previous support for the

viewed as the most competent of the security forces

views of the

See also Iraqi Security Forces (ISF)

Iraqi Civil Defense Corp.

Iraqi civil war

burn out of the

civilian casualties during the surge vs.

and the cleansing of Amriya

context behind the

continuing civilian deaths due to, and the surge

elections that signaled the end of

end of the, and the changes that were apparent, aspects of

escalation of the

fiercest battles of the, sites of the

first outbreaks of

and how it made the U.S. occupation good

Lebanese blaming Americans for

and the Mahdi Army cease-fire

and Muqtada’s influence

names for the

power during the

restart of the, speculation over

and the rise of the mosques

road to the, aspects of

and the Sadr Current

signal indicating ending of

Sunni and Shiites reflecting back on

Sunnis accepting their loss in the

U.S. acknowledging the

vital battleground during the

warning about regional destabilization from

winner of the

See also Sectarian cleansing; Shiite militias; Sunni militias

Iraqi Constitution

Iraqi death toll

Iraqi Governing Council (IGC)

Iraqi government integration, failure to achieve See also specific governmental agencies, institutions, and people

Iraqi Homeland Party

Iraqi Islamic Party. See Islamic Party of Iraq

Iraqi military. See Iraqi army

Iraqi Ministry of Defense

Iraqi Ministry of Education

Iraqi Ministry of Health

Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education

Iraqi Ministry of Information

Iraqi Ministry of Interior

Iraqi Ministry of Justice

Iraqi Ministry of Migration

Iraqi Ministry of Oil

Iraqi Ministry of Transportation

Iraqi National Alliance

Iraqi National Congress (INC)

Iraqi National Guard (ING)

Iraqi nationalism

Iraqi National Police (INP) See also Iraqi Security Forces (ISF)

Iraqi Office of the Prime Minister

Iraqi Parliment

Iraqi police. See Iraqi National Police (INP)

Iraqi Rabita website

Iraqi refugees

composition of

crisis of displaced

and Fatah al-Islam

following the 2005 elections and violence

in Jordan

number of

in Saudi Arabia

in Syria

See also Exiles; Internal displacement

Iraqi resistance. See specific organizations and groups

Iraqi Security Forces (ISF)

and the Awakening groups

composition of the

confidence expressed in the

linked to Shiite militias

and the Mahdi Army

monopolized power of the

obstacles to ISV/Awakening integration into

power of, not understanding

professionalism and nonsectarianism exhibited by some members of

rebuilding of the

responsibility for training

sectarianism of the

smuggled weapons originally from


transitioning authority to

Zarqawi pushing the, effect of

See also Iraqi army; Iraqi National Police (INP)

Iraqi Security Volunteers (ISVs)

See also Awakening program/groups

Iraqi Special Operations Forces

Iraqiya Party

Iraq-U.S. relationship, previous


Islam Memo website

Islam, radical, spread of

Islamic Army of Iraq

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