severity of her strokes, knowing well that the only effect would be to excite, and not to damage, the tender flesh. Suddenly she dropped the martinet and took up the birch, judging no doubt that the glowing bottom was now prepared for the more severe attack of the supple twigs.

And she was right. The elastic birch, curling round the beautiful trembling and quivering globes, came down with a hiss on the hot crimson flesh. Here and there livid weals were raised and dark red stripes appeared, but Evelyn, beside herself with the intensity of the sensations which she was now experiencing for the first time, uttered not the slightest complaint although she was now really undergoing a pretty severe birching.

Virgin though she was, under the effects of the whipping, she had lost all modesty and I am certain that at this moment she would have gladly yielded me her maidenhead.

But I had promised Madame R that the girls should leave her house virgins in body and I was determined to keep my promise.

When Rose saw that her patient had reached the paroxysm of passion, she dropped the birch, took up the martinet and, with gentle and carefully directed strokes, began to whip her between the legs. .

The velvet-covered thongs, following the deep valley, struck, or rather caressed, the soft treasures which I have described.

The effect was really astonishing.

Evelyn stiffened the whole of her body in a supreme spasm. With nervous contractions she agitated her thighs and bottom, while a deep sob of pleasure issued from her lips and was repeated again and again.

Nora, surprised and a little frightened, pressed close up to me. I felt a supple young body against my shoulder, a sensation which was not calculated to diminish the fire which was consuming me. I passed my arm round her waist and gently fondled the magnificent rotundities which I was looking forward to be able to admire in a few moments as conveniently as those of her little friend.

'Are you wondering what Evelyn's sensations are?' I asked in a low voice.

'Yes. . “ she admitted.

'Well, she has been having a perfectly blissful time. Would you have thought that a whipping was able to produce such a wonderful effect?'

'No, indeed, Uncle Jack!'

'You little darling! You shall try it yourself in a moment. It is not only by putting the devil into hell that one can feel this delightful sensation, as I have told you, and now you have the proof of it! Oh no, there are many other ways, I can assure you.'

Evelyn remained for some little time overcome by the swoon into which the supreme excitement of the voluptuous whipping had plunged her. She continued to sigh softly and Nora, reassured by what I had just said with regard to Evelyn's sensations, suddenly began to laugh heartily. This rather surprised me, having regard to her recent emotion, and I asked her, 'What's the matter, Nora: what makes you laugh so?'

'It's Evelyn,' she said, bursting out again. 'The spectacle is so comic! Oh, how funny she is.

Look how she is wriggling her. . her bottom, and how she is showing. . everything-and so comically too!'

'Oh, Miss Nora,' said Rose, assuming the magisterial tone of an irate schoolmistress, you are wrong to laugh at Miss Evelyn. In a few moments you will find yourself precisely in the position that she is now in, And a little later you will behave exactly as you have seen her behave! All those who enter this room go through the same contortions and utter the same sighs! I will now unfasten Miss Evelyn and prepare you; now, come along!'

Nora, confused and crimson with emotion, wriggled on her seat and pressed more closely up to me.

'Oh, no!' she murmured. 'I won't!'

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