then the white light of final weakness, and I sagged. A moan came from below that made us start-Jane to draw back and pull her drawers up quick. Oh, pell-mell were we then and I not suited to the task, but out we must. I thrust my dwindling cock back in and turned and took the camera-Caroline the stand.
“Oh, quickly, quick!” said Adelaide. A breathless surging and we all were out, the night air cool upon our brows.
“Oh my God, they will hear us,” moaned Jane.
“They will hear nothing but their own cries, and those not for a few moments yet. They are not fully conscious. Come!” I said and made them follow me in tattered flight along the gravelled drive until we reached the carriage and they tumbled in, I taking up the reins and we were off, jingle of harness and the graunching of the wheels until we reached Jane's house again. There she got down with Caroline. The scene for the next act was set, but I was not, alas, to witness it, and had my magic chemistry to see to, anyway. I thus report what was told to me, and word for word will set it down.
Upon entering the house, the two found Ethel all alone. Mabel was up in bed, she said, and grinned victoriously as she spoke. Mabel had drunk the wine we had provided, but Ethel had not.
“She is asleep?” asked Jane who showed composure in her own abode.
“Yes, dear, and nicely so. Papa will have a frightful shock to find her in his bed.”
“That is just what we want, but then I will ameliorate the shock. Leave it to me, my pets, as we agreed. He will be home within the hour? Good. Both of you,” then, go to bed on his arrival. Show but a mild concern. I wish it to be no more than that or you may spoil the trick of it. Act as if it were natural, though it will not be for long,” said Caroline, then fell to describing to Ethel what had passed. No sooner, though, had she reached the point where the two photographs were taken than Jane said quickly that she would relate the rest, and fell a-whispering to her sister.
“Come no, it is not a secret 'twixt the three of us. You will both have to learn manual dexterity in future, dears,” Caroline interrupted, causing the sisters to bite their lips and stare at her. “Well-will you not-if all is to be saved?” she asked.
From Jane the faintest nod. Ethel just blinked and gazed into her lap, but Caroline showed patience and said no more upon the subject then and led the way upstairs to look at Mabel whose sleeping state was one of innocence, though utterly unclothed.
“She will learn well from this night,” said Jane with compressed lips as they retreated.
“Into your nightgowns, girls, and I shall do the same,” said Caroline, “Your father may be here at any moment now.”
And in twenty minutes Thomas did arrive, to be greeted to his great astonishment by Caroline who patently wore nothing underneath her night attire which clung bewitchingly around her limbs. I need not detail word for word, though, all their conversation. Mabel had drunk unwisely, Caroline informed him, and she had thought it best to stay and put the girl to bed.
“In my room?” asked a bewildered Thomas, though his eyes were truly filled with the voluptuous vision of my wife's half naked breasts and the outlines of her thighs.
“That was my problem. Where to put her, Thomas? Neither Jane nor Ethel have a double bed, though you may think it wise in future that they should. I have, of course, the spare room-but if you wish me to leave…”
“At this hour? Heavens, no, my dear. I could sleep on the couch, of course.”
“You certainly will not! In your own house? She is so fast asleep, my dear, that she will not awaken till the morn and will not know you have been there. Come, look at her, she looks so sweet.”
“I-ah-well, yes, but I think it best… ”
“Quiet, Thomas! Do not wake her, pray,” said Caroline, and then began to lead him up the stairs, upon which signal Jane and Ethel made appearance on the landing, garbed as lightly as was she.
“She sleeps so deeply that one will never wake her till tomorrow,” Jane said simply.
“Yes, my pet, but…”
“Well-goodnight, Papa.” A kiss on tiptoes and he felt her bosom, thighs and belly warm against his. Then Ethel's came in turn, though not so close, and swiftly then they turned into their rooms, their bottoms globing boldly under their thin coverings, the which he could not fail to see.
'The twin visions ripened up his cock a little-warmth of bodies, and the stillness of the night,” said Caroline. Still demurring as he was, she led him in where Mabel lay, her lips half parted, nipples peeping over the sheet's edge.
“I say!” breathed Thomas, and he all but backed away.
“Like mother, like daughter-how divinely formed she is! Pray that you have a pleasant night,” said Caroline and drifted back towards the door, holding the handle as she did.
“But, look here, I cannot…!” he began, though not unnaturally was loathe to take his eyes off of the vision that his bed contained.
Caroline put her finger to her lips. “Rise, early, Tom before she is awake. Be gone, and she will never know that you were here. Besides, such close acquaintance will become you both if you are to marry Esmeralda, will it not? You may be sure that, even if she knew, she would say nothing of the matter. I would see to that-and so would Jane and Ethel. They have your very closest interests at heart, my dear. Were there to be a complaint from Mabel-which of course there will not be-then we would all aver that she slept in my bed.”
“B… but, look Caroline… if she awakes and finds me in her bed-or rather, mine…”
“Is there a female in this house, my dear, who in dark would turn away from you? Not I nor anyone I know. The treasures that surround you are abundant, Thomas. Do not let them go to waste. Goodnight!”
What lustrous thoughts engaged me when I heard all this! My ideas ran riot, I confess.
“Did you surprise him in the act?” I asked.
“With Jane and Ethel? Goodness-no! Did you expect an orgy with such well-brought-up young ladies? Shame on you! We-er-we did listen, I confess. At first the silence was prolonged. We crept along the corridor with no harm of being heard. There came a gasp within-murmurs were heard. The girls held hands and started as the floor creaked, but I motioned them to be still. Then whispered flutterings were heard.
“What… doing here…? Sleepy… Cuddle me. I don't mind if you do. No, no of course I wouldn't tell Mama. Oooh, that feels nice. How big it is! Mmm, yes, I thought it would be big. I feel so warm so nice and warm. Do you? Wh… what?”
A sound of kissing then.-“Oooh-hoo, it's naughty! Yes, all right.” All this from Mabel. The voice of Thomas was more slurred. “Turn over-turn your back to me,” he said.
“What doing… what? It won't go in that way-it won't!”
“Just press… press bottom back. How swollen are your titties, dear.”
“Mmmm… hmmm! You can't! It won't go in!”
“Patience, my pet, and let your bottomhole relax. There, there… you see? A little more…”
“B… b… b… but… It's g… g…going in! Oh! Feels so funny! Oh! Not quite so much!”
“Have patience and you'll soon absorb it all. Don't wriggle quite so much. There… half of it is up you now; my pet. What thighs and tits you have-what lustrous bottom cheeks! Yes, wriggle now-you may a little now. 'Twill help it ease up your bottom more…!!!.
“N… naughty man! I didn't mean to let you do it yet… Mama said…!”
“What did she say? What said? Give me your tongue, you little witch. Press back now more. I'm almost… right… up in your bottom now.”
“There… there…” Tongue-lickings. Kisses sweet. Caroline, who stood behind the girls essayed to touch Jane's derriere and felt it stir. Her other hand encompassed Ethel's underneath the pert, tight cheeks.
“What's doing-what?” asked Ethel blurrily, and never having heard of cock to bottom put.
“I know,” Jane said unsteadily. She turned her neck. Her lips met Caroline's, long-lingered as her polished bottom moved on my wife's palm. Then Ethel, copying, allowed toll to be taken of her own mouth, too. And so they stood, a triumvirate of warm desire, and listened to the moans and gasps within-lewd words that sounded in the