Al Arabiya television

Al Ashur al-Hurm period

Al Azhar University

Al Basa’ir newspaper

Al Furat television

Al Hawza newspaper

Al Hayat newspaper

Al Iraqiya television

Al I’tisam newspaper

Al Jazeera television

Al Manar television

Al Mustafa Mosque

Al Mutaibeen alliance

Al Qaeda

accusation of Syria helping

and Afghanistan

and Fatah al-Islam

groups/people inspired by

and Lebanon

major reason for the growth of

new U.S. strategy for targeting

sources of funding

worldview of

Zarqawi’s rejection of

See also Tawhid and Jihad group

Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI)

in Amriya

and the Awakening groups

and the banks of the Tigris River

believed to be lying dormant

creation of

and implementation of COIN

initial Sunni support for

jihad conditions breached by

and Lebanon

local resistance against

and the Mahdi Army

remnants of, targeting

Sunni opponents of

and the surge

and tribal leaders

Al Qaeda paradigm

Al Qaqa Battalions

Al Rai newspaper

Al Rusufa prison

Al Sabah newspaper

Al Sahwa (the Awakening)

See also Awakening program/groups; Sons of Iraq (SOI)

Al Sajjad Mosque

Al Tanf refugee camp

Al Wathba (The Leap) movement

Al Zawra TV



Ali (cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad)

Ali, Jamal Jaafir Mohammed (Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes)

Allawi, Ayad

Allush, Mustafa

al-Alousi, Mithal

Amal Movement

Amawi, Mohammad Zaki

America/Americans. See United States

American Enterprise Institute

American proxies

Amir, General Abdul

al-Amiri, Hadi

al-Amli, Abu Khalid



Amriya Freedom Fighters (AFF). See Fursan (Amriya Freedom Fighters/Thurwar)

Anbar Awakening

Anbar province

See also Falluja

Annadawi, Muhamad Fawad Latufi

Ansar al-Islam group

Ansar al-Sunna group

Ansar al-Tawhid wa al-Sunna group

al-Ansari, Sheikh Haitham

Anti-Saddam militias, Iranian-sponsored

See also Shiite militias

Aoun, Michel

Arab Current

Arab League

Arab University of Beirut

Arabiya television

Arabsat network

Arafat, Yasser

al-Araji, Baha

al-Araji, Hazim

Arbaeen ceremonies

al-Aridi, Ghazi

Armed Forces Journal

Army of Muhammad

Army of the Mujahideen

Ash Sharq radio

Ashura holiday

Asia Foundation

al-Askari, Sami

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