Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

Islamic Group of Egypt

Islamic Party of Afghanistan. See Hizb-e-Islami faction

Islamic Party of Iraq

Islamic State of Iraq

Islamists, power used against, effect of


Al Qaeda and

defiance of UN rulings

difficulty of going to fight

future security of

and the July War

and the Lebanese army

seen as the common enemy

Israeli peace process

Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Jaafar Al Tayar shrine

al-Jaafari, Ibrahim

Jabril, Ahmed

al-Jadri, Bassima

Jaish al-Mahdi (JAM)



meaning of


See also Mahdi Army


Jalil, Sayyid

Jalul, Nabil

JAM. See Jaish al-Mahdi (JAM)

Jamaa Islamiya movement


Jamiyat al-Turath al-Islami (The Society of Islamic Heritage)

Jan, Abdul Rahman

Jarrah, Ziad

Jassim, Abdul Qader Muhammad

al-Jayusi, Azmi

Jeish al-Fatihin group

Jeish Muhammad group

Jeish Nasr Salahedin (The Army of Salahedin’s Victory)

Jewish militias

Jews See also Israel

Jihad and Reform Front

Jihad fighters/jihadis

being among, aspects of

following Zarqawi

Iraq considered a loss for

of Muqtada

Sunnis as

See also specific jihadist leaders/people and organizations

Jihad, four conditions of, breached by AQI

Jihadism, globalized

Jisr, Samir

Johnson, Lyndon

Johnston, Rob

Joint security stations (JSS)

Jolles, Lorens


attitude towards Palestinians

civil war in

closed borders of

and the Geneva Convention

and the impact of jihadis

Iraqi refugees in

July 7 attack in

monarchy of, Zarqawi’s hatred of

as part of Iraq

poll on attitudes in

population of

possible intervention by

Saudi Arabia aligning with

and sectarianism

Sunnis being trained in

and a U.S.-backed military alliance

Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate

Jordanian Ministry of Education

Journalism/journalists. See Media

al-Jubauri, Mishan

al-Juburi, Fatthi Yusuf Saleh

al-Juburi, Omar

July War

Juma, Saad

Jumblatt, Walid

Jumhuriya newspaper

Jund Allah militia

Jund al-Sahaba group

Jund al-Sham (Soldiers of Sham/Levant)

Jund al-Sitt (The Army of the Lady)

Juzu, Sheikh Muhamad Ali


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