Nasr, Sayyid

Nasrallah, Sayyid Hassan See also Hizballah

Nasser, Gamal Abdel

National Accord Front

National Assembly

National Defense University

National Police Training Team (NPTT)

National Solidarity Program

NATO forces

Nazi Party

Neighborhood Advisory Councils (NACs)


New TV channel

New York Times



Nicholson, Lawrence

Nilesat network

9/11 attacks. See September 11 attacks

1920 Revolution Battalions


Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), situation of, in Afghanistan See also specific organizations

North African community

Northern Alliance

Northern Ireland

al-Nujaifi, Atheel

Nur Muhammad (Light of Muhammad) group

Nuri, Riyadh


Obaid, Nawaf

Obama administration

Obama, Barack

al-Obeidi, Abdel Qader

al-Obeidi, Sheikh Khalid

Odierno, Raymond

Office of Mujahideen Services

Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance (ORHA)

Office of the Coalition Provisional Authority (OCPA)

Oil reserves, in Iraq

Oil revenue, sanctions imposed on

Oil-for-food program

Ollivant, Douglas

Omar Mosque

Omar, Mullah

“Omar” name, targeting Sunnis based on

al-Omar, Sheikh Nasser bin Suleiman

Operation Arrowhead Strike 9

Operation Close Encounters

Operation Fard al-Qanun (Rule of Law)

Operation Iraqi Freedom deployment

Operation Mountain Fury

Operation Sawlat al-Fursan. See Charge of the Knights campaign

Operation Seventh Veil

Operation Together Forward I

Operation Together Forward II

Operation Valhalla

Organization of the Islamic Conference

Organized Movement of Islamic Call and Jihad

Orphans, number of

Osama bin Laden. See bin Laden, Osama

Oslo accords

O’Sullivan, Meghan


“Our COIN Doctrine Removes the Enemy from the Essence of War” (Gentile)



and Afghanistan

double game played by

new U.S. strategy for

religious schools in


Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)

Palestinian refugee crisis See also specific refugee camps

Palestinians and Palestinian refugees

fleeing Nahr al-Barid refugee camp

granting citizenship to, issue of

as jihadists


numbers of, in Iraq

opposition to early coalition of in Lebanon

relocation of

shift in treatment of, in Iraq

status of

staying out of internal Lebanese conflict

as the Sunni army

in Syria

uprising of, in Jordan

See also specific leaders/people and organizations

Parwan province

Pashtun ethnic group, size of

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