Askari Shrine

See also Samarra shrine attack

al-Assad, Bashar

al-Assad, Hafiz

Association of Free Prisoners

Association of Muslim Scholars

Assumptions, underlying, about Iraq and Afghanistan

al-Aswad, Muhamad

Atiyyah, Ghassan


Awakening Council

Awakening phenomenon

Awakening program/groups See also Iraqi Security Volunteers (ISVs); Sons of Iraq (SOI)

al-Awamli family

al-Awar, Hossam

Ayn al-Hilweh refugee camp

Azzam, Abdallah

Azzam, Hudheifa


Baath Party/Baathists See also Hussein, Saddam

Bab al-Tabbaneh area

Badr Brigade

Badr Organization (formerly the Badr Brigade)


American devolving their authority in

battle for

as a city of decay

concentration of attacks against the coalition in

continued escalation of violence in

economic center of

improved security in, reason for

main no-go zone of

major coordinated terrorist attacks in

media coverage of inside and outside of, issue with

number of refugees from

sectarian cleansing in

and the shifts in sectarianism

six years after the fall of, changes that were apparent

surge efforts in and around, aspects of the

See also specific districts, neighborhoods, and sites

Baghdad Brigade

Baghdad International Airport

Baghdad Operation Center (BOC)

Baghdad Security Plan

Baghdad TV station

al-Baghdadi, Abu Omar

al-Baghdadi, Ayatollah Ali

Baghdadiya television


Bakri, Nada


al-Banna, Hassan


Barack, Obama

Baradar, Mullah

Baram, Amatzia

al-Barrak, Abdul Rahman bin Nasser

Barudi, Sheikh Bilal

Barzani, Massoud

Basair (The Mind’s Eye) newspaper


Batal al-Tahrir (Heroes of Liberation) section

al-Bawi, Ghassan Adnan

Bayat al-Imam (Oath of Loyalty to the Leader)

Bazzaz, Hassan

Bedawi refugee camp

Beirut See also specific districts and neighborhoods

Beirut International Airport

al-Beit, Ahl

Beri, Nabih

al-Berjawi, Shaqer

“Best Practices in Counterinsurgency” (Sepp)

Biden, Joe

bin Aqil, Muslim

bin Jabrin, Sheikh Abdallah

bin Laden, Osama See also Al Qaeda

bin Sultan, Bandar

Bishara, Azmi

Black September (Palestinian uprising)

Blair, Tony

Bodine, Barbara

al-Bolani, Jawad

Bonn conference


Bremer, Paul


and Afghanistan

and Basra

British colonizers

British Mandate authority

Brookings Institution

Brown, Gordon

Buratha Mosque

Burj al-Barajneh refugee camps

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